Describe how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years
Describe how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years Describe how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS Write an essay including four pictures with clear captions and citations describing how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years in your community During Unit II we will spend some time engaging in your community to find out how contemporary emergency management may be impacted by historical events. Our reading assignment frames up some key events that occurred during these generations and leads us up to the civil defense era. Unit II Paper: Make sure your paper is focused on emergency management changes in your own community. This could be an identification of the community emergency response team that was created recently or the integration of amateur radio operators into emergency response activities. Make sure the photos that you utilize are photos that you took of these community activities. If appropriate, go take some photos in your own community. Read the assignment instructions twice and let me know if you have any questions. Use the APA paper template that is provided in the course announcements or create your own properly formatted APA paper. Remember, APA formatting is the easy part. Graduate-level writing and writing style is the hard part. COVID-19 Considerations: I got a great question from one of your classmates in a previous session of this course related to going out into the community and taking photos and engaging emergency managers in the workup for this Unit II essay. Do not put you, or your familys, health or well-being at any risk to go interview anyone personally or take any photos in the community. Getting related photos in the community of hazard mitigation efforts or disaster resilience efforts is not a big challenge. And, you still have an opportunity to interview people via phone or email in the community to help frame up your paper. Most students took this remote approach anyway. If you are not able to conduct interviews or get any rich first-hand information, make sure you share in your research paper who and how you attempted to contact people to frame up a graduate-level consideration of the evolution of local emergency management. I am not going to hold anyone accountable or deduct any points from your work by not being able to approach this paper the same way we would under blue sky days. Write an essay including four pictures with clear captions and citations describing how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years in your community. Compare those years to that of the Post-Katrina era. Be sure to identify your community. Interview those in your community to determine lessons learned and improvements that have come from major disasters that have occurred specifically since Hurricane Katrina. Has emergency management been affected based on any events? How? What changes have there been in mitigation? Preparedness? Has your community been involved in any major disasters? Describe the progression towards federal government involvement in disaster response and recovery during this period. Describe the stakeholders, emergency services participants, and how disasters were managed over the last 50 years. Be sure to cite your sources. Be sure to include pictures that would be useful to your discussion. Some suggestions would be to include pictures of events during the disaster and during the recovery period after the disaster. Some examples of disaster mitigation actions are building codes, warning sirens, and fire codes. Your essay should be four pages in length, not counting the pictures that you will insert in the Word document, your title or reference page. Your paper should be in APA format with at least two academic sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Please be sure to include at least four pictures with clear captions and citation. Answer preview to write an essay including four pictures with clear captions and citations describing how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years in your community Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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