Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education

Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone change proposal project, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections: Title page Introduction section A comparison of research questions A comparison of sample populations A comparison of the limitations of the study A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education **ATTACHED I HAVE SO FAR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR THE CAPSTONE PROJECT TO USE FOR THE LITERATURE REVIEW.*** capstone_project_topic_selection_and_approval.docx literature_evaluation_table.docx picot_statement_paper_3.docx Running head: DIABETES 1 Diabetes Diabetes DIABETES 2 The paper will investigate the rising problem of neuropathy in diabetic patients; it will mainly be based on literature review availed in peer-reviewed journals. The main agenda is to look into how to come up with a solution that would reduce the occurrence of neuropathy among diabetic patients since the above has proved to be a stubborn problem in the medical fraternity. Unlike other conditions that may not be easily controlled, research by scholars shows that the condition and its dire complications can be reduced. Literature review Pai, Lin, Lin, Lee, & Chang, (2019) set out to investigate the major causes of DPN or diabetic peripheral neuropathy in patients who suffer diabetes type 2 or T2D. Their research also put traditional factors such as hypoglycemia into consideration. The study was in Taiwan and the study sample was 2837 T2D patients. The same revealed that 21% of the sample had DPN. Further tests showed that the presence of alubimia and glycemic variations caused higher chances of DPN. Pai, Lin, Lin, Lee, & Chang, (2019) concluded that Alubimia is a predictor of DPN and also referred to other studies that showed that adults with T2D. At the same time, Rubin (2019) also says that the use of fluoroquinolones among diabetic patients causes neuropathy. Most times the use of the drugs needs to be stopped so that patients can be safe from the attack by the malady. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education The prescription of the drug also needs to be stopped since the drug is prescribed in most of the conditions around the world. The same is reported by FDA (2013) which says all fluoroquinolones must be labeled so that patients are aware that they cause diabetic conditions. At the same time, Ponte, Fernandes, Liberato, Montenegro, Batista, Gurgel, … Montenegro Júnior (2019) also says that cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is very common among diabetic patients. The study reveals that Neuropathy needs to be eliminated among diabetic patients if the patents must survive longer since the condition is the leading DIABETES 3 cause of death among these patients. Similarly, the study reveals that fluoroquinolones also heightens the prevalence of the condition. Sun, Tang, Zhao, Xu, Xiao & Li (2019) also addresses the same topic saying that DPN or the diabetic neuropathic pain is associated with diabetes, albeit they posit that the disease path mechanism is unknown. The study finally concluded that when blood monocyte-derived macrophages are infiltrated in the spinal cord just as Gylfadottir, Weeracharoenkul, Andersen, Niruthisard, Suwanwalaikorn, & Jensen, 2019). Solution Aronovich, Sylantiev, Gofrit, Chapman, & Dori, (2019) also report that diabetic neuropathy is a common occurrence that disables patients even when glycemic control is done. Similarly, Shavit-Stein et al, (2019) study the role that thrombin plays in the condition. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education The results of the study showed that inhibiting the thrombin pathway is the best neuron-protective therapy in the pathology of diabetic neuropathy. In conclusion, medical practitioners and researchers must come together and decide the causes of neuropathy in diabetic patients (Cie?li?ska-?wider, & B?aszczyk, 2019). Similarly, they must test the recommended solutions to ensure that these can ensure that patients are safe. References DIABETES 4 Cie?li?ska-?wider, J. M., & B?aszczyk, J. W. (2019). Posturographic characteristics of the standing posture and the effects of the treatment of obesity on obese young women. PLoS ONE, 14(9), 1–14. FDA (2013).FDA warns of risk of peripheral neuropathy with fluoroquinolones. (2013). Reactions Weekly, (1466), 2. Gylfadottir, S. S., Weeracharoenkul, D., Andersen, S. T., Niruthisard, S., Suwanwalaikorn, S., & Jensen, T. S. (2019). Painful and non?painful diabetic polyneuropathy: Clinical characteristics and diagnostic issues. Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 10(5), 1148–1157. Pai, Y.-W., Lin, C.-H., Lin, S.-Y., Lee, I.-T., & Chang, M.-H. (2019). Reconfirmation of newly discovered risk factors of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes: A case-control study. PLoS ONE, 14(7), 1–10. Ponte, C. M. M., Fernandes, V. O., Liberato, C. B. R., Montenegro, A. P. D. R., Batista, L. A., Gurgel, M. H. C., … Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education Montenegro Júnior, R. M. (2019). Association between cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and left ventricular hypertrophy in young patients with congenital generalized lipodystrophy. