1900s and Beyond
Highlights and Legislation in the Mental Health Movement, chose one highlight or piece of legislation dated 1900 or after and research this important piece of history. For example, if you choose 1935, you would research and provide your findings on either Aid to Families with Dependent Children or the Social Security Act. Make sure to include your beliefs of why this event or legislation was important and how it helped form today’s human service system. This research paper should be 2-3, double-spaced pages in length and written in APA format (including the reference). Use headings to organize your paper. These headings will differ based on your topic, but could include History, Implementation, and Today. This assignment will be graded based on: Quality of content including the ability to summarize the important highlight or piece of legislation, ability to state your view of why this is important, and your ability to clearly identify how it has influenced the human service delivery system today (15 points). Quality of writing and mechanic such as thesis statement, organization, grammar, and spelling (5 points). APA formatting that includes the cover page, margins, font, page numbers, in-text citation, and references (5 points).
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