Trial of Socrates |Get Solution

After Socrates is found guilty of corrupting the youth and impiety and receives the death penalty, he makes these two statements: one to his accusers and one to those who supported him. What do these statements indicate about the philosophical principles that governed his life and his criticisms of some Athenian citizens? What do Socrates’s trial and his views on his role in Athenian society indicate about the polis of Athens after the Peloponnesian War? Remember to ground your argument in this historical context and that this paper asks for historical analysis, not literary or philosophical analysis.

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The American Revolution |Get Solution

THIRD essay topic is, of course, about the American Revolution.   In at least 400 – 600 words: 1.  Using our course resources as a basis (Johnson and the videos) what do you see as the causes of the Revolution?  What do you view as the most important catalyst/cause(s) for the conflict?   2.  How do you view the war once it starts and plays out?  What do you see as the most important elements in the war?  The most important leaders on both sides?  Most important battles?  The biggest mistakes?  etc. etc.  What do you see as the most important reason(s) for the American victory over what was then the most powerful military in the world, the British? 3.  Do you think there was any way the conflict between the colonies and Britain could have been avoided?  How so, or why not?   In all of the above, make sure to GIVE EXAMPLES, and explain them when making your points.

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Film Review |Get Solution

Keep the length of the assignment in mind – within the space of four (4) [MINIMUM] to six (6) [MAXIMUM] pages, you will need both to describe and to analyze effectively your topic, properly citing relevant sources throughout. The best papers are those that are able to present a clear and insightful historical account of their topic – describing the major contexts and causes – and to offer original conclusions as to why the topic is important and worthy of study. It will not be enough simply to summarize the history of your topic, as it has been already written in the standard histories of cinema. As you are writing, keep asking yourself, “Why is this important?” and “What impact has it made?” Please keep in mind that this is a history assignment, not a critical review of a given film or filmmaker. Any opinions or conjectures made in your paper need to be carefully substantiated by your specific research. In general, overstatements, such as “the greatest” or the “most important,” add little to your paper. A relatively short assignment such as this is better served by more modest claims. It is also NOT a biography assignment. While you may need to include some background on a particular person, it should not make up the bulk of the paper – a paragraph or two should suffice.  COURSE PAPER GUIDELINES: 1. You are REQUIRED to use and cite a minimum of three (3) CREDIBLE, AUTHORITATIVE sources for your research paper. Sources can be books and scholarly articles in journals or in the popular press. You have a wealth of resources available (both on- and offline) to you via the EH Butler Library, so make sure you utilize them. NO WIKIPEDIA ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. ALL SOURCES MUST BE CITED. If you use another’s work and do not cite them, you are plagiarizing, which will result in a zero (0) for this assignment. You must cite INTEXT and on a WORKS CITED PAGE. When in doubt, CITE.  2. All information and ideas adapted from another source must be properly cited with a bibliography/works cited page AND in-text citations. In addition, all direct quotations and their sources must be clearly indicated. Please consult either the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, the OWL at Purdue Online Writing Center, or the citation information that is available on the EH Butler Library website for the correct citation procedures. Please use MLA style and be consistent throughout the paper.  3. Be sure to state your thesis clearly and concisely at the end of your introduction. You may want to underline your thesis statement to help you remain focused on your stated goals throughout your paper. You will be expected to write in university-level English, free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you feel you need help with your writing, contact me to set up an appointment. If you have questions or are unsure about something, contact your professor BEFORE the paper is due so I can help you find a solution.  4. Your course paper should be professionally done – meaning that it should have appropriate grammar and sentence structure throughout. Your course paper should also be free of spelling errors.’

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Athenian Democracy |Get Solution

Describe the origins and development of either the Athenian Democracy or the Roman Republic:  what was the basis for its social and economic life; how did its political institutions develop; why did its government finally peak and collapse; what happened to its social, political, and cultural life when it turned into/became a part of an empire?  Use at least 3 sources from the journal questions (including author and title) to support your answer, as well as appropriate examples from the reading, study guides, and discussion boards

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Slaves In The South |Get Solution

