[Solved] The Haikus and Limericks
After reading the haikus and limericks included in pages 474-476 of Literature to Go, the lecture, “Haiku Journey (Links to an external site.)” by Kimberly Blaeser, and “Small Poems for Big (Links to an external site.)” by Chinaka Hodge, what stands out to you about the haiku and the limerick? What do you notice about these fixed form poems? Of the assigned poems, which was your favourite and why? Next, I’d like you to write an original haiku or limerick. Your original poem should follow the requirements of the form. Please find the basic rules for the haiku and the limerick below. Have fun and be creative. Rules for the Haiku There are only three lines, totalling 17 syllables. The first line is 5 syllables, the second line is 7 syllables, and the third line is 5 syllables. It should not rhyme. A haiku often features an image from nature meant to depict the essence of a specific moment in time. It emphasizes simplicity, intensity, and directness of expression. Rules for the Limerick. There are 5 lines. It should follow the rhyme scheme AABBA. The first line must rhyme with the second and fifth line. Lines three and four must rhyme. The content is usually light, funny, quirky, and even absurd. The first line sets up the character and setting of the poem. The first, second, and fifth lines typically have 8 or 9 syllables while the third and fourth lines typically have 5 or 6 syllables.
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