[CUSTOM SOLUTION] Trivia Forum Rubric
The Trivia forum is a place where students post mini written reports and find a warm introduction to each week’s new topics and highlights, including information on current geologic events that are mentioned in the news. The Trivia forum is a great place to pose questions pertaining to that weekÂ’s topic. Forums provide an opportunity for written communication and interaction with classmates and your instructor. All iLearn forums will open for the second week of class.Engage in easy conversation about geologic hazards to earn added science discussion credit! Students may earn participation credit for posting: (1) a mini report that provides an answer to a posted question, or (2) a mini report followed by a relevant geology question. This is an all-semester long project. Students may post anytime between 1 February and 3 May. Students are NOT required to tune in and post every week. Please see the rubric on iLearn for important guidance. This policy allows students to skip forums during illness, travel, or personal reasons without consequence. Only (15) total participation points are necessary for an A in this semester-long activity, and each post can earn as many as 5 points. If partial credit is earned on a post, it’s okay to post again to earn more points! This will provide ample opportunities for everyone to earn a perfect score and shine! 🙂 The total number needed for an A in participation this semester is 15 points.Please take caution that contributions contain NEW information. Questions added to the Trivia forum must begin with a mini report and ask about the geologic or scientific details of a specific geologic hazard. Comments that contain information / questions / answers already posted by another student will not achieve a score. Posts that contain negative material or reworded homework questions will be deleted.
[CUSTOM SOLUTION] Earth science and environment safety
For this assignment l just want you to focus on the environment safety ( ie what ways that we are able to help sustain  the environment  we live in? is overuse  for agriculture land an important factor that affects  the environment ? runoff ,chemicals and so on .Make sure to cite the sources that you will use on the separate page.This is a research assignment so please don’t go copy and paste lt should be free plagiarism. e B.C. Open Textbook Collection. Sample APA-style citation: This textbook can be referenced. In APA citation style, it would appear as follows: Earle, S. (2019). Physical Geology – 2nd Edition. Victoria, B.C.: BCcampus. Retrieved from Cover image attribution: Cover image: “Mt. Meager (2019)” by Isaac Earle is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Mt. Meager—just right of centre—with Plinth Peak to its left and Pylon Peak to the left of that (partly obscured by cloud). Mt. Meager was the site of a major volcanic eruption about 2400 years ago (see Chapter 4). Plinth and Pylon Peaks are also volcanoes, but are now extinct. The bare patch extending down from the ridge to the right of Mt. Meager is the source area of the massive 2010 rock avalanche that is illustrated and described in Chapter 15. The stream in the foreground is flowing from the Magic Carpet Glacier. Capricorn Glacier can be seen to the right of Pylon Peak. Physical Geology – 2nd Edition by Steven Earle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. © 2019 Steven Earle The CC licence permits you to retain, reuse, copy, redistribute, and revise this book—in whole or in part—for free providing the author is attributed as follows: Physical Geology – 2nd Editionby Steven Earle is used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. If you redistribute all or part of this book, it is recommended the following statement be added to the copyright page so readers can access the original book at no cost: Download for free from the B.C. Open Textbook Collection. e B.C. Open Textbook Collection. Sample APA-style citation: This textbook can be referenced. In APA citation style, it would appear as follows: Earle, S. (2019). Physical Geology – 2nd Edition. Victoria, B.C.: BCcampus. Retrieved from Cover image attribution: Cover image: “Mt. Meager (2019)” by Isaac Earle is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Mt. Meager—just right of centre—with Plinth Peak to its left and Pylon Peak to the left of that (partly obscured by cloud). Mt. Meager was the site of a major volcanic eruption about 2400 years ago (see Chapter 4). Plinth and Pylon Peaks are also volcanoes, but are now extinct. The bare patch extending down from the ridge to the right of Mt. Meager is the source area of the massive 2010 rock avalanche that is illustrated and described in Chapter 15. The stream in the foreground is flowing from the Magic Carpet Glacier. Capricorn Glacier can be seen to the right of Pylon Peak.
Vulnerability of Human and Natural Systems | Instant Homework Help
Assignment 2: Vulnerability of Human and Natural Systems (10%) – Instructions and Submission
Details of each section follow.
Section A: Short Critical Reflections (30 marks):
Select one of the assigned readings in each topic in Module 2 and write a short critical reflection (about 250 words) for each (a total of three critical reflections; ten marks for each reflection). You may find it helpful to use one or more of the focus questions included in the activity as a guide.
