[SOLVED] Element Method Analysis
Critically assess the outputs, techniques and reported failures on these two case studies (800 words maximum):1. Failure analysis of a failed connecting rod cap and connecting bolts of a reciprocating compressor, X. Zhu, J. Xu, Y. Liu, B. Cen, X. Lu, Z. Zeng, Engineering Failure Analysis,Volume 74, 2017, Pages 218-227, ISSN 1350-6307, )2. Failure analysis and fatigue performance evaluation of a failed connecting rod of reciprocating air compressor, M. N. Ilman, R. A. Barizy, Engineering Failure Analysis,Volume 56, 2015, Pages 142-149,ISSN 1350-6307,[Hint 1]: In order to do this task successfully, you will need to read other case studies from the same journal and from books and investigate the techniques, structures and failures named in the articles but not explained, as it is assumed the reader already knows about them.[Hint 2]: In order to understand the articles, you will need to find out the meaning of the technical terms used. You will be expected to use suitable technical terms as part of your analysis.[Hint 3]: You can discuss for example failure modes or materials phases. You may discuss alternative techniques to be used in order to verify the outcomes of the authors. Is there any other technique could have been considered not currently included in the article? What could have been the benefit? Why do you think those techniques have been used in the article? [Hint 4]: Was it possible to anticipate the failures in the process design? Might a good Finite Element Method analysis have predicted the failures?[Hint 5]: Use references, examples and/or your own experience appropriately.(20 Marks)
[SOLVED] Visual Aids Options
A. Format a. The paper should be written with either MLA or Chicago Manuel styles. Pleaserefer to the MLA and Chicago Manuel handouts/sample papers located in thFinal Response Paper module.b. You will choose any two artworks from the lists provided in this document to compare/contrast. These are not artworks we have discussed in the class, butthey do use the concepts weve discussed.i. Your paper should use comparative analysis to draw conclusions about the processes and techniques used by the artist(s).ii. Consider the following questions: 1. What are the similarities/differences in materials betweenthese works2. How did each artist approach line, shape, texture, pattern, perspective, color, light, composition, etc.? Be specific andthorough.3. What symbolism or meaning can be gleaned from your visual analyses?c. The paper should have a clear introduction, a body of concise paragraphs with well-written analyses, and a Works Cited (or Bibliography) if you used outsidesources. You may include a title page, but it is not required.i. Introduction 1. A good introduction includes an opening statement and anoverview of your main arguments.ii. Body 1. This is the bulk of the paper, which provides evidence for yourprincipal arguments. Each paragraph should about 4 or 5 sentencebefore a paragraph break (long paragraphs become difficult toread).iii. Conclusions 1. You can do two things here:a. Summarize your arguments. b. Summarize and suggest future research that can be done toexpand upon your arguments. Questions for future researchare good!iv. Images 1. You do not need to provide images in this paper. However, if youdecide to include them, you must follow the proper format.a. Image format i. After your conclusion, start a new page and writeImages at the top. Stack your works vertically oneach page.ii. Under each image provide identification informationincluding the figure number, artist,title, date, medium,dimensions, and location. Seethe last page for an example.d. Citation i. You are not required to use outside sources for this project, but make sureto cite any information taken from a sourceeven if you summarize theirargumentsotherwise you are committing academic plagiarism. Myprimary concern is that you make a complete visual analysis of theseartworks using all the applicable principles and elements wevediscussed in this course.
