Computer Science
[SOLVED] Electrical Engineering & Education
Journal Article 1: Yuan-Le, L., Hai-Jun, Z., & Xiao-Tao, G. (2019). Modeling and analysis of higher schools massive sports data based on cloud computing. The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, 002072091987938. have the following Sections in APA formatted.Small description of the Journal where you found the journal articles.a. TitleTitle of the articleb. AbstractMust have 100150 word summary of the investigations key features, including purpose, objectives, research questions/hypotheses, sample, scientific procedures, independent and dependent variables, and salient results. Results of the study should be summarized in full in the abstract;c. IntroductionMust talk about the Research Problem, (2) The Framework for the Study, and (3) The Research Questions and Hypotheses [d. MethodMust include (a) the total number of subjects and numbers assigned to groups, if applicable; (b) how subjects were selected and/or assigned; and (c) demographic and other characteristics of the sample relevant to the studys purpose.e. ResultsMust include (a) summary, or descriptive, statistics related to participants performance on the measures that were taken (e.g., means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages) and (b) statistical analyses related to the specific hypotheses of the studyf. Discussiondiscuss the contributions of study findings to existing literature, theory, and professional practices.Journal Article 2: Liu, Z. (2020). Design of Basketball Sports Data Analysis System Based on Cloud Computing. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 750, 012162. have the following Sections in APA formatted.Small description of the Journal where you found the journal articles.A. TitleTitle of the articleB. AbstractMust have 100150 word summary of the investigations key features, including purpose, objectives, research questions/hypotheses, sample, scientific procedures, independent and dependent variables, and salient results. Results of the study should be summarized in full in the abstract;C. IntroductionMust talk about the Research Problem, (2) The Framework for the Study, and (3) The Research Questions and Hypotheses [D. MethodMust include (a) the total number of subjects and numbers assigned to groups, if applicable; (b) how subjects were selected and/or assigned; and (c) demographic and other characteristics of the sample relevant to the studys purpose.E. ResultsMust include (a) summary, or descriptive, statistics related to participants performance on the measures that were taken (e.g., means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages) and (b) statistical analyses related to the specific hypotheses of the studyF. Discussiondiscuss the contributions of study findings to existing literature, theory, and professional
[SOLVED] Blockchain Security Features
Topic : Blockchain overcoming security issues in the Supply chain.Pages : 4-5 pages.Details on all the below points.Blockchain Usage and Benefits.Blockchain disadvantagesBlockchain Security featuresBlockchain Types
[SOLVED] The Field of Computer Science
Plagiarism can take different appearances in different fields of academic study, but it always comes down to not appropriately and accurately identifying a source every time information from the source appears.For a case study of plagiarism in the field of computer science, read the following article:Pedersen, T. (2001, April 19). A plagiarism case study (Links to an external site.) . you read Pedersens case study, complete the following in your initial discussion post:1. Create your own example of plagiarism2. Provide an example of a way to cite the source properly3. Devise the punishment that you think is appropriate for the plagiarism example you created. Write a paragraph explaining how this punishment would be implemented.
[SOLVED] Cyber Security Center
ScenarioYou are a security professional for Blue Stripe Tech, an IT services provider with approximately 400 employees. Blue Stripe Tech partners with industry leaders to provide storage, networking, virtualization, and cybersecurity to clients.Blue Stripe Tech recently won a large DoD contract, which will add 30 percent to the revenue of the organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. Blue Stripe Tech will be allowed to make its own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions.As a security professional for Blue Stripe Tech, you are responsible for developing security policies for this project. These policies are required to meet DoD standards for delivery of IT technology services to the U.S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency.To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies, standards, and control descriptions for your IT infrastructure (see the Tasks section in this document). The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies, standards, or controls in place.
[SOLVED] Journal Article Collaboration
Your submission must include the following information in the following format:DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term (the definition should come from the article)SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings regarding the key term.REFERENCE: The source for the analysis must be listed at the bottom of the submission APA format required. Use only peer-reviewed journal articles for these assignments. Refrain from using blogs, .coms, or other unreliable internet sources. Be sure to use the headers (Definition, Summary, Discussion, Reference) in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required. Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment. Further, any flagged documents will result in zero points for the assignment. Flagged documents mean that an attempt at plagiarism exists, or manipulation of the Turnitin process has been attempted. This is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated.
