Religion and Theology
Japanese Religion
What did you learn in terms of what religions mean for Japanese people?What are some differences in the role that a religion plays for Japanese people from those in other societies?
Core Worldview
What are two core worldview concerns/questions that every worldview seeks to answer? What particular ethical questions beg to be asked and answered, based on the responses to these worldview questions? Cite your sources from the textbooks and other course materials.
Theological Questions
As with many other philosophical or theological questions, the answer to the question of morality and its benefits depends upon to whom the question is addressed. Of equal importance to the response is that person’s worldview. Each student reading this overview has and acts out of their weltanschauung, or worldview.Every ethical system is part of something bigger . . . that can be called a worldview . . . [which] consists of our beliefs and assumptions about how the world fits together. As is the case with ethical systems, everyone has one, whether it is acknowledged or not. (Wilkens, 2011, p. 19)Consciously or unconsciously, a worldview hinges on the answers to questions about five subcategories of philosophy. They include questions about:· God· Metaphysics, which is related to the nature of reality· Epistemology, which is related to the nature of knowledge· Anthropology, which is related to the nature of humans and their cultures· EthicsIdeas regarding morality hinge on an individual’s responses to questions such as:Is there a God? What is he like? Is human nature innately good, or is humankind fallen, fatally flawed by some original sin? Are human beings just highly evolved reasoning animals, or are they the crown of God’s creation? Can human beings only trust empirically verifiable data, or can personal intuition or divine inspiration be equally valid ways of
[SOLVED] Theology of Faith
Please pick and write on ONE of the following four topics:1.Given your understanding of Jesus ministry and themes of preaching, what are the main points of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12. Also compare it with the shorter version found in Luke 6:20-23, and determine what is Jesus main focus in these blessings sayings.2. Choose 3 stories (parables or accounts) from Luke that are related to the Gentiles (non-Jews), and that can also be found in either Matthew, Mark, or John. What are the differences in Lukes description and emphasis? What can they tell you about the focuses of Luke (and Acts) when it comes to Gospel and the Gentiles?3. How does Paul use the example of Abraham to explain his theology of faith and salvation? Use at least two passages of Paul (e.g. Galatians 3, Romans 4) to explain the main reasoning of this teaching of Paul.4. Compare between 1 Corinthians 12-13 and Romans 12 what does Paul say about the Church? What does he suggest that the believers should see themselves in order for the unity of the Church to be maintained and secured?Some requirements to pay attention to:a. Select a theme, and use what you have read in the selected passages to argue for it.b. Use more outside references (i.e. in addition to the Bible)c. Citation is required, for example:Thomas Hatina, Module Seven: The New Testament Canon,Introduction to the New Testament, Section 7.2.d. Include a small section of your personal thoughts
[SOLVED] Jewish Memorial Berlin
Yad VashemJewish Memorial Berlin[For an overview of Holocaust memorials, see this lecture( byJames E. Young, “The Stages of Memory: Reflections on Memorialization and Global Commemoration,”hosted by The British Association for Holocaust Studies,Literature/PoetrySebald, AusterlitzWiesel, NightAchebe, Things Fall ApartMorrison, BelovedCharlotte DelboLeila SebbarPaul CelanIrena KlepfiszFilmInglorious BasterdsThe Nasty Girl (Das Schreckliche Mädchen)Nowhere in AfricaIdaNumberedCachéWaltz with BashirMusicGoreckiChildish Gambino (“This is America”)HamiltonVisual Art/Artists
[SOLVED] Spiritual Therapy
compose a nine-page dialogue in which Socrates (or Confucius) applies critical thinking to debunk a conspiracy theory. Instructions in Kreeft, SocraticLogic,P344-347.Each criterion is assigned a value of 10% towards a total of 100% from the ten criteria.Initial question arising from ordinary situation or conversation (#2, p.346)Socrates as questioner, not as preacher (#4, p.346; #3, p.347)Socratic irony (##5-6, p.346)Spiritual therapy and missionary work (##7-9, p.346)Definition of question (##1-2, pp.346-7)Socratic strategy (#5, p.347)Dramatic interest, turning on a key point (##6-7, p.347)Conclusion, either by way of closure or intimations (#9, p.347)Historical fidelity (#10, p.347)Spiritual fidelity (#4, p.345)
[SOLVED] Identity in Buddhism
Death of the individual. There is no such thing as self, argues professor Tom Oliver [The Telegraph] Evolution, Morality and Politics ( reading the article, write a short essay answering the following questions:1. Compare the theme in the above article with the notions of personal identity in Buddhism.2. What are some of the similarities between Buddhism and this modern notion of of self?3. Based on what you know about Buddhism, what might be some of the dissimilarities within Buddhism and this modern reductive view of identity.Your writing should be typed in a Word document in 12 point, Times New Roman font and must be over 250 words in length. You do not need outside sources to complete this assignment, reading the article should be enough
[SOLVED] Christian Theology
The importance of St Anselm of Canterbury for the development of Christian Theology, and the emphasis he placed on the interworking of Reason, Revelation and Faith.
[SOLVED] New Testament Research
Alternative Presentations Assignment: Research PaperWrite a 5-7-page research paper on a theme in the New Testament (biblical theology). Choose a prominent theme in the New Testament. Read and research this theme in at least 5 different and substantial sources (at least 2 should be from a critical journal article). Develop a biblical theology of this theme. Identify similarities and differences in its presentation evaluating its integration within the New Testament: The Theology of the Messiah; the Theology of the Salvation; The Theology of Suffering; The Theology of Church; The Theology of Leadership; The Theology of Wisdom; or The Theology of the Worship.
Langston Hughes
Read: Salvation Salvation – Alternative Formats ” by Langston Hughes.Listen to: “The Distance of the Moon” by Italo CalvinoReflections on “Salvation” and “The Distance of the Moon”Both stories are about children learning lessons about life. What lessons are learned by the narrators? How are they similar and different?
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