[SOLVED] Industrial Epidemiology & Toxicology
Industrial Epidemiology & Toxicology Assessment 2INTRODUCTIONSafe Work Australia has decided hypothetically for the purpose of this assessment to review its workplace exposure standard (WES) for hard metals containing Cobalt. Safe Work Australia has written to all stakeholders (government, employers, workers and professional bodies) inviting them to make submissions on the current exposure standard (0.05 mg/m3 TWA) and whether a review of these exposure standards is required or not in light of the most recent Threshold Limit Value (TLV) recommended by ACGIH (0.02 mg/m3 TWA). Safe Work Australia has however not provided any endpoint criteria as the basis for this review. The responses from stakeholders resulted in the following:? Government the exposure standard should be between 0.02 and 0.05 mg/m3? Employers the current exposure standard should remain the same i.e. 0.05 mg/m3? Workers the current exposure standard is too high and needs to be lowered to 0.02 mg/m3? Professional bodies the current exposure standard may be acceptable depending on the acute or chronic effects of cobalt.As there is little chance of agreement between the four stakeholders Safe Work Australia have commissioned a consulting group (i.e. YOU) to review all the epidemiological & toxicological data and put forth a recommendation for an exposure standard for Cobalt. The consulting group (i.e. YOU) are told that they should collect the data first and from that a decision on an appropriate assessment end point will be made by the Chairman of Safe Work Australia. The consulting group (i.e. YOU) then have the task of proposing a standard that meets the endpoint criteria and is also supported by available information. As the endorsement process requires agreement between the states the consulting group is asked to prepare an evidence-based report outlining all the data they uncover and their reasons for including and excluding any data in the ultimate determination of the exposure standard. STUDENT ACTIONS You will be collecting and evaluating both epidemiological & toxicological data for the above mentioned workplace contaminant. As part of the data collection and critical analysis you need to think about endpoints i.e. health effects and determine what are the possible appropriate assessment end points (health effects) supported by the data. You will also review workplace exposure standards available in various countries and complete the task of proposing a standard that meets the endpoint criteria and supported by available information.Step by step guidance:? Evidence based evaluation of available information and databases? Search strategy, inclusion & exclusion criteria, and literature review of epidemiology & toxicology studies.? Collate information and data from both epidemiological and toxicological literature reviews.? Make inferences and draw conclusions based on collated information.? Prepare your PowerPoint Presentation & Individual written report Part 1: PowerPoint Presentation You will then present your findings using a PowerPoint presentation (Maximum 15 slides, Maximum allotted time for presentation 15 minutes, Voice-Over/ Narrated PowerPoint for Remote Delivery). Presentations will be submitted earlier than the reports to recommend what are the key points and what should be the appropriate endpoint based on the available data.? Narrated PowerPoint Presentations should be submitted earlier than the reports via the assessment 2-PPT drop box on the eLearning site by Monday 4 May 2020 at 9:00am.? The PowerPoint Presentation counts as 10% of the final marks for this subject.Following submissions of PowerPoint Presentations, the required endpoint for the determination ofan exposure standard will be declared by the Chairman of Safe Work Australia (YOUR LECTURER).Part 2: Individual Written Report Individual reports will be then prepared by each student to submit their proposal for a workplace exposure standard to take account of the assigned endpoint and the available data. Each report must be an independent assessment of the available data. The report must be no longer than 2000 words, excluding title page, references and appendices. Reasons must be provided for including any data that supports the proposed exposure standard or any data that has been excluded because it doesnt support the proposed exposure standard
[SOLVED] Types of Energy Metabolism
The purpose of this final project is to provide the opportunity to review material and have additional practice utilizing many of the concepts covered during this course.DirectionsBelow you will find general information about Luisa, plus additional information at the beginning of each question. Use this information, your textbook, and other information discussed during this class to answer the following 10 questions. You should use complete sentences, appropriate exercise physiology terms, correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in your answers.QuestionsLuisa is an active 70 year old, is 52, and 130 pounds. She currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island, with her husband, Jack, and two dogs. She has always liked to bicycle, but recently decided to compete in the 40K cycling event at the National Senior Games held in June in Birmingham, Alabama.1. Although Luisa is generally in good health, she does have a few issues with her bones and joints. She has mild osteoarthritis in her knees and was recently told by her doctor that she has osteopenia. What might have caused Luisa to develop these two conditions and what are appropriate treatments for each one? (5 pts)2. As a cyclist, which type of energy metabolism (anaerobic or aerobic) does Luisa use