Natural Disaster & Severe Weather | Instant Homework Help

ASSIGNMENT: Natural Disasters & Severe Weather • Include your name and name of the assignment. • Include the titles of the two natural disasters presented. • The paper must be typed, double spaced and proofread. • The paper must be 4-5 pages long. 5 points • Visuals like maps, pictures, and graphs (which help explain some of the underlying causes/effects of the events) should be referenced in your writing (and attached as addition to the 4-5 pages essay). 5 points • Use at least six (6) “key terms” – at least 3 for each event, applicable to your events whenever possible. You’ll find them on the last page of each chapter or anywhere in textbook). Write key terms in bold. The more, the better! Worth 5 points. Example: That was an air mass that formed… • Give bibliographic information (references). Include all sources of information. Feel free to use any sources you like. • The paper must include any two natural disasters that happened anywhere on earth during the course of our class, or a few months earlier. Natural disasters: Earthquakes, Extreme Heat /Cold, Floods, Hurricanes, Landslides & Mudslides, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Wildfires, Winter Weather etc. • Whatever you choose to work on, you must research the events in depth, document it and be able to answer questions like: – What happened? 5 points – Where it happened? 5 points – Why there? What is the science behind the events? Connect what you are learning to your specific current events. This is the most important question and worth 10 points. – What are the implications? 5 points – Why do we care? 5 points – What can we expect in the future? 5 points

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Environmental Issues Under Geography | Instant Homework Help

Using the CIA’s World Fact Book (, select a country located in South Asia. Next, examine the population and environmental issues under Geography, then examine the material under People and Society. What patterns do you identify? What agricultural practices are subject to particular environmental problems? What possible solutions exist to mediate the potential environmental damages to agricultural systems?

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Ocean Acidification | Instant Homework Help

APA-style research paper written on ocean acidification and its effects on coral reefs (9th grade Honors Bio)

Please use the following sources and abide by the following outline.


Summarize finer points of research and introduce topics:
State the main concern of the paper: ocean acidification’s effects on coral reefs
Provide a brief timeline on how carbon emissions have worsened recently
Make it transparent that immediate action must be taken in order to mitigate the drastic effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and other oceanic ecosystems

Body Paragraphs:

No. 1
Introduce findings and provide a brief history of studies on carbon emissions and ocean acidification.

No. 2
Provide information on why/how ocean acidification is occurring; elaborate on the chemistry behind ocean acidification.

No. 3
Discuss economic/ecological ramifications of ocean acidification/coral bleaching

No. 4
Provide a timeline/statistics on what will occur in our oceans if current carbon emissions trends continue.

No. 5
Discuss possible solutions to the crisis


Summarize research
Summarize solutions to the crisis.
Make closing statements; emphasize the gravity of the situation.


Anthony, K. R., Kline, D. I., Diaz-Pulido, G., Dove, S., & Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2008, November 11). Ocean acidification causes bleaching and productivity loss in coral reef builders.
This source provides an in-depth analysis of the effects that ocean acidification, coupled with subsequent rising sea levels and ocean temperatures, have led to many species of coral experiencing reproductive difficulties. Calcification of coral, an additional result of acidification, is thoroughly explained in a scientific manner. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by providing the scientific background vital to understanding how ocean acidification affects coral reefs.

Atkinson, M. J., & Cuet, P. (2008, December 23). Possible effects of ocean acidification on coral reef biogeochemistry: Topics for research.
This source further analyzes how ocean calcification originates and how it negatively affects the world’s coral reefs. Calcification is thoroughly explained in a scientific manner, as the authors explain how calcification alters the chemical structure. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by providing additional scientific background vital to understanding how ocean acidification, specifically calcification, affects coral reefs.

Ayala, C. (2014, December 03). Effects of Ocean Acidification on Corals.
This source analyzes how heightened global carbon emissions have only increased the rate at which ocean acidification and subsequent coral calcification and bleaching continues to occur. It provides a detailed explanation on which countries are responsible for the increased levels of carbon emissions and how the dire situation facing the world’s coral reefs will only continue to proliferate if immediate action is not taken. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by providing background information on how increased carbon emissions worsen ocean acidification and coral bleaching.

