[SOLVED] A Simple Soul

A SIMPLE SOULBy Gustave FlaubertAnalyze chapter II from 1 sentence to ” Like every other woman, she had had an affair of the heart. Her father, who was a mason, was killed by falling from a scaffolding.” to L16 ” He informed her that she would never see her sweetheart again; for, in order to escape the conscription, he had married a rich old woman, Madame Lehoussais, of Toucques.”Write 2 pages (in Times New Roman, use 12 font, double-space) with an introduction, a development and a conclusion

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[SOLVED] Video Footage

This two-part assignment includes one photograph and one video. Please answer the questions below:Part I: PhotographyFor this part of the assignment, select a current news article from AP News (you may use their website or an article from the World News section of your newspaper) that contains at least one photograph that is cited with the photographer’s name. Read the article, and then download the photograph or photographs (or take a photo if it is from a newspaper). Then, research background information about the photographer using an reputable source. In your essay, include a copy of the photo or photos, give a summary of the article and photographer’s background information, and explain how the photograph or photographs helped explain or support the news story. You can also write about what other photographs could have helped explain the story better or are lacking from the story.Part II: VideoFor this part of the assignment, select a current news article from AP News (or another reputable news source) that features a video. Research the issue or event featured in the video. In your submission, provide a link to the video, give a summary of the article, and explain how the video helped explain or support the news story. Include what other footage could have helped explain the story better or are lacking from the story.Your submission must have a minimum of 2 pages of writing (not including references).

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[SOLVED] Womens Literature Journal

In the Week 4 readings, all three authors are excellent at using Pathos, Logos, and Ethos in their attempt to make their argument in their writings. For this journal, you will look at all four of the readings, “On Being Brought from Africa to America”, “To the University of Cambridge, in New England”, “On the Equality of the Sexes”, and “From The Slave Trade” and identify where the authors use Aristotle’s modes of persuasion in their writings. Be specific as to the line/lines and how it expresses the mode. You should be able to identify all three modes in EACH writing

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[SOLVED] Rhetorical Act

Post a video, article, poem, visual, podcast, original art (drawings, photographs, poems, etc.) that relates to the readings and conversation from Monday’s reading assignments.Part 1: You Post. By 1pm MST on that Wednesday, write a post where you include your chosen rhetorical act (video, article, etc.) with a brief summary (1 paragraph, 3-4 sentences). Then write 1-2 paragraphs about why this rhetorical act made you “wind it back” and reflect deeper on the conversation from Monday. What did the act remind you of from our conversation? How did seeing this rhetorical act help you understand the content and/or context more? How does the piece relate (or not relate) to your personal experiences? What questions came up for you that you want to continue dialogically talking about? You can post anytime after our Monday class, but please do not wait until Wednesday morning to post Part 1. That is when it’s due, but try to turn this in while Monday’s class is still fresh.

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[SOLVED] Literature and Writing

Readings Women’s Rights:”The Storm” by Kate Chopin”The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman”The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin”Happy Endings” by Margaret AtwoodAfter completing the readings, answer the following questions in one well-organized paragraph for each. Use specific evidence in the form of direct quotes or examples from each story to support your points.1. Both halves of both married couples in “The Storm” are very happy as we see them at the end of the story. Considering this, how do you feel about Alcee and Calixta’s sexual encounter?2. How does the rest cure that is prescribed to the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper” worsen her mental condition?3. Choose one of Atwood’s “Happy Endings” (A-F) and explain how any one story we have read so far fits into the structure that Atwood describes.4. How does Mrs. Mallard’s repetition of “free! free!” in “The Story of an Hour” affect your opinion of her as a wife or a person?*Readings can be found on americanliterature.com*

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[SOLVED] Short Report On Film

Home>Literature homework helpfilmhistoryLength: 2 full pages. I really mean FULL pages (not one and half).Double-space (NOT triple-space); font size 12; preferably Times New RomanVery briefly summarize the film “Eat Drink Man Woman” (by Ang Lee), first and then describe your reactions and reflections. You may focus on any aspects of the film, such as plot, characters, ideology, cinematography, style, and so on.Give a title to your short paper. Do NOT plagiarize. Write with your own words.Eat Drink Man Woman (Director Ang Lee, 1994).

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[SOLVED] Christianity and Islam’s Beginnings

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 10 (Review Chapter 8, 9)LessonMinimum of 6 scholarly sources – at least 2 for Judaism, 2 for Christianity, & 2 for Islam (in addition to textbook/lesson)InstructionsIn a well-composed essay, complete the following:Introduction: Clarify briefly what this essay will accomplish.Develop a timeline showing the historical relationship among Judaism, Christianity and Islam’s beginnings. Indicate their geographical connections, founders, and any divisions within each religion.Choose one element from the following list: the nature of god, the nature of Jesus, holy books, or salvation. Analyze your chosen element by demonstrating the similarities or differences among the three religions regarding your chosen element, using specific examples.Examine at least two challenges that affect how all three religions currently relate to each other. Give an example of each challenge to support your observation. Further, define globalization and discuss how globalization helps or hinders this current relationship. (You can find a very good video on globalization in Week 8).Conclusion: Bring your essay together by reflecting on what you learned and how it might help you in your profession going forward.Your paper should include headings for each segment, including the introduction and conclusion, and thoughtful examples and analysis in your body paragraphs.In addition to outside sources, make sure to reference your textbook and/or lesson.Writing Requirements (APA format)Length: 1000-1200 words (not including title page or reference page)1-inch marginsDouble spaced12-point Times New Roman fontTitle pageReferences page (Cite textbook/lesson and a minimum of 6 outside scholarly sources.)Page or paragraph for in-text citations

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[SOLVED] Short Response Paper

Length: 2 full pages. I really mean FULL pages (not one and half).Double-space (NOT triple-space); font size 12; preferably Times New RomanVery briefly summarize the film “Youth” (by Feng Xiaogang) first and then describe your reactions and reflections. You may focus on any aspects of the film, such as plot, characters, ideology, cinematography, style, and so on.Give a title to your short paper. Do NOT plagiarize. Write with your own words.Youth (director FENG Xiaogang, 2017)

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[SOLVED] Research Topic Justification

Part I: Research Paper TopicConduct research to identify a domestic terrorist incident that has occurred in the United States. This research can be accomplished through an Internet search and through an Online Library that has several databases, including the International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center database.Part II: Research Topic JustificationIdentify your topic of choice and discuss your rationale for choosing the topic. Why is the topic important to the field of homeland security? Does it meet the criteria listed above? This topic must be approved by your professor. To support the topic of choice as well as why the topic is important to the field of homeland security, students must utilize outside sources. Consequently, at least two outside sources must be utilized with references and citations included in APA format. The sources must be scholarly and peer-reviewed from an Online Library; Google Scholar; or from local, state, or federal government websites. This assignment should be at least one page in length, not including title and reference page.

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[SOLVED] Actions and Health

I need a minimum of 200 words in length.How do you respond to color in everyday life? Do you think our response to color in art is the same or different? Why, or why not? What is the effect of color on our moods, actions, and health?

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