The critical reflection should present your own thoughts and responses to the reading. Thus, it is an interaction between the ideas in the reading and your own interpretation and response to what you have read. The critical reflection is a polished piece of writing that will be assessed using the same criteria as any piece of writing. It should include an introduction, a body that presents your thoughts clearly and logically, and a conclusion. You may write in the first person but be sure to refer to some of the ideas that are introduced in the reading.
Section B: Essay (70 marks)
Using some of the concepts introduced in Module 2, write an essay of 750–1000 words on a topic related to vulnerability of human or natural systems. You may use content from the required readings (any module), but you must include at least two new references as well. Course resources that are not required readings may be regarded as new references. For example, if you are examining the impact of climate change on Arctic wildlife, you may consider the ACIA report as a new reference provided you are using content beyond the required reading. A strong paper will incorporate the concept of vulnerability and associated terms that were introduced in this module.
If you are having a hard time deciding what to write about, here are just a few examples of topics you might consider within the context of the potential impacts of climate change:
• Rising sea levels and a vulnerable location (e.g., Florida, Bangladesh, small island states)
• Canadian sovereignty issues in the Arctic and the implications for Indigenous peoples
• Arctic wildlife in general, or you may want to focus on a particular species such as polar bears or caribou
• The culture of the Indigenous peoples of the Mackenzie basin
• Alpine plants, cloud forest species, coral reefs, or any other vulnerable species or ecosystem
• Drought-prone countries (or country) in Africa or Asia
• Ocean acidification and the potential impacts on shell forming organisms
TRU Library offers general guidelines on conducting research and writing essays
If you have any questions about the assignment, consult your Open Learning Faculty Member. When you have completed the assignment, send it to your Open Learning Faculty Member for evaluation.
Refer to “Assignment Instructions” section under the Assignments Overview tab for details of the criteria for how the assignments are evaluated.
Assignment Instructions:
Here is the criteria for how the assignments will be evaluated. Details of the individual assignments are provided with each assignment.
Criteria for Evaluating Assignments:
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the essay portion of the written assignments.
Substance (75 per cent)
• The essay provides evidence of critical thinking and analysis as well as synthesis of researched information throughout and presents a logical and persuasive argument.
• The essay incorporates concepts and associated terms on the science of climate change that were introduced in this module.
• Research sources are relevant, current, and credible. They are clearly documented in the paper.
• The introduction offers a sense of direction for the paper and presents a clear thesis statement to the reader.
• The body develops the necessary aspects of the main idea and provides examples, support, or illustration for each aspect of the main idea.
• The conclusion summarizes the main points and ties them to the thesis; it also presents an impact statement and/or suggests direction for future research.
Writing Style and Format (25 per cent)
• Paragraphs are unified, developed, and coherent, with transitions between ideas.
• Sentences are grammatically correct; words are chosen for accuracy and impact.
• The writing follows the conventions of spelling and mechanics (punctuation, etc.).
• The format follows the APA documentation style accurately and consistently.
How Assignments Are Marked:
Some students believe they start with 100 marks on a given assignment and lose a mark for each mistake. This is not true. An assignment is judged not only on how well a student avoids grievous errors, but also on what original and worthwhile content and expression a student brings to the assignment. In marking your work for this course, your Open Learning Faculty Member will assess your ability to analyze the essay topic and develop and present a logical, persuasive, and insightful argument that is well supported by citing relevant, current, and credible sources. Your essay also demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the material covered in the course module, and your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct and includes proper format and citations. A first-class, or “A,” paper (80–100 per cent) will meet this criteria, and all lesser grades miss at least one of the ingredients just described.
Critical Reflections
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the short critical reflections submitted as part of the written assignments:
The critical reflection includes a succinct summary of the required reading and demonstrates an understanding of the key points in the reading. /4
The critical reflection also includes a thoughtful, insightful commentary in response to what was read. The commentary demonstrates an engagement with the reading and is the interaction between the ideas in the reading and the studentÂ’s own interpretation/response. /4
The critical reflection is a polished piece of writing, written in clear, fluent, and technically correct prose. (Note that the writing is less formal than an essay, so you may write in the first person.) /2
Topic: A HISTORY OF CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT Type.Assignment Subject: Religion and Theology Pages:20, Double Spacing (275 words/page)Academic level: Master Sources:5Style: MLA Order Description you are to do a write up on the history of a denomination and how the doctrines have influenced your church and what doctrines from this denomination have you maintained?
