Exploring Trade Publications
Locate three articles from trade publications in Franklin’s subject-specific periodical databases, read the sources, and write annotated reference listings for each, posting them to the Professional Perspectives knowledge-base forum. Search for articles discussing topics mentioned on the organizational websites visited by you and your classmates. Specific Requirements: Your three sources must be from different trade publications representing the field you’re researching. In many of the research databases, you can filter the results of your searches to show only articles from trade publications. Each annotated reference must begin with an APA reference-list entry for the source. See “Anatomy of an APA Citation” in the APA Citation Style guide. Each annotated reference must have a summary paragraph that discusses the key points the article makes about the topic being researched and a review paragraph that explains what interested you about the article, what light the given article shed on professional identity or professional issues, conversations, and debates. Post the three annotated references as a single new topic message on the Professional Perspectives knowledge-base forum. The title should include the name of the professional field you chose to explore followed by the phrase, “trade articles” (to distinguish these postings from the earlier write-ups of organizational websites). Action Items Identify research databases relevant to the profession you are researching. Alternatively, you can identify specific trade publications and identify the library databases that include them. Search for articles on professional topics of interest and filter the results to provide only trade publications.” Alternatively, you can have the database search within a specific trade publication. Write an annotated reference for each article according to the guidelines above. Submission Instructions By the due date, post your annotated references as a single new topic message on the Professional Perspectives knowledge-base forum. Grading Criteria Locating the proper kinds of sources (0-10 points): Expect deductions for submitting annotated references for sources that to not represent articles from current-events periodicals. Providing appropriate APA reference listings (0-10 points): Expect deductions for omitted information, inaccurate information, and incorrect formatting. Providing sufficient annotations (0-10 points): Expect deductions for overly brief annotations, unreadable annotations, or inaccuracies. Note: Students are expected to read the sources and write their own annotations. Copying from published abstracts will result in a zero and, potentially, a charge of plagiarism.
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