[SOLVED] Life Outside of Earth
this is an astronomy course I need to find TEN facts about life outside of earth in the future and you also need 10 references some of them have to be scholarly articles and some can be opinions but most peer-reviewed facts and references… and this is about the future and then you will need to start a paragraph about it.
[SOLVED] Aristarchus and Astronomy
1-2 paragraphs about a historical figure in astronomy, Aristarchus, and their discoveries/achievements/contributions to astronomy.
[Solved] Life Outside of Earth
this is an astronomy course I need to find TEN facts about life outside of earth in the future and you also need 10 references some of them have to be scholarly articles and some can be opinions but most peer-reviewed facts and references… and this is about the future and then you will need to start a paragraph about it.
[Solved] Aristarchus and Astronomy
1-2 paragraphs about a historical figure in astronomy, Aristarchus, and their discoveries/achievements/contributions to astronomy.
[Solved] Pseudoscience and Real Science
Week 7 – Pseudoscience vs. Real Science The 2009 movie, 2012, caused a resurgence in popular interest (and in some cases, fear) about global disaster brought about by astronomical events. This was heightened by ready access to less-than-reliable information on the Internet. One of the purposes of this class is to help give you the knowledge to protect yourself from being taken in by this misinformation. Here is one web site that helps separate the “sense from the nonsense”: Information is Beautiful: You have two options for your forum assignment this week. Choose just one of the two options below. 1) Find an example from popular culture in which real science (preferably astronomy-related, since this is an astronomy class) is misrepresented. This can be a movie, book, TV show, web site, etc. In your post, discuss the scientific inaccuracy in your example. Also, discuss how the inaccuracy is harmful (for example, does it cause people to be afraid for no reason? Or does it keep people from taking action that would be beneficial?) 2) Find and discuss an example of an Internet source for reliable science information (again, preferably astronomy-related, but it’s OK to branch out a bit if you find a really good one). What makes this source reliable, in your view? What methods can/be used to verify the quality of a science-related web site?
[Solved] Effects of Human Body after Space Flight
Write a problem solution paper between 750-850 words written on the topic (Effects on the human body after space flight).
Effects of Human Body after Space Flight | Instant Homework Help
Write a problem solution paper between 750-850 words written on the topic (Effects on the human body after space flight).
Newton’s Laws of Motion on Planets | Instant Homework Help
In a 2 to 3 paragraph essay, describe each of Newton’s laws of motion and explain why each is important in understanding planetary motion.
Astronomy Essay | Instant Homework Help
Write a 2 page essay on any astronomy topic of your interest; you can pick something you may have wanted to know about; some ideas are: black holes, the search for aliens (see SETI Institute), life on other planets, dark matter, the Big Bang, etc. In your conclusions you can include 1 paragraph on your feelings about the topic. At the end include the names of the two sources (i.e. books, webpages etc.) that you read to learn about your topic. Size 12 font. Calibri or Times Roman. 1 inch margins on all 4 sides of page. Align text as Justify (this gives an even right side margin). Do not refer to yourself nor your ideas so dont use pronouns such as I, me, etc. Check for common writing mistakes: grammar, punctuation, organization, flow, originality. Consequences of cheating: Copying sentences from papers you find online or elsewhere is plagiarism and could result in failing the course and suspension. It is required you write your paper in your own words.
Astronomy Homework about Solar System | Instant Homework Help
Each student will post a short discussion (not to exceed two paragraphs) on the below listed course outcomes and respond to another student’s posting (10 points): Describe the solar system and where we are in the solar system Compare the models of the universe developed by Ptolemy and Copernicus Each student will perform the following lab exercise in creating an ellipse and answer the associated question. (5 points). Create an ellipse, by taking two pins, a piece of string and a pen/pencil. Draw a horizontal line on a piece of cardboard Push the pins into that piece of flat cardboard two inches apart on the drawn line . Place a loop of string around the two tacks Put your pencil point in the loop and move the pencil restrained by the string. There should be a trace of an ellipse. The pins are the foci. Now repeat the above process with the same loop of string. Remove the right pin and place/push it one inch from the left pin on the line Place the same loop of string around the two tacks Put your pencil point in the loop and move the pencil restrained by the string. There should be a trace of another ellipse. What has happened to the shape from the first trace to the second trace. Please explain in detail and how does it relate to Kepler’s first law.
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