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 11(1), N.PAG. Rubin, M (2019). Risk of Neuropathy with Fluoroquinolones. Reactions Weekly, (1466), 2. DIABETES 5 Shavit-Stein, E., Aronovich, R., Sylantiev, C., Gofrit, S. G., Chapman, J., & Dori, A. (2019). The role of thrombin in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. PLoS ONE, 14(7), 1–13. Sun, J.-J., Tang, L., Zhao, X.-P., Xu, J.-M., Xiao, Y., & Li, H. (2019). Infiltration of Blood-Derived Macrophages Contributes to the Development of Diabetic Neuropathy. Journal of Immunology Research, 1–8. Literature Evaluation Table Student Name: Priscilla Obrer Change Topic (2-3 sentences): Criteria Article 1 Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article Zheng, F., Liu, S., Liu, Y., & Deng, L. Journal of Diabetes Research https://www.hindawi .com/journals/jdr/2019/10731 31/ Article 2 Article 3 Baraz, S, Zarea Moghadam, S.T., Najafi, S. K., & ShahbaS., Yektatalab, S. zian, H. B. Article 4 Taha, N. M., Zaton., Elaziz, N. A. Journal of DiaJournal of NursInternational betes Metaboing Education Journal of Comlism Syndrome. and Practice munity Based https://www.ncbi https://www.reNursing wifery. med/28803720 ublicahttps://www.ncbi. tion/301673329_ Imartipact_of_a_healt cles/PMC5747571 h_educa/ tional_guidelines_on_the_kn owledge_selfmanagement_practice_and_self-efficacy_of_patients_with_type -2_diabetes/link/582b637 a08ae138f1bf4a 8af/download © 2015. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Article Title and Year Effects of an OutpaPublished tient Diabetes SelfManagement Education on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in China: A Randomized Controlled Trial 2019 The Effect of SelfCare Education on Emotional Intelligence and HbA1c level in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial 2018 Impact of the self-care education program on quality of life in patients with type II diabetes. 2017 Impact of a health educational guidelines on the knowledge, selfmanagement practice and self-efficacy in patients with type-2 diabetes 2016 What is the impact of self-care education on the quality of life on patients with type 2 diabetes? The aim is to evaluate the effect of self-care education given to type 2 diabetes patients How do healthcare education guidelines for diabetes affect patients’ knowledge, selfefficacy and self-management? The aim is to evaluate the impact of healthcare education guidelines for diabetes type on patient’s knowledge, selfefficacy and self-management. Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study Does a 2-session program on self-management improve the conditions of patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2? The aim is to assess the effectiveness of self-care education on outpatient clients with diabetes. Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) The study assumed an experimental in which quantitative measurements were made. An experimental Pretest/posttest in which quantita- study design tive measurements were made. Quasi-experimental design that is uncontrolled. Setting/Sample A random sample of 60 patients diagnosed with diabetes Miletus type 2. A sample of 48 A non-randompatients diagnosed ized sample of with type 2 diabe- 30 patients tes. A sample of 50 patients studies in an outpatient clinic What is the effect of self-care education on emotional intelligence and hemoglobin glycosylated (HbA1c) in patients with diabetes type 2? The aim is to understand the effects of self-care education on emotional intelligence and HbA1c in diabetes type 2 patients. © 2017. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Methods: Intervention/Instruments Measurements of Bar-On questionfasting blood glucose, naire and blood postprandial 2 h testing at the onset blood glucose, and of the experiments and after 2 weeks HbA1c were taken. Questionnaires Interview quesmethods used to tionnaires were collect data administered about the quality of life before and after the self-care education. Analysis The means score of the measurements were compared between the intervention and the control group. Comparison of blood sugar levels and emotional intelligence levels for both the control and intervention group. Content analysis Multivariate of the question- analysis of naires knowledge and efficacy Key Findings The self-care program leads to decrease in level of psychological distress and increased levels of self-management. Self-care education improved the levels of HbA1c and emotional intelligence for the intervention group. Significance inHealthcare educrease in social cation guidelines functioning, on diabetes type physical func2 improved selftioning and body efficacy, pain. knowledge and self-management among patients. Recommendations Self-care education should address the negative emptions of patients towards selfmanagement to