Comparative Essay
[Solved] World War 2
Assignment: Research two historical figures from World War 2 and write a comparative essay using at least 3 sources each. You MUST research one figure from each the Allied and Axis Powers. They MUST ALSO be of the same nature; for example, both must be political leaders, military generals, etc. You may use your textbook, other outside books (from the library or elsewhere), or the internet ย be careful of your sources; if youยre unsure about if your source is acceptable! For the essay, focus your writing on similar aspects of both figures. For example, you may choose to focus your writing on the various challenges they faced in the war and how they responded to those challenges. However, DO NOT write about the challenges of one figure and fail to mention those aspects of the other figure. Essentially, be sure to focus your writing on aspects that can clearly be compared and contrasted. The Essay: It may be written in either point-by-point or block format
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