Older Continental Drift Theory and Plate Tectonic Theory | Instant Homework Help
M8A1: Final Essay Examination Final ExaminationThe Final exam primarily covers the areas of the hydrosphere, the biosphere and the lithosphere. As in the Midterm, special attention should be paid to the lecture notes and the PowerPoint files, as well as the Discussion Boards. These sections are dependent on the text and the laboratory exercises, but the discussions and the lecture notes are more conducive to explanation and understanding with a essay-driven format. Additionally, the animated PowerPoints are good at achieving an understanding of processes that are in motion, especially when looking at the lithosphere, giving them more of a 3-dimensional quality.For this final essay exam you are required to answer all five (5) of the questions. Although there is no set word limit for these essay questions, you will be graded on your knowledge of the material and the detail with which you write your answers. You should take care to cite your sources in APA format and provide full references in a Works Cited lis1. Describe the paths of water through the hydrologic cycle. Explain the processes and the energy gains and losses involved in the changes of water between its 3 states. Operationally, we often most concerned with water does when it reaches the solid earth, both on the surface and in the sub-surface. Explain the relationship between the saturated zone, the water table, a ground water well and the cone of depression, all within the sub-surface. 2. The food chain is a valuable concept in biogeography. Give an example of a specific food chain, labeling the various levels of the food chain. After looking at characteristics of food chains, explain how a geographer’s approach to the study of organisms might be different than biologist’s study of organisms; what would each try to emphasize more than the other? What exactly is a biome? Compare/contrast the concept of the biome with that of the zoogeographic region.  Compare/contrast the floral characteristics of 2 of the following biomes: Desert, Tundra, Midlatitude Grassland and Boreal Forest.3. Theorize the difference in soil development in adjoining soils developed on forested, sloped area versus a grassed flat area. What are the soil-forming factors? Explain the importance of the nature of the parent material to soil formation and type. Then, cite at least 2 examples in which the influence of parent materials might be outweighed by other soil-forming factors. Explain the “struggle” between the internal and external processes in shaping the Earth’s surface. What are the different ways that the surface of the Earth is changed over time? 4. Describe the general sequence of events in continental drift since the time of 5 separate continents 450 million years ago. What is the difference between the older continental drift theory by Wegener and the more recent plate tectonic theory? Plate tectonics theory explains many seemingly unrelated phenomena. Explain how the patterns of volcanoes and earthquakes related to plate tectonics. Explain several pieces of evidence that combine to make the theory of plate tectonics the one that is generally accepted. 5.Provide a reason why some scientists believe the Pleistocene is over and a reason why other scientists believe we are now in an interglacial stage. Some believe, for example, that since areas of pack ice and glacial ice still exist we are still in an ice age. Others, on the other hand, seeing the rapid retreat of ice and snow pack in many areas, believes that this period of glaciation has ended. So, using some other justifications, why do we see some differences in interpretation? Is there some scientific data available that can support both sides view? If so, provide it. Why hasn’t this controversy been solved? What impact does this division of views have on the public policies that are enacted by state, national and international bodies Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers.
Severe Weather Perceptions | Instant Homework Help
Severe Weather PerceptionsWhat importance is there in how the general population perceives storm watches and warnings? For example, how did the population of New Orleans react to the warnings about Hurricane Katrina? Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. style formatting// You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properly.
Earthquake Formation | Instant Homework Help
What factors are involved with earthquake formation
Different Structural Domains | Instant Homework Help
How to interpret the main structures (fault, folds) and separate the region in different structural domains?
Terrestrial Planets With The Jovian Planets | Instant Homework Help
Your assignment for the thirteenth week is to write a 3- to 4-paragraph, 400 word minimum essay comparing and contrasting the terrestrial planets with the Jovian planets in terms of position from the Sun, composition, planetary history, and geomorphological features. How do these planets differ from the smaller bodies of the solar system (e.g., asteroids, comets, etc)? Your essay should be accompanied by a citation list in MLA or scientific (APA) format with at least three citations. One of these citations may be the textbook. Two must be external. External references may include books and refereed journal articles, certain valid news outlets (specifically, Newsweek, Time, Fortune, National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, New York Times), government sources (state, local, and federal, generally have a .gov in their website address), or universities and museums (generally have .edu in their website addresses) (e.g., wikipedia is not acceptable). Please include references within the text of your essay that relate to your citation list (i.e., let me know where you have used material in your text from your citation sources). If you reference a web site, you must include the exact web address. You may use no more than two quotes in your text of no more than two sentences each. Your grade will be based on approximately 60% for content, 20% for grammar and spelling, and 20% for citations and references. Late submissions will not be accepted. Your similarity index should be no more than 25% (originality index greater than 75%). You MUST submit to Blackboard by the deadline to obtain credit for your work. Click on the red heading immediately above (Assignment: Chapter 22…..)to submit your essay to Blackboard.
Ozone Depletion | Instant Homework Help
I want you to write a project presentation outline on Ozone Depletion this is for my geology class
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