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin® Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions Unit 1 Essay Assignment This essay assignment will focus on the lives of the former slaves in the aftermath of the Civil War and 13th Amendment, 1865-1877. “Were the former slaves in the South truly free after the Civil War (1865-1877)? Why or why not?” Assigned Readings: Chapter 15 in The Unfinished Nation 13th, 14th, 15th Amendment (found in appendix of textbook) Journal article “A Black Colony in Dougherty County” (see attachment) Document: “Black Legislators Protest Their Expulsion” (see attachment) Document: “Colonel O.H. Howard Reports on the Camilla Massacre” (see attachment) In writing your response you must answer the question directly and definitively yes or no in the first paragraph, so do not straddle the fence and answer yes and no and do not be ambiguous with your answer. You should provide your answer to the question in the first paragraph and the rest of your essay should be the why or why not (the analysis). Use only the sources provided, and make sure you use and cite all of the sources provided. Do not use outside sources, do not search the internet for alternate sources, use ONLY the sources provided. Focus Questions: You are not to answer these questions directly, they are provided only to stimulate your thinking on the assignment. • How did the former slaves define freedom? • How did the Black Codes impact the former slaves’ freedom? • How did the Freedmen’s Bureau affect the freedom of former slaves? • What did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments do for black freedom? • What, if any, actions do the former slaves take to ensure their freedom? • What impact did sharecropping have on the freedom of the former slaves? Your essay should be at least 3 full pages in length not counting citations, double-spaced, use 12 pt. font (Times New Roman), and provide support and analysis for your answer. All quotations must be cited; I do not require a specific format, though title of source and page number should be included. Microsoft Word is recommended; if you use a different word processor I may not be able to open your file, and I cannot grade what I cannot open. I use originality software on all essays, so make sure your essay is your own writing. If the originality report is higher than 20% not original you should revise/edit your essay and resubmit it before the due date. Your grade will be based upon: 1) the logic and coherence of your answer; 2) directly and definitively answering the question and providing support and analysis; 3) grammar and organization; 4) using all of the sources provided.

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Women’s Engagement In National Struggles |Get Solution

Write an essay that explains  the three different statements stated below 2 pages per statement using the sources provided to add to the essay response.   The image of the harem has been central in orientalist discussions and portrayals of women and the Middle East. Discuss orientalism and the figure of the harem, its historical and modern manifestations, and social and political implications in history and modern times. Women have played a key role in the region’s historical national struggles and modern political contestations. Discuss women’s engagement in national struggles in the region and its implications on the women’s movements, use examples, cases, and your informed reflection on the mixed legacy of nationalism on women’s feminist movement. Since the mid twentieth century, the MENA region has witnessed great strides in closing some important gender gaps. Discuss some of gender equality trends in the region, the gap in gender attitudes, and how scholars in your course materials explain the gap, and what in your view best explains this gap?

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Possessive Investment In Whiteness |Get Solution

The essay guidelines are as follows: MLA style with a cover sheet, Times New Roman, 12 point font, Double Spaced, 3 full pages. Your essay must have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This is an opinion essay but your opinion must be based on the evidence or ideas presented in the essay, The Possessive Investment in Whiteness. Prompt After reading, The Possessive Investment in Whiteness what is the author’s main argument? Do you agree or disagree with the author’s argument why or why not? You may use evidence from your own life as examples to agree or disagree with the author. What three ideas in the essay stand out to you most and why? What if anything, did you learn from this essay?

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The Texas Constitution. |Get Solution

These are just essay questions and no sources are required to be cited. There is no page or word count required.  Answer the following questions and submit your answers as detailed in the syllabus. 1. Discuss the development of the Texas Constitution. 2. How could the Texas Constitution be changed for the better? 3. Discuss the reasons why the Texas Constitution should not be changed? 4. Discuss the value of local government. 5. Discuss the challenges of local government.

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Voting In America |Get Solution

write a 2 page essay discussing/answering the following questions: Why is it important to vote? Is voting a right or a privilege?  What informs you of this decision? Should voting ever be limited? Why/Why not? On what grounds? Should Americans consider a multi-party system similar to that in Canada, France, UK, Mexico, in which there are several political parties to choose from? Why/Why not? Explain What are the pros and cons of the two party system in the US? Who elects the president?  What is the Electoral College? Does it matter that the president is not directly elected by the population? If you feel comfortable discussing, which candidate would you vote for and why?

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Western Civilization |Get Solution

Instructions Migration is a significant feature of ancient and medieval life. Using examples from the medieval world, consider how the name we give to these movements of peoples shapes our view of their cultures. How do we define migration vs. invasion? Which term is most appropriate to the more fluid pre-modern political entities of this period? Were migration and invasion more harmful or more beneficial in the early medieval period? Explain.

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