[SOLVED] Risk Assessment Plan
After creating an initial draft of the risk management plan, the next step is to create a draft of the risk assessment plan.For this part of the project:Research risk assessment approaches.Create an outline for a basic qualitative risk assessment plan.Write an introduction to the plan explaining its purpose and importance.Define the scope and boundaries for the risk assessment.Identify data center assets and activities to be assessed.Identify relevant threats and vulnerabilities. Include those listed in the scenario and add to the list if needed.Identify relevant types of controls to be assessed.Identify the key roles and responsibilities of individuals and departments within the organization as they pertain to risk assessments.Develop a proposed schedule for the risk assessment process.Complete the draft risk assessment plan detailing the information above. Risk assessment plans often include tables, but you choose the best format to present the material. Format the bulk of the plan similar to a professional business report and cite any sources you used.
[SOLVED] Data Warehouse
Discussion TopicThis week’s topic is Networks.Regarding the company you are writing about in your project – what issues will you have with NETWORKS between your Data Analytics function, your BIG DATA storage, your cloud presence, and your source data.For instance, are these things in the same place, or are they separated across the internet?If your data is mostly in Social Media, then what is the network path that it will traverse to get into your data warehouse?Where is your application software? Is it in the cloud with your data or is it in the data center with your data – or is there some other kind of arrangement?Is HIGH-SPEED communications a requirement for your DATA ANALYTICS function? If so why? If not why not?The answers to all of this will vary according to your different company designs so you’re going to need to start your answers by saying something like “My customers will get monthly reports …” or maybe “The data I am collecting happens in real time….”.]Other students should be able to read at least a little bit about your planned setup of the DA function at your chosen business and maybe add some suggestions on how your network should be setup. Consider this to be some FREE CONSULTING for your next assignment!!!250+ words, APA format, and one reference please603 Discussion 7Sub: Network and Information SecurityDiscussion TopicMalicious Code, or Malware, attacks all three information security properties: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. It is a threat to any Internet-connected device.What are the types of Malware being used today (Name two), and explain in your own words what they do.
[SOLVED] The Traditional Computer
Do you foresee that the traditional computer will be replaced by mobile and smart technologies as a primary device form factor in the near future? If one looks at the world of education for example, the use of Google Chromebooks and Apple iPads are now running the majority of school infrastructures. Mobile apps replace traditional software. Can the same hold true for corporate enterprises today?
[SOLVED] International Foodies
International Foodies is an importer of exotic foods from all over the world. You landed a summer internship with the company and discovered that their product lists and the suppliers they buy from are stored in Excel workbooks. You offer to help by using your newly gained knowledge of Access to create a relational database for them. You will begin by importing the workbooks from Excel into a new Access database. Your manager mentions that she would also like a table that specifies food categories so that you can relate the products you sell to specific categories in the database. You will create a table from scratch to track categories, create relationships between the tables, and create some baseline queries.Start Access. Open the downloaded Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch2_Cap_Foodies. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the location where you are storing your files.You will examine the data in the downloaded Excel worksheets to determine which fields will become the primary keys in each table and which fields will become the foreign keys so that you can join them in the database.Open the Suppliers.xlsx Excel workbook, examine the data, and close the workbook. Open the Products.xlsx Excel workbook, examine the data, and close the workbook.You will import two Excel workbooks that contain supplier and product information into the database.Click the External Data tab, click New Data Source, point to From File in the Import & Link group, and then select Excel. Navigate to and select the Suppliers.xlsx workbook to be imported as a new table in the current database. Select First Row Contains Column Headings. Set the SupplierID field Indexed option to Yes (No Duplicates). Select SupplierID as the primary key when prompted and accept the table name Suppliers. Do not save the import steps.
[SOLVED] A Data Scientists
Submit all your answers in one notebook file as (final_yourname.ipynb)Question 1 (80 pts)Sentiment Analysis helps data scientists to analyze any kind of data i.e., Business, Politics, Social Media, etc., For example, the IMDb dataset “movie_data.csv” file contains 25,000 highly polar positive (12500) and negative (12500) IMDB movie reviews (label negative review as 0 and positive review as 1).Similarly, amazon_data.txt and yelp_data.txt contain 1000 labeled negative review as 0 and positive review as 1For further help, check the notebook sentiment_analysis.ipynb in Canvas and also explore the link: the following:a) Read all the above data files (.csv and .txt) in python Pandas DataFrame. For each dataset, make 70% as training and 30% as test sets.b) By using both CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer separately of the sklearn library , perform the Logistic regression classification in the IMDb dataset and evaluate the accuracies in the test set.c) Classify the Amazon dataset using Logistic Regression and Neural Network (two hidden layers) and compare the performances and show the confusion matrices.d) Generate classification model for the Yelp dataset with K-NN algorithms. Fit and test the model for different values for K (from 1 to 5) using a for loop and record and plot the KNNs testing accuracy in a variable (scores).e) Generate prediction for the following reviews based Logistic regression classifier in Amazon dataset: Review1 = “SUPERB, I AM IN LOVE IN THIS PHONE” Review 2 = “Do not purchase this product.My cell phone blast when I switched the charger”
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