Mass Communication
[SOLVED] Divisive Communication
Find two examples of when communication was used to bridge two socio-cultural groups and one example of divisive communication. You may use examples from public media (newspaper, radio, TV, etc.), but use at least one personal example. For each example, describe the context, the content, and the result of the communication. Your discussion post should be at least three paragraphs long (300 words). Post your discussion by Day 3 of the week. Before beginning, carefully review the Writing Center’s guide Writing a Discussion Board Post. (Links to an external site.) Initial Post Checklist: Did you use scholarly resources to support your work? Did you discuss each area in the instruction and Grading Rubric? Did you use APA? For more information on Divisive Communication read this:
[SOLVED] Fake News Story
1. Read the instructions in the syllabus and follow the assignment instructions. Article to review: “How to Recognize a Fake News Story.” By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.For more information read this:
[SOLVED] News Media
Write a paper of at least 600 words in which you answer the following: What do you think the news media’s responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public? Based on the media you engage with, what should news media’s response be to reporting on “chatter” heard on social media? Do non-news media organizations that have a digital presence, such as a social media account, TV show, or blog, have any responsibility to present accurate and factual information through the content they share? Why or why not? How does the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution relate to these issues? Cite at least two sources to support your assignment. Use APA format and list the sources on a References page at the end of your document. Include a title page at the front of your document showing the correct assignment title, the course name, your name, and the date consistent with APA format for title pages.For more information on News Media read this:
[Solved] Divisive Communication
Find two examples of when communication was used to bridge two socio-cultural groups and one example of divisive communication. You may use examples from public media (newspaper, radio, TV, etc.), but use at least one personal example. For each example, describe the context, the content, and the result of the communication. Your discussion post should be at least three paragraphs long (300 words). Post your discussion by Day 3 of the week. Before beginning, carefully review the Writing Center’s guide Writing a Discussion Board Post. (Links to an external site.) Initial Post Checklist: Did you use scholarly resources to support your work? Did you discuss each area in the instruction and Grading Rubric? Did you use APA? For more information on Divisive Communication read this:
[Solved] Fake News Story
1. Read the instructions in the syllabus and follow the assignment instructions. Article to review: “How to Recognize a Fake News Story.” By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.For more information read this:
[Solved] Media Coverage
The assignment includes 2 questions 50 points to each of them (question 1 has two parts 25 points each, and question 2 has 4 parts 20 points for part A and 10 points for each of parts 2-4). Work on your own (unfortunately, working in groups is not allowed). Submission through Moodle. Deadline for submission: 7/8/20 The paper should be submitted as a Word file (please (!) don’t send me PDF files – it is very difficult to comment on them), according to the following format: Font size: 12, double or 1.5 space. The task should not exceed 3-4 (maximum 4) pages. The paper will be worth 80% of the courses grade Good Luck everyone! Questions: 1. Relate to media articles on face masks articles published in February-March, vs articles published in May-July (links attached below): A. How would a researcher from the Agenda Setting theory relate to the media coverage? Explain and elaborate on the theory (25 points) B. How would a researcher from the Agenda Building theory relate to this coverage? Explain and elaborate on the theory (25 points). Instructions: Base your answer on our class lessons and presentations. For question, 1B read the article by Len-Ríos et al. (2009), and also consider and relate to the CNBC article (link attached here) by Thomas Frank (Jun 3, 2020). Len-Ríos et al. (2009). Health News Agenda Building: Journalists’ Perceptions of the Role of Public Relations. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 86(2). Frank T. (Jun 3, 2020). Coronavirus masks could become a $9 billion market, benefiting these stocks, KeyBanc says. CNBC. 2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions below: Several studies published in recent years indicate that taking anti-depressants during pregnancy is linked to increased risks to the baby, including cardiac defects and autism. Following these studies, the FDA issued a health advisory in 2006, saying exposure to some of these drugs during pregnancy may increase the risk of congenital defects. Yet 2 months later, a group of 13 leading experts published a study in the medical journal JAMA, in which they concluded that stopping the medication greatly increases the risk of relapsing into depression, and is very dangerous far more dangerous than the risks involved in taking these drugs. These same experts gave interviews to the media and lecturers in many medical conferences to physicians, explaining about their findings and arguing that pregnancy is, in fact, a predisposition for depression and that about 20% of pregnant women experience some level of depression, which might lead to suicides, inability to care for the baby, or even harm their baby. They attacked studies that have found increased risks to babies born to mothers who used antidepressants, claiming that those studies are flawed and unworthy. The group also attacked the FDA for its health advisory and described it as “irresponsible” and as “driven by a single set of data” that is unsound and faulty and on “bad science”. Nevertheless, an investigative article by The Wall Street Journal published in 2013 revealed that this expert group was hired by the makers of antidepressants and that those companies have actually paid them in order to prevent the FDA from banning the entire class of drugs during pregnancy and to encourage pregnant women to continue taking these medications, despite studies suggesting risks to their babies. A. What three major strategies did the company use? Explain and elaborate on each of the strategies (20 points). B. Consider Aristotle’s three approaches to designing compelling messages, and explain which of Aristotle’s approaches fit these strategies (10 points). C. Consider Lule’s article (2001) What are the 2 main myths used by this group of physicians? (10 points). D. According to the four models of Grunig and Hunt Which of these ethical models do you think the strategies and tactics used in this case represent? (10 points). Instructions: Base your answers on our class lessons and presentations. For question, 2C read also Chapter 1 in Lule’s book. For question, 2D read also chapter 3 in Bowen, Rawlins and Martin’s book “Public Relations”. Lule, J. (2001). Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of Journalism. New York: The Guilford Press. Read Chapter 1: The story of the news story. pp. 1127. Bowen, S.A., Rawlins, B., and Martin, T. Mastering Public Relations. Chapter 3: Models and Approaches to Public Relations. Media articles For Q.1: Media articles on face masks published in February-March: Media articles on face masks published in May-July:
[Solved] Mass Media
Choose two types of mass media from the following categories: Print Sound and images Electronic media Write a paper of at least 600 words that examines the impact the two types of mass media you selected to have on American culture. Include the following in your paper: Describe the impact the two types of mass media have on American culture. Identify examples of the impact on the culture of these two mass mediums. Explain how culture affects these two mass mediums. Cite at least two sources to support your assignment. Use APA format and list the sources on a References page at the end of your document. Include a title page at the front of your document showing the correct assignment title, the course name, your name, and the date consistent with APA format for title pages. Do not use a font larger than 12 points, please (APA). Proofread and edit your work to make sure it is organized well and is businesslike and professional in appearance. There should be no copy errors of any kind (spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.). For writing help, visit The Center for Writing Excellence or download and use Grammarly, a free program that can help identify errors as you type. For more information on read this:
[Solved] News Media
Reflection on News Media Journal Experience: Insert 500-word reflection here. Include your attitudes regarding the news media, particularly if your attitudes regarding the news media changed because of this experience, and whether you believe the news media has turned elected officials into perpetual candidates. Address your perception of the news media as an agenda-setter. Do you believe the media truly reflects the publics opinion, or if the news media sets public opinion?
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