Social Science homework help
Philosophy of Science | Instant Homework Help
In approximately 1 page, describe your approach to science. To prompt your thinking on your philosophy of science, consider the following: (Note: you don’t have to answer each specific question, but these prompts are meant to probe your thinking):
What is truth? And, how do we seek it? Is there only one truth? Are there multiple truths? Is truth necessary in science? Why or why not?
How did your gender, sexuality, race, class, religion, neighborhood, nationality, personality contribute to your understanding of your world and what is meaningful?
How do you begin research?
What is important to you?
Why do scientists rely on models and theories which they are at least partially inaccurate?
How is this related to implicit or unconscious bias? Explicit bias?
What role does ethical research play in your approach or thoughts about science?
What is your goal in science?
Cultural Relativism | Instant Homework Help
Please read the case study entitled Mordidas that you find in the reading assignment.
Based on what you have learned in this unit, answer the following questions:
About the bribery in Mexico City, not only is it the way things have been done as long as anyone can remember, but the process actually makes a lot of sense; its even very economically efficient because the middlemen are being cut out. Instead of having to pay an administrative staff to process traffic tickets, then accept deposits into the citys account, and then redistribute the money back out as part of police salaries, here the money goes straight into the officers pocket.
What is cultural relativism, and how does the vision of ethics associated with it diverge from the traditional ethical theories?
The Mexico City process of getting and paying off a traffic ticket is different from the process in other countries. What values and advantages can be associated with the process in Mexico City? How can it be justified in ethical terms?
What values and advantages can be associated with the process of getting and paying off a traffic ticket in your country? How can it be justified in ethical terms?
How can the difference between the Mexico City process of getting and paying off a traffic ticket and the process in your country be converted into an argument in favor of the idea that cultural relativism is the right way to look at things? Does the argument convince you? Why or why not?
Submit a paper that is well constructed using APA format. The paper should be a minimum of one typewritten page (approximately 300 to 400 words) with an introduction and conclusion. This paper shall demonstrate the use of standard written English with respect to organization, grammar, spelling, composition, sentence structure, punctuation, and construction.
In Mexico City, police salaries are extremely low. They live decently enough, though, by adding bribes (mordidas in Spanish) to their wages. During a typical week they pull in bribe money that more or less equals their monthly salary. All the locals know how it works, especially when it comes to the most avid collectors, the traffic cops. In the standard procedure, the officer pulls a car over, takes out his codebook, walks up, and hands it to the driver. Ostensibly, hes allowing confirmation that the law actually prohibits whatever was done. This is what actually happens: the driver slips about fifty pesos (a little under five dollars) into the book, closes it, hands it back, and is free to go.Business Ethics Workshop video, accessed May 12, 2011, 20booklet.html. The practice is so routine that frequently the procedure is abbreviated and participants dont even bother trying to hide the payoff or going through the codebook pantomime. They may approach the officers patrol car and directly drop the money onto the guys lap.Business Ethics Workshop video, accessed May 12, 2011, officer.html. Or they may stay in their own car and just hand cash out to be directly pocketed.Business Ethics Workshop video, accessed May 12, 2011, Regardless, the transaction is smooth and efficient.
Despite the briberys efficiency and its penetration to societys core, not everyone in Mexico City is happy with the constant mordidas. According to a story in the citys largest circulation daily, a mayor in one of the suburbs decided to take a lonely stand against the informal police action. Since all the police are in on it, he couldnt resort to an Untouchables-styled internal affairs operation. And since all the citizens considered the payoffs perfectly normal, he couldnt appeal to them for help either. Really, he was left with only one choice. To interrupt the habit, he made traffic tickets illegal. His suburb became a free driving zone where anybody could do whatever they wanted in their car and the police couldnt respond. A lot happened after that, but theres no doubt that the payoffs stopped.Alejandro Almazán, Fin de la mordida, El Universal, November 16, 2003, accessed May 12, 2011, 54910&tabla=ciudad.
The Role of Media in Religion and Politics | Instant Homework Help
Personal values and beliefs are shaped by experience and influenced by the information that is presented by people in authority and reported through the media. The power of the media to shape thinking and behavior is very important to understand. The media may contribute to creating and shaping a persons religious conviction. For example, in 2010 there was a major debate in New York City about the building of an Islamic center near the site of the 9/11 attack. The media reported that Muslims were building a mosque. The idea of a mosque angered some people and there was major controversy. In fact, the building was a community center, 15 stories tall, that included a worship space (a mosque). The way the story was presented influenced the thinking and emotion of many people. Another example of the influence of media was during the buildup to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bill Moyers DVD presentation titled Buying the War illustrates the way the Bush administration used the media to present the urgency of war with Iraq. Many religious leaders (including the Pope) tried to persuade the administration not to engage in warfare. The media and religion were engaged in this political situation.
Illustrate the role of the media by using YouTube clips of media presentations that voice opinions about particular religious issues. In what way does this media presentation influence a persons thinking? Why do you think the media is so powerful in shaping peoples opinions and decision making? Analyze the media presentations you selected. Use the link on Media Literacy: How to Analyze the News (the COPS strategy: Content, Opinion, Perspectives, Sources) as a guiding tool
Write a two to threepage essay illustrating the role of the media in influencing the decision making of people around a religious/political event. For example, the Presbyterian Churchs debate on financial divestment regarding the IsraeliPalestinian conflict.
Effects of Globalization on Development in Developing Countries in Africa and South America | Instant Homework Help
The topic is What are the effects of globalization on development in developing countries in Africa and South America.