primarily as she is riding her bike? In 2-3 paragraphs outline what type(s) of energy source she uses (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) and follow these sources through each step of the appropriate energy pathways. (10 pts)3. Luisa knows that her quadriceps and hamstrings are active as she cycles, but she is interested in learning more about the structure and function of these muscle groups. Describe the specific action of each muscle group takes and list the individual muscles that make up each group. Then, list any other muscle groups that are active as Luisa races. (15 pts)4. Unfortunately, Luisa tripped over one of her dogs as they were out for a walk and she sprained her ankle. What would you recommend for her to do to treat her sprained ankle? (3 pts)5. Luisa is a little worried about competing in the heat and humidity of Alabama. Give her at least 3 suggestions on ways she can prevent heat illness. (5 pts)6. Luisa has gotten a clean bill of health so far, but has a very strong family history of heart disease. Provide Luisa with at least 4 suggestions of lifestyle choices she can make to help her prevent heart disease. (5 pts)7. Luisas husband, Jack, is 510 tall and weighs 218 pounds. What is Jacks BMI? Does this suggest a healthy body weight? If not, provide him with at least 3 suggestions for healthy weight loss. (7 pts)8. Jack is interested in starting a muscle-strengthening routine, but he has never lifted weights before. List eight exercises for Jack to try and arrange these exercises into a set. Give Jack one safety tip to consider before he begins this routine and describe what he should expect during and after he completes this set. (10 pts)9. Luisa usually cycles for 1-2 hours, 3 days a week; hikes or walks with her dogs and husband daily for 30-60 minutes; and does yoga or other flexibility exercises 2 days a week.a. Discuss how well Luisa does currently at meeting general recommendations for exercise. (5 pts)b. Create a weekly exercise/training plan for Luisa that will help her meet her competition goals and health needs. Her exercise plan needs to include components of muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and aerobic exercise, should meet or exceed the general guidelines for each type of exercise, and be mindful of some of her physical problems mentioned in previous questions. Your plan should be very specific as to type(s) of exercises, frequency, intensity, and time. (15 pts)c. Calculate the number of calories Luisa will burn in a typical week of exercise using METs. Look up the MET value for each activity using the following website Compendium for Physical Activities. (5 pts)
[SOLVED] Health and Human Performance
Self-Evaluation Paper : (30 points)Students will complete a self-?evaluation to be turned in at the end of the semester, refer to course schedule for due date. Students will upload their Self Evaluation through the Assignment tab in Blackboard Learn. Late self-evaluations will not be accepted!Please note late self-?evaluations will not be accepted. Instructions: You will need to answer the three following questions honestly, thoroughly and thoughtfully. The self-?evaluation must be typed, double-?spaced, 10-?12 font, with a 1 margin and 3-?4 pages in length. Begin with an opening statement, write your content in a clear, succinct manner, and end with a concluding statement.1. Describe the major learning events related to course content/information you learned in this class.2. Identify a career path in Health and Human Performance that you are most interested in at this point in your education. Specifically, what is your background in this career-path and what are your future goals.3. What could you have done yourself to improve your efforts/learning during this semester for this class?
[SOLVED] Honors Forensic Science
Honors Forensic ScienceNameHair Analysis for Heavy MetalsGeneral BackgroundDetection of Heavy Metals in Hair SamplesHeavy metal toxins such as arsenic and thallium commonly enters the body through ingestion. These toxins pass through the stomach and are absorbed by the blood stream. Once in the bloodstream, the toxins travel to all parts of the body. Heavy metals have a high affinity to bind to the amino acid cysteineFigure 1: Cysteine, an essential amino acid.Keratin, the major structural protein in hair, contains many cysteine molecules, and therefore, is one of the main accumulation sites of these heavy metals.Image result for keratinFigure 2: Keratin, the major structural protein in hair.In simpler terms, heavy metal toxins like arsenic and thallium are trapped inside the keratin inside the strands of hair. Therefore, hair analysis is a great way to determine the presence of heavy metals in a persons system.Image result for contamination in hair strandsFigure 3: Toxins trapped in the bloodstream are carried to the scalp. When at the scalp, the toxins are bound to the keratin, through the composite cysteine molecules, which makes up the structural integrity of a strand of hair. As the hair follicle grows, the trapped toxins are suspended in the individual strand of hair where they can then be detected through forensic toxicology analysis.Hair grows at approximately 1.3 cm /month . Hair keratin that is produced today will not protrude through the scalp for one week. This indicates that if a hair sample tests positive for toxins directly at root, the exposure occurred just one week prior. If the presence of heavy metal toxin does not appear until 1 inch away from the scalp, the exposure occurred 2 months prior, and so on.How to Analyze a Hair Sample1. A hair sample is collected for analysis. Approximately 1 gram of hair is needed for analysis (this is about 2000-5000 