Homework Essay Help
Illustration Essay | Instant Homework Help
Write a 750-1000 word essay about a topic in which you argue for the existence of a particular phenomenon by stating a generalization about the topic. Then you will support that generalization (in the form of a thesis statement) by choosing to write a single-example illustration essay or a multiple-example illustration essay (see Unit V, Lesson 2). The essay should be written in the style and form described within Unit V.
Purpose: Throughout Unit V, we have discussed the conventions of the illustration essay. The purpose of this assignment is to measure your mastery of those conventions by putting your knowledge to practice. In a larger context, the purpose of writing an illustration essay is to convey an idea to the reader by providing illustrations (examples) that will solidify the existence of a topic.
Process: For the illustration essay, you will complete the following steps:
Choose a topic: See the methods for developing a topic and the suggested list of topics in Unit V, Lesson 3.
Decide if you want to write a single-example or multiple-example essay: See Unit V, Lesson 2, for more instruction on the differences between single-example and multiple-example essays.
Collect illustrations: See Unit V, Lesson 1, for more information about different kinds of illustrations. See Unit V, Lesson 4, for more information about how to gather illustrations.
Craft your thesis statement: See Unit V, Lesson 5, for more information on how to write a thesis. Note that you want to craft your thesis according to whether you choose to write a single-example or a multiple-example essay.
Draft the essay: For each section of the essay, see the following: Unit V, Lesson 6, for the introduction; Unit V, Lesson 7, for the body paragraphs; and Unit V, Lesson 8, for the conclusion.
Stylistic details: All essays must meet the following requirements:
750-1000 words.
Write in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.
Include one-inch margins on all sides.
Use double spacing (top-to-bottom every page, to include above and below titles and centered words).
Include an APA title page (for all essays) and reference list that includes all of the sources used in the essay.
Include a header.
Include page numbers (upper-right corner only).
Adhere to APA convention and documentation style (See the CSU citation guide for assistance.).
At least one source is required. All sources used must be cited.
The following document will assist you in creating this assignment:
Illustrations essay example
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Roles of Men and Women in Relationships | Instant Homework Help
Instructions: Develop an essay of 750 to 1000 words minimum/maximum with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Include a works cited page.
Be sure to argue a particular point of view in your essay (your thesis) and cite various examples and short quotes from the readings in MLA format in order to support your perspective. Please focus on the reading themselves, and avoid using outside sources. Do not do any outside research on your subject and base your analysis on your own understanding of the text.
This assignment is due Sunday of Week 6.
Choose one of the following themes to explore with reference to one of the assigned readings from Weeks 4 to 6:
Examine the various romantic relationships described in the metaphysical poetry we read. What are the roles of men and women in these relationships? Can you generalize about gender roles in courtship?
Malory was trying to entertain us and Spenser was trying to edify us. Compare and contrast Malorys Lancelot with Spensers Redcrosse. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these heroes? What is the significance of their similarities and differences?
Discuss a difficult decision faced by one of these characters: Miltons Satan, Bunyans Christian, or Behns Oroonoko. What is the moral dilemma involved? How does the character reach his decision? What do you think that the author is trying to teach us about free will?
As you explore these themes, be sure to consider secondary characters as well to develop a full picture. Look for what the author is trying to teach us.
Submission Instructions: Submit your completed essay here for grading. It must be a Word document ending in .doc, .docx, or .rtf. Assignment 1 due Sunday, week 6, by11:55 pm, ET
DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.
Analysis of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Cultural Baggage Essay | Instant Homework Help
I need the analysis of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Cultural Baggage essay. The essay must be in MLA style and must have 2 pages. Also, you must have a good thesis statement and a good hook.
Skills, Abilities, Theories, or Methodologies Essay | Instant Homework Help
Identify at least two (2) skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in your Foundations coursework which you are able to apply in new situations. Talk about how you gained those skills and specifically how you use those skills in new situations.
a. Make sure to articulate in which specific Foundations course(s) these skills were obtained and provide concrete examples and references from the course.
3. Integrate artifacts which demonstrate your understanding of each skill (at least one artifact per skill). Be sure to explain your artifacts and their rationale for inclusion.
a. For this assignment, artifacts are representative pieces of your work that demonstrate the skills that you are describing. They might be taken from the course where you originally learned or refined the skill, or even better from subsequent courses in which you adapted and applied the skill to solve a new problem or used it at a higher level.
Examples of artifacts include (but are not limited to):
Argumentative Essays
Exam or Quiz Excerpts (Do NOT upload complete exams or similar documents)
Final Projects
Homework Assignments
Lab Reports
PowerPoint Presentations (of your own creation, not the instructors lecture notes)
Research Papers
Screenshots of Notes
Short Response Papers
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