Focus on the economic effects and choose one country in Africa and one in South American to write about.
Please, presenting more in-depth and comprehensive research and analysis of the topic chosen. Written in font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. The research should be based on appropriate academic materials as well as possible other references (such as media publications, reports by states, International Organizations, NGOs, etc.) with footnotes referring to the specific bibliography throughout the paper.
Ethical Problems of Death and Dying | Instant Homework Help
1. Describe the ethical topic AND a potential ethical dilemma as it relates to the ethical topic/issue
a. Identify the stakeholders who are impacted or who may potentially be impacted by this ethical topic/issue.
b. Identify the legal concerns associated with the topic/issue
2. Explore professional and personal values related to the ethical topic/issue
a. Describe and support a position (values, attitudes, beliefs) on the issue, provide examples supported by current literature
b. Provide an alternative position on the issue, provide examples describing the alternative viewpoint with examples supported by current literature
3. Identify and discuss any new knowledge gained related to the topic/issue.
4. The scholarly paper should be 4-5 pages excluding the title and reference page.
5. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
6. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.
7. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use we or I) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. The exception to this rule is if/when you do the reflective piece as it relates to your position (values) at the end.
8. Include a minimum of (4) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
9. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
10. Review the originality report, and make any needed changes.
11. Submit the assignment by the posted due date.
Intervention/Treatment Plan | Instant Homework Help
After reviewing the agencys intervention/treatment plan, complete the intervention/treatment plan with a client with whom you are working. Briefly describe the setting where the intervention/treatment plan was conducted.
Briefly discuss how you used the literature to guide your practice (i.e. actual use of the treatment/intervention plan).
Briefly summarize the experience of actually working with the client and any emerging themes (i.e., anything in the literature that captured your attention or was repeated throughout) that were present during the intervention
Cross Cultural | Instant Homework Help
Introduction, thesis, conclusion must be included. Analyze an issue, event, or incident in which cultures crossed over or came together. This may be a conflict where the parties involved came to a peaceable solution and or where tension remains. It may be a conflict where no solution appears to be in sight and where tensions builds often or rapidly. Synthesize these findings in writing that presents your thinking and your understanding and insight into the cultures.
Importance of Motifs | Instant Homework Help
In our readings about the gods, their births and biographies, we have seen the importance of motifs (repeated narrative patterns) in generating the particular types of stories that comprise ancient myth. In this assignment, you will look in greater depth at the function and mechanics of motifs.
You should select ONE of the two options below:
1. Brief analysis of a single motif. (length, 2-3 pages; 12 point font, lines 1.5 spaced)
This is a more traditional interpretive essay assignment in which you analyze the use of a single motif in THREE different texts. All three texts can be from the readings assigned in this course, OR you can discuss two texts from the course and one additional text be selected from your own repertoire of reading/viewing/listening (ie, outside of this class). Your analysis should consist of a brief description of each instance, followed by an interpretive analysis comparing and contrasting each instance of the motif. In the interpretive section, you may wish to ask “why is this motif used here?”, “how is the motif adapted to this particular story?”, “what similarities/differences are there between this use of the motif and the others I am discussing?”
Successful assignments will demonstrate:
1) good ENGAGEMENT WITH SPECIFICS OF EACH TEXT, including appropriate QUOTATIONS to support your claims
2) insight into common features BEYOND THE OBVIOUS
3) insight into how differences CHANGE the type of narrative the motif creates
2. Build your own mythical narrative
This is a more creative form of the assignment, in which you adapt the motifs that we have been studying to create your own mythical narrative. You will take at least ONE and no more than THREE motifs from the course readings and create your own mythical text. This may be a variation on one of the stories that we have studied, or an entirely new story built from the blocks of traditional motifs. You may undertake your story in ANY GENRE (story form), ancient or modern, that you like. IN ADDITION to your mythical narrative, you will submit a short explanatory paragraph detailing which motifs you adopted (including identification of source text) and explaining how and why you adapted them to your new narrative.
Successful assignments will demonstrate:
2) reflection on how motifs can be adapted to suit new aims
3) creativity in narrative structure/presentation, including awareness of GENRE
My Future Career | Instant Homework Help
Your summative assessment will require you to reflect on your future as a human services professional. In your paper, you must comprehensively address the following:
Evaluate your career selection that was made in Week 1.
What populations do you want to serve and in what capacity?
What type of organization do you want to be working for in the future (or now if you plan to stay with your organization as you advance)?
Appraise the past, current, and future societal issues facing the human services profession with your chosen population and organization.
Evaluate a minimum of one historical issue related to your population.
What current challenges might your clients face and how might this impact your organization as well as your work?
What future societal issues might your clients and organization face?
Evaluate how you might perform your role in this field.
How might you be supervised?
What might your working relationships be with your colleagues?
How will you maintain healthy boundaries with clients?
What other services might your organization offer and how might these services interact with yours.
Assess the impact that the community will have on your clients and organization?
How will you work to serve your clients within the community?
How do you think you will have an impact on the global needs in terms of the population you have chosen to serve?
Compare the human services organization where you currently work or might work with a similar human services organization that serves the same population.
Outline the similarities and differences, evaluating which is more of an effective model of a human services agency.
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Ethics, Relativism, Objectivism | Instant Homework Help
Read Pojman Parts I & II. From the reading, how would a relativist and objectivist define ethics? Give examples or a case study to demonstrate the ethical responses by a relativist or an objectivist. Cite also the philosophers who are related to the two different ethical theories.
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