increase patient participation in self-care education. Nurses should adopt self-care education as means of glycemic control. The study recApplication of ommends selfeducation guidecare education as lines appropriate a basis for diabe- for patients with tes management. minimal education in all clinical settings providing diabetes care services. © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone Project Criteria The article reinforces the need to adopt a self-care education program as a means of addressing diabetes type 2. The article has recommended an area of improvement in self-care education programs necessary to improve patients’ outcome. The study introduces the concepts of emotional intelligence and glycemic control thus providing the direction in which the present project can focus to promote the effectiveness of self-care education. The article supports the capstone project by motivating the search for ways in which selfcare education can be incorporated into diabetes management interventions. The article supports the capstone project by stressing the need to develop self-care education guideline that suit diverse patient backgrounds. Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8 Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article Sharoni, S. K., Rahman, A. H., Ghazali, S. S., & Azman, M. H. Journal of Diabetes and endocrinology Research m/content/bmjopen/7/6/e0143 93.full.pdf Raikar, K. J., Velhal, G. D., & Shukla, A. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health https://www.ijcmph. com/index.php/ijcmph/article/view/1559/1357 Gharaibeh., B., & Tawalbeh., L. Journal of Research in Nursing. m/doi/abs/10.117 7/174498711878 2311?journalCode=jrnb Kushwaha, A. S.,Kumari., S., & Kushwaha, N. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. https://www.ijcAssignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education article/view/694 Article Title and Year Published A self-efficacy education program on foot self-care behavior among older patients with diabetes in a public long term care institution, Malaysia: a Quasi-experimental Pilot Study 2017 To assess the effect of intervention package in type 2 diabetes self-care practices, an experimental epidemiological study. 2017 Diabetes selfcare management practices among insulintaking patients. 2018 Self-care in diabetes: a study amongst diabetics in an urban community. 2016 © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study How feasible and acceptable are self-efficacy education for type 2 diabetes patients? To assess the feasibility and acceptability of self-efficacy education program for patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2 What self-intervention package has impact on the selfcare practices and lifestyle adaptation by diabetes patients? To investigate how lifestyle adaptation and self-care practice are affected by an intervention package. What are the predictors of selfcare among diabetes patients? To investigate the level of selfcare and the predictors of selfcare among diabetes patients. Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) Quasi- experimental design. Before and after in- Descriptive tervention compari- cross-sectionals son design. design Setting/Sample A sample of 31 patients A sample of 203 diat the age of 60 was abetes patients was studied in a public long studied. term care institution. A sample of 310 patients taking insulin was studied. Methods: Intervention/Instruments Interviews were conducted to investigate acceptability and feasibility of self-efficacy education program. Interview questionnaires were used. 40-item diabetes Interview quesself-management tionnaires were scale was used to used. rank the predictors of self-care Analysis Content analysis of interview notes Content analysis Comparison of Content analysis measurement across the participants © 2017. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. What are the self-care practices among diabetics? To investigate the self-care practices among diabetes patients. Descriptive cross-sectionals design A sample of 69 patients was studied in an urban set up. Key Findings Self-efficacy was feasible and acceptable within the long term diabetes care institution and for the patient who have attained the age of 60. Health education, patients canceling, periodic checkup and referral services help promote lifestyle adaptation and self-care practices among diabetes patients. Level of education, age, training and type of medication are the important predictors of self-care among diabetes patients. Recommendations A large scale research assessing the feasibility and acceptability of self-efficacy education program on other age groups is needed. A self-care program should encompass, among other things, health education, patients canceling, and periodic checkup and referral services. Diabetes selfDiabetes selfcare is a complex care education issue and further should focus on research is teaching the imneeded to exportance of plore the nature adopting a diabetes of selfhealthy diet care among patients Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone The article support the capstone project by providing basic learning and service areas that a self-care education program can focus on for better health outcomes. The article reinforces the need to study the complex practicalities of implementing diabetes self-care. It also improves the understanding of the predictors of diabetes self-care which is also important for the success of capstone project. Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education The article supports the capstone project by proposing a large scale research on the feasibility and acceptability of self-care management. Feasibility and acceptability are going to be the major determinants of the success of the evidence based practice intervention. © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. There is good adherence to medical regimes by diabetes patients, but the level of adoption of healthy lifestyles including exercises, diet and regular checking of blood sugar level was significantly low. The article supports the evidence based practice project by revealing issues that a selfcare education program should focus on. Running head: SELF-CARE EDUCATION FOR PATIENTS DIAGNOSED WITH DIABETE1 Self-Care Education for Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes SELF-CARE EDUCATION FOR PATIENTS DIAGNOSED WITH DIABETE 2 Self-Care Education for Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes For patients diagnosed with diabetes, does a short training program on self-care administered in hospitals help in managing diabetic condition within six months as compared to patients who do not receive self-care education? Diabetes continues to be one of the leading metabolic diseases causing deaths and sufferings around the world. Evidence presented by Zandiyeh, Hadayati & Zare (2015) suggests that diabetes can reduce the life expectancy of an individual by between 5 years to 10 years. The traditional nursing interventions have failed to curb the increased prevalence of diabetes in society (Zandiyeh, Hadayati & Zare, 2015). This is because diabetes is a metabolic disease and therefore its prevalence is also related to the kind of lifestyle people adopt. One of the available evidencebased solutions for diabetes is self-care education, which involves enabling patients’ active participation in improving their healthcare outcomes (Zandiyeh, Hadayati & Zare, 2015; Valsi & Eshghbaz, 2009). Assignment: Comparing Literature in Self Care Education However, self-care education is not popular in public hospitals, as a nursing intervention, since both patients and nurses still prefer traditional nursing interventions for diabetes. According to Zheng et al (2019), diabetic patients and nurses avoid patient self-care training because training programs are long and consume a lot of time. A short training program for patients diagnosed with diabetes could, therefore, be the most acceptable evidence-based nursing intervention for improving patient care outcomes in the hospitals. Focusing on this problem is important because it will improve the quality of patients’ care, increase life expectancy and reduce the rate of mortality. Self-care education involves training patients on how to adopt a healthy diet, detect and respond to hyperglycaemic signs, embrace physical exercises, and administer insulin correctly (Valsi & Eshghbaz, 2009). Self-care education SELF-CARE EDUCATION FOR PATIENTS DIAGNOSED WITH DIABETE 3 as a nursing practice could, therefore, empower the patients to improve their health outcomes and thus reduce patients suffering. The fact that self-care education would be an evidence-based solution with assured positive outcomes also makes the focus on this problem more important. It is also important to focus on this problem because there is evidence linking diabetes to other disorders such as blindness, cardiac diseases as well as renal disorders (Zandiyeh, Hadayati & Zare, 2015). Addressing diabetes through self-care could, therefore, provide a cost-effective means of solving a myriad of other health disorders thus improving the quality of patient care. Changing the problem will improve outcomes by reducing the prevalence of diabetes in society, and reduce suffering (Zandiyeh, Hadayati & Zare, 2015). For example, addressing diabetes through self-care education will empower diabetes patients to control their blood sugar level before the condition advances to a stage where it can cause other disorders such as renal disorders. Changing the problem will encourage healthcare agencies to include in their nursing practices a short course on self-care education (Zheng et al, 2019), thus reducing the cost of managing diabetes on patients, and also reducing the number of patients the public hospitals have to admit. Addressing the problem will enable patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and take insulin according to prescribed schedules thus recovering from diabetes effectively and pr …= Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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