Eyre, B. D., Cyronak, T., Drupp, P., Carlo, E. H., Sachs, J. P., & Andersson, A. J. (2018, February 23). Coral reefs will transition to net dissolving before end of century.
This source provides a clear timeline on what will occur over the next century regarding the systemic destruction of coral reefs if current trends continue. This timeline allows me to interpret how drastic the threat of increased carbon emissions and ocean acidification is in regard to the proliferation of coral reefs. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by drawing a conclusive timeline that displays how adverse of an effect ocean acidification has on coral reefs and how the international community does not have much time to intervene before the damage done is irreversible.

Ireland, P. P. (2019, October 23). What You Need to Know About Ocean Acidification.
This source describes how ocean acidification could affect our lives in a manner more severe than the destruction of coral reefs. It depicts how, in detail, fishing communities could be decimated economically, as the residents of such places rely on the organisms that inhabit coral reefs and the tourism they generate as a source of income. These economic ramifications may lead more people to educate themselves on the subject, as adverse economic effects usually lead to increased media/government attention on a specific issue. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by describing how ocean acidification can cause economic disruption in fishing communities, which will bring further urgency to the issue.

Jokiel, P. L. (2015, May 21). Predicting the impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs: Evaluating the assumptions involved.
This source further elaborates on what will occur in the near future regarding the systemic destruction of coral reefs if current trends continue. The author of this source describes how calcification and subsequent coral bleaching will only increase exponentially if current emission trends continue. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by providing a scientific explanation of how current emission trends pose a drastic threat to the survival of the world’s coral reefs, and how the international community does not have much time to intervene before the damage done is irreversible.

Michelson, A. (2019, September 27). Coral Reefs Face the Dual Threats of Ocean Acidification and Erosion.
This source describes the additional threat to coral reefs of erosion, and how ocean acidification only continues to worsen the great threat that erosion poses to coral reefs. The author describes in detail how the coral reefs, already weakened by ocean acidification, only become more susceptible to erosion, as many organisms attempt to consume what remains of the weakened corals. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by describing how ocean acidification makes coral reefs more susceptible to additional environmental threats that will lead to their destruction if action is not taken soon.

Scientists Pinpoint How Ocean Acidification Weakens Coral Reefs. (2018, January 29).
This source further elaborates on how ocean acidification, coupled with subsequent rising sea levels and ocean temperatures, have led to many species of coral altering chemically. Calcification of coral, an additional result of acidification, is named the top cause of coral bleaching and reproductive complications. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by providing scientific insight on how/why chemical changes in coral occur as a result of ocean acidification.

What EPA is Doing to Address Ocean and Coastal Acidification. (2018, June 28).
This source describes the steps that the United States Environmental Protection Agency, with the support of the U.S. Government, is taking to combat ocean acidification. The author(s) thoroughly describes how the efforts taken by the EPA to curb ocean and air pollution are both decreasing the drastic effects of acidification on coral reef ecosystems. Additionally, the author describes the large number of resources being used by the agency to determine the causes of ocean acidification, and how/if the damage already done to coral reefs can be reversed. This source’s credibility is affirmed by the extensive list of scholarly references cited in the article’s conclusion. In summation, this article will be of service to me while writing my paper by proposing several plausible solutions to the damage being caused to coral reef ecosystems by ocean acidification.

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Natural Hazard Affecting Caribbean Region | Instant Homework Help


Identify and describe ONE (1) natural hazard from each of the following categories that

can affect the Caribbean Region.


iii. Hydrological


Explain three ways in which the occurrence of the hazard described above could impact

a named Caribbean country in each of the following ways:


iii. Socially



Written Project

Content (10 marks)

Organisation (3 marks)

Use of English (3 marks)

APA format (3 marks)

Audio-visual presentation

Creativity/delivery (7 marks)

Visual Aids (4 marks)

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Earth Science | Instant Homework Help

Summarize how tsunamis and formed and when they become dangerous. In addition, research a major tsunami that has occurred in the last 15 years and discuss the strange things that have washed ashore. Apply what you have learned about tsunamis to explain this phenomenon. The essay needs to be a minimum of 500 words and sources cited in APA format. Save word document, upload, and submit for grading.

