Assignment: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Assignment: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome A major problem that makes the development of successful programs very difficult to help welfare recipients, AIDS patients, and the homeless is the diversity of values and points of view regarding the most effective ways of dealing with these groups. This factor leads to the problem of funding programs for these and other needy populations. Take a look at the scenario below Which answer would you choose? Assignment: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome A human services agency is trying to come up with a practice to prevent the spread of AIDS among youth. The agency is struggling to come to a conclusion and decide on a specific practice. According to you, what is the best way to deal with the AIDS epidemic? 1. Isolating victims from the uninfected population. 2. Banning infected individuals from engaging in sexual activities. 3. Distributing contraceptives in high schools and colleges as a form of prevention. Write a 3-4 page paper in which you: Think about the impact of policies and programs on diverse populations. What are the agency responsibilities and issues that may arise as a result of your choice? What is the role of analysis in meeting the needs of this diverse population? What factors did you consider in making a choice? What alternative solution would you suggest for prevention of the epidemic? How might new approaches for addressing the needs of this population impact service delivery from various point of views (provider, agency, recipient)? What role do the three levels of prevention play in developing a new approach? What factors must be taken into consideration when developing prevention practices, techniques, and programs within an ecological systems context? This essay must follow all APA style (Links to an external site.) formatting requirements. For further guidelines on your paper, refer to the Essay Rub ric (see attachment) RESOURCES: Recommendations for Developing Contextually Relevant HIV-AIDS Prevention Strategies (see attachment) Sexual Safety Panning as an HIV Prevention Strategy (see attachment) attachment_1 attachment_2 attachment_3 Unsatisfactory 0-12 Emerging 13-14 Satisfactory 15-16 Proficient 17-18 Distinguished 19-20 Organization Information is unorganized, incomplete, or completely lacking in evidence. Somewhat organized presentation of information and evidence. Opening statement minimally outlines major points; closing argument briefly restates the ideas offered in the opening statement. Organized and generally complete presentation of information and evidence. Opening statement outlines or lists major points and evidence but does not generate interest; closing statement does not reflect main ideas. Well-organized and complete presentation of information and evidence. Opening statement successfully frames the essay; closing statement summarizes main ideas. Extremely thorough, well-organized presentation of information and evidence. Opening statement engages the interest of audience; closing statement leaves no unanswered issues and resonates with the audience. Quality of Information Information has nothing to do with main topic, social problem, and/or theory. Information has little to do with the main topic, social problem and/or theory. Possibly vague or illogical information provided. Information adequately relates to the main topic. Information mostly relates to the main topic. Information clearly relates to the main topic. Effective use of historical evidence /content knowledge Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the history/ content relevant to the topic. Supports statements with vague or irrelevant information or no information at all. Demonstrates a generally accurate understanding of relevant issues, events and facts, but may exhibit minor confusion or misunderstandings. Seems to understand general ideas, but does not support ideas with relevant facts; OR, seems to understand facts but is unable to connect them into coherent arguments. Demonstrates a basic and accurate understanding of the issues, events and facts relevant to the topic. Demonstrates the ability to make basic connections between facts and concepts. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the issues, events and facts relevant to the topic. Demonstrates thorough and accurate understanding of details as well as the ability to make original connections and interpretations. Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the issues, events, and facts relevant to the topic. Demonstrates thorough and accurate understanding of details as well as the ability to make original connections and interpretations. Fewer than 10 mechanics, spelling, usage, grammar or punctuation errors. Exceeds 8 grammatical and/or punctuation errors. Between 6 and 8 grammatical and/or punctuation errors. Between 3 and 5 grammatical and/or punctuation errors. 1-2 grammatical and/or punctuation errors, but they are minor and do not detract from the essay. No errors whatsoever! APA-style cover sheet, citations, and references; Appropriately uses in-text citations in APA style formatting. Fails to meet these criteria with 8+ exceptions. Fails to meet these criteria with 6-8 exceptions. Does not meet these criteria with 3-5 exceptions. Meets these criteria with only 1-2 minor exceptions. Exceeds these criteria by completely meeting ALL of these requirements with NO exceptions! Assignment: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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