Benefit of Keeping a Leadership Journal
Before embarking on writing your first leadership journal, read the To Be an Effective Leader Keep a Leadership Journal. Additionally, review the Week 1 – Weekly Lecture. Inam (2017) wrote: The biggest benefit of keeping a leadership journal is to expand your self-awareness. Self-awareness of your strengths, your energizers, what challenges you, what can derail you is a key driver of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (the ability to know and manage yourself and others) is a key driver of success in leadership. Use this format to write a one-page (no title page) journal entry of 500 to 1000 words regarding your leadership style for the week. Discuss your strengths. Discuss your energizers. Discuss your challenges. Discuss your work-related emotional intelligence. You will be writing two more similar journal entries in Weeks 3 and 4. Your journal entry is due by the end of Day 7 (Monday).
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