strands of hair!). Hair found at the back of the head offers the best results for analysis. Why do you think the hair found here offers the best results? (take your best guess)2. In the lab, the individual strands of hair are split and analyzed under a microscope. The microscopic analysis ensures there is a contaminant present in the hair and is in need of further elemental testing.3. The overall chemical makeup of the hair is then identified using mass-spectrometry to determine the elemental analysis inside of the strands of hair.ProcedureUsing the patients symptoms and the chemical makeup of the toxic metals found in a hair sample, it is up to you to determine how the patient died.A male, aged 40, went to the hospital complaining of abdominal pains and muscle cramps, accompanied by overwhelming nausea and vomiting. While at the hospital, his health began to decline rapidly. His hands began to turn brown and scaly and his fingers and toes felt like they were always on fire. After a couple days, his body shut down resulting in a coma after he fell into cardiac arrest. The blood supply to his brain eventually stopped and his family decided that it was time to pull the plug.The hospital toxicologist knew they needed to perform an autopsy to determine that exact cause of death, although he already had an idea in mind. The toxicologist has suspicions that the patient was poisoned and sent samples of the patients hair to the lab for analysis.Below are the results the lab determined to in the chemical makeup of the patients hair sample:Lab Questions1. What major symptoms did the patient exhibit that made the toxicologist believe the patient was suffering from a poisoning?2. The reference interval is the maximum amount of heavy metal exposure a person can have in their system before symptoms of acute poisonings begin to appear. Analyze the table above and indicate which heavy metal toxins are above the maximum in the patients system (there is more than 1).3. Of the heavy metal toxins found in the patients system, what heavy metal toxin do you believe is the reason for the death of the patient? Why?After the patient passed away from the poisoning, the forensics team began their search to figure out the cause of the poisoning. Was it an accidental exposure? Was it deliberately done? The forensics team traced the patients whereabouts in the weeks leading up to the onset of the symptoms of a poisoning to determine the cause. The patient was an employee for the World Health Organization. At his job, he was responsible for traveling to different communities and gathering water samples for routine analysis to ensure the water quality was within quality range. At one particular site, the quality of water appeared to be contaminated with heavy metals that were well above standard amounts. A new drilling project recently began very close to the water source resulting in a runoff of the metals naturally found in the soil. The patient accidentally fell into this water source while collecting his routine analysis samples, ingesting some of the water.4. How did the patient get high levels of toxins into his system resulting in his death? Was the poisoning an accident or did someone deliberately try to poison him?
Mental Health Nursing
Family mental health nursing.1) Annotated bibliography related to family mental health nursing.The student will search literature for current research related to family mental health nursing. The student will create an annotated bibliography of a minimum of five research articles. The student will create a summary paragraph listing and describing the family nursing approaches/interventions/actions that are supported by the findings described in the annotated bibliography.Below are several reputable websites that explain how to prepare an annotated bibliography. annotated bibliography includes a brief summary of the research article and an evaluation of the relevance of the research for nursing. The bibliography should use the APA citation style
A Systemic Racism
Womens health with race componentWrite first draft of reproductive healthGrading Rubric for Research Paper First Draft1. Introduction/3Overview of topic and culture Some background informationThesis is clearly and concisely stated2. Content/15Description of why topic is a systemic racism issue (or a womens issue) Description of why topic is a social justice issuDescription of population and its culture, including how the culture impacts or is impacted by the issueBoth sides of an argument are initially consideredThesis is supported by thoughtful and organized arguments Arguments are well-supported with evidenceDiscussion of actions taken and proposed3. Conclusion/2Summarizes the content of the paperStates concisely what was learned from the research4. Scholarly Writing/5Paper has a title page and a reference page in APA style. APA style is used consistently throughout paper.Paper is clearly written and flows well with correct grammar and spellingPaper contains four sources of evidence, two of which come from scholarly sources.All sources of evidence are authoritative, relevant to the topic, and paraphrased, using minimal direct quotes
Hydrogen and Helium
It’s possible for both hydrogen and helium reactions to occur simultaneously in the same star
Safety Fundamentals
Paper assignment 1 Need it within 4 hoursCollective bargaining has several advantages over the legislation such as flexibility, and ability to be adapted to local problems. How we could use it for achieving improvements in OHS.Word count: 150-250words Use any referencing style consistently Avoid plagiarism Submit as Word document file Deadline: 3/April/2021with References
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