Assignment: Impacts of Covid 19 in The Food and Beverage Industry
Assignment: Impacts of Covid 19 in The Food and Beverage Industry ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Impacts of Covid 19 in The Food and Beverage Industry Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the articles by Barnham (2015), Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Perceptual Foundations, and Rutberg and Bouikidis (2018), Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Additionally, review the Qualitative vs. Quantitative (Links to an external site.) video and the How to Read a Scholarly Article (Links to an external site.) interactivity. Refer to the College of Doctoral Studies APA Template, found on the Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.) webpage, to help you correctly cite journal articles. It is also recommended that you review the video entitled Identifying and Finding Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Links to an external site.) . Ashford RES 7105 Impacts of Covid 19 in The Food and Beverage Industry This discussion forum is the first part of a two-part integration. The peer and instructor feedback you receive in this discussion forum will be integrated and submitted in this weeks written assignment. You must provide feedback on your peers initial posts by Day 5 of this week. Continue to gather information about the topic of interest and the research focus you identified in Week 1. Identify three journal articles that report on quantitative research studies that address the research topic or research focus of interest to you. In your initial discussion post that incorporates and cites information from at least two required or recommended resources, Create a complete APA citation for three articles that report on quantitative research studies that address your research topic or research focus. Consider accessing the Writing Centers Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for more on completing a complete reference citation. Append your three article to your initial discussion form post by Day 3 The simplest way to post more than one file to a Canvas discussion is to zip the multiple files together and then upload them as a single file in your discussion post. Follow the How to Create and Open Zip Files on PC and Mac (Links to an external site.) for step-by-step instructions for zipping and unzipping files on either a PC or a Mac. Identify the characteristics of each article that tell you the study is a quantitative research study, and not a qualitative research study, citing at least two required or recommended resources. Discuss how these three studies are useful in helping you develop a better understanding of your topic of interest or your research focus, and what you learned from each study. 400 words Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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