Deconstruction vs Psychoanalytic Criticism
In a 4-6 paged essay, dialogically analyze, or perhaps we should say synthesize, two schools of criticism. How does one school react to, rebel against, answer, or expand another school of criticism? Consider how you might introduce the theories, assumptions (about texts, readers, and meaning-making processes), and expected results. Remember that your task is to set up two schools of criticism in conversation with each other, so you do not want to write about the two schools of criticism as separate ideological constructs of theory. In your synthesis, you must use one theorist from each school that you are analyzing to demonstrate the “conversations” between the two schools of criticism. Though you are not required to use literary texts, you may choose one from the following if you think you could be more clear by way of applying each school of criticism you have chosen. Literary Works to Choose From (choose only one work): “Batter my heart, three-person’d God”—John Donne “When I consider how my light is spent”—John Milton “Hap”—Thomas Hardy “God’s Grandeur”—Gerard Manley (G.M.) Hopkins Format: o Follow MLA-8 style guidelines—including proper heading and headers. o A Works Cited page is required. o Typed, double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font—no exceptions o Use direct quotes and parenthetical, in-text, citations from theorists and the literary text if you choose one.
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