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Analysis of Mt. St. Helen Eruption of 1980 | Instant Homework Help

Analyze the Mt. St. Helen eruption of 1980

1. Critically analyze communication methods and the disciplines of emergency management of the time.

2. Analyze the public’s reactions and response to the preparation and response. Was
there any mitigative measures implemented at that time?

3. Analyze local officials’ reactions and response to the warnings.

4. Analyze the response to the disaster.

5. After the analysis of the disaster research and communicate what went right and what needed improvement.

6. What lessons, if any, were learned?

7. Finally, compose an adequate emergency management plan, utilizing communication methods and the disciplines of emergency management if or when the mountain erupts again.

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Cultural, Demographic, Economic, Environmental, and Political Factors. | Instant Homework Help

In this reflection and discussion forum, share your thoughts about any two reflection prompts provided below: Geography, as a scientific field of study, looks at the world from a spatial perspective. Describe how understanding the world from a spatial perspective brings new insights to the world you live in? How might geography offer a set of knowledge, skills, and tools that facilitate critical thinking and problem-solving regarding the world we live in? Geographic knowledge and skills provide a foundation for analyzing world patterns and processes. Describe how this knowledge and skillsets will help you better understand the world. Geospatial technologies increase the capability of gathering and analyzing geographic information with applications to everyday life. Explain how are you using geospatial technologies within your daily life? Describe some of the causes and consequences of migration and how they are influenced by cultural, demographic, economic, environmental, and political factors.How might the concepts of culture frame the shared behaviours of a society?

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Cultural Geography | Instant Homework Help

1. Identify an example of each of the following terms: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological pricing, and promotional pricing. Discuss a time when you decided against purchasing something that was priced the lowest. What factors went into your decision to pay the higher price? For what product would these factors not influence your purchase decision? 75 words marketing2. Imagine that you own a company which has 75 employees, ranging from engineers to clerical staff. Your sales have been decreasing, and, after six years, you realize that you must close your business. Discuss ways in which you could make the announcement. Would you use the direct or indirect approach? 75 words communication3. Evaluate three ways to deal constructively with complaints and anger from fellow employees, management, and customers within an organization. Are these methods effective to resolve the issues? Explain and discuss. 75 words human relationship and development.4. What are the principal economic activities in your community? Explain if they are primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, or quinary activities? Why did these activities develop in your community?Your response must be at least 200 words in length. Cultural Geography5. Do you think income inequality in the United States is just a natural consequence of the free market economy and not a problem, or is income inequality a social problem that needs to be addressed politically, economically, or socially? Explain. Cultural Geography

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How Can Geography Facilitate Critical Thinking in Solving Problems. | Instant Homework Help

In this reflection and discussion forum, share your thoughts about any two reflection prompts provided below: Geography, as a scientific field of study, looks at the world from a spatial perspective. Describe how understanding the world from a spatial perspective brings new insights to the world you live in? How might geography offer a set of knowledge, skills, and tools that facilitate critical thinking and problem-solving regarding the world we live in? Geographic knowledge and skills provide a foundation for analyzing world patterns and processes. Describe how this knowledge and skillsets will help you better understand the world. Geospatial technologies increase the capability of gathering and analyzing geographic information with applications to everyday life. Explain how are you using geospatial technologies within your daily life? Describe some of the causes and consequences of migration and how they are influenced by cultural, demographic, economic, environmental, and political factors.How might the concepts of culture frame the shared behaviors of a society?

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Urban Problems in Puerto Rico, | Instant Homework Help

Urban Problems in Puerto Rico, Part 1For this unit and Unit VII of this course, you are writing a four-page research paper about Puerto Rico. In this unit, you will complete the first two pages of the research paper.The research paper draft you complete in this unit should contain the following items:Briefly introduce Puerto Rico. Provide some background information about the people and the island. Identify one or more urban problems faced in Puerto Rico. Make sure to provide a discussion on what caused and continues to cause the problem or problems. Explain how globalization connects to the urban problem or problems you introduced in your paper. Discuss how geography connects to the urban problem or problems you introduced in your paper.Be sure that you fully address all of the required elements for this paper. You cannot simply fill the paper with background information about Puerto Rico and then address the urban problems in just a few sentences.You are required to cite the textbook and at least two additional scholarly sources from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.The CSU Online Library contains a good resource database for this assignment. It is called the World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean database.Another good resource is the CIA-World Factbook. It can be found at

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