Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay

Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay Paper must be 4-5 pages, excluding reference page and title page. Must include the following sections: Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay One paragraph for each of these. – Introduction paragraph, with a purpose statement. – Identify and provide rationale for why you selected Florence Nightingale. – Describe the historical background of Florence Nightingale – Explain the effect Florence Nightingale had on the practice of profession nursing today.(Also try to mention the pandemic) – Provide a prediction of the future needs of nursing based on Florence Nightingale’s values. -Conclusion of the paper. Must cite from the two PDF’s I have provided, everything must be cited, my professors are very strict on this. florence_nightingale__pandemic_approach.pdf florence_nightingale_lasting_legacy_for_healthcare.pdf Received: 8 June 2020 | Accepted: 8 June 2020 DOI: 10.1111/nin.12369 I N V I T E D C O M M E N TA R Y Learning from Florence Nightingale: A slow ethics approach to nursing during the pandemic AnnGallagher Faculty of Health and Medical Science, International Care Ethics Observatory, School of Health Science, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Correspondence: Ann Gallagher, International Care Ethics Observatory, School of Health Science, Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7TE, UK. Email: [email protected] This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence during the catastrophic Crimean war (Hamilton & North, 2015). Her Nightingale. It has also been named The International Year of the commitment to improve the conditions of gravely ill and dying sol- Nurse and the Midwife by the World Health Organization. This spe- diers, to develop the evidence base underpinning care and her resil- cial year brings into sharp focus the pivotal role played by nurses in ience are inspiring and paved the way for modern nursing. Florence health promotion and responses to diverse health needs across the Nightingale’s story also details how she responded to risks of infec- lifespan (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020). Within months tion in the Crimea. This was witnessed and reported by a contem- of Nightingale’s birthday anniversary—on 12 May 2020—and weeks porary witness, Lord Sidney Godolphin Osbourne (1855, p.26) who of the WHO special year announcement, the globe was gripped by wrote: the COVID-19 pandemic, and nurses were engaging with some of the most challenging ethical issues of our time. She has an utter disregard of contagion; I have known There was, initially, much concern about the ethics of allocat- her spend hours over men dying of cholera or fever. ing limited resources such as ICU beds (Vincent & Creteur, 2020). The more awful to every sense any particular case, Ethical concern also focused on personal protective equipment especially if it was that of a dying man, her slight form [PPE] and professionals’ obligations to care when this is inadequate would be seen bending over him, administering to his (Brown, 2020; Royal College of Nursing, 2020). The focus of ethical ease in every way in her power, and seldom quitting concern belatedly attended to the devastating impact of COVID-19 his side till death released him. on many residential care homes for older persons (Oliver, 2020). There has also been much attention to the impact of COVID-19 on Regarding Nightingale’s demonstration of sensitivity, it was reported nurses’ health and well-being. At the time of writing, the International that she wrote letters to the families of soldiers who had died in her Council of Nurses [ICN] estimated that approximately 600 nurses care.Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay The letters were said to be carefully crafted, demonstrating her have died from COVID-19 (ICN, 2020). appreciation of their importance for families to know the circum- Given the different eras, diverse range of contemporary issues stances of the soldier’s death. It was said that she tended to min- and evolved status of nurses, it may seem futile to enquire what imise the soldier’s suffering and emphasise his heroism (Hamilton & 21st-century nurses might learn from the life and work of 19th-cen- North, 2015, p. 46). tury Florence Nightingale. I aim to show, drawing on insights from During the current pandemic, there are instances where fam- recent work on ‘slow ethics and the art of care’ (Gallagher, 2020), ilies are unable to be present when loved ones are dying. Nurses that contemporary nurses can indeed learn from the life and work of have, then, an important role as conduits of love between patients Nightingale. Her life and work shows the value of stories, sensitivity, and families when separated at the end of life. Nurses today may solidarity, space, scholarship and sustainability. not write letters as did Nightingale, however, they can receive and Nightingale’s story begins with her birth into privilege. She re- share messages between patients and families by phone and other sisted enticements to become a genteel lady who took tea and technology. They also provide comfort to families by reassuring embroidered and instead followed a calling to become a nurse, lead- that their loved one did not die alone and was comforted until the ing a small group of women to respond to the suffering of soldiers end. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. © 2020 The Authors. Nursing Inquiry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Nursing Inquiry. 2020;27:e12369. https://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12369 wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/nin | 1 of 3 2 of 3 | GALLAGHER Regarding the sustainability of nursing—and of environmental We can learn from Florence Nightingale as she role-modelled issues more generally—following the Crimean war, Nightingale ini- many of the qualities most needed during this pandemic, for example tiated nurse training programmes and highlighted the importance resilience, compassionate care, courage and a commitment to lobby of environmental factors in promoting or undermining health and for, and bring about, change in the health conditions of marginalised well-being. National nurses’ associations and the ICN now play a populations. The example of Nightingale taking time to write letters critical political role in advancing the interests and values of nursing to the families of soldiers who had died during the Crimean war res- and nurses and in lobbying for better conditions and respect for all onates with circumstances nurses may find themselves in during this care-givers and for environmental issues. pandemic. It seems plausible that Nightingale’s perspective on solidarity was However, Florence Nightingale was a person of privilege with limited by her time and experience of more global issues. Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay However, powerful networks of support. Nurses are a diverse group and, she understood the importance of evidence and of compassionate while many have the confidence and competence to speak out—and care for all, and both have international significance. Given our in- advocate for care-recipients, families and communities and their creasing inter-connectedness—albeit now with pandemic limita- own safety—others will find this challenging. A report relating to tions—nurses are in a strong position to enact local and international the predicament of Filipino nurses during the pandemic, for exam- solidarity and genuine political commitment. This is necessary to ple, cited one nurse as saying, ‘It’s not in our nature to complain’ enable nurses, and other care-givers, to do what they have always (Vincent, 2020). done: to aid recovery; to enable the best possible end of life expe- The position of nurses who are working away from their home rience when cure is not possible; to care always for care-recipients, countries may be precarious due to visa and immigration constraints. families and communities; and not to abandon those in need of care. This will impact also on nurses’ families particularly if a migrant nurse Engagement with scholarship on nursing history and ethics is becomes ill or dies. Their interests need to be protected. Thanks to helpful as it enables nurses to reflect on, and compare, past and work begun by Florence Nightingale and others, we have an increas- present activities of Nightingale and other nurses of her era. Nursing ing evidence base to guide nurses and other care-givers as to the and nurses have, of course, changed significantly since the time of best means to remain well during the pandemic. Nurses—and other Nightingale. Nurses are now generally well educated in the art and care-givers—are precious and valuable as individuals and play a cen- science of nursing, are accountable professionals, are independent tral role in compassionate and fair responses to all who need care in and are still mostly women, many with family commitments and many our varied health systems. travelling to work in other countries. Nurses are also likely to have a This view from ‘slow ethics’ attempts to bring together some good grasp of the ethics of their practice and to have an awareness strands of nursing history, care ethics scholarship and current pan- of the requirements of a professional code. An increasing number demic care issues. The pandemic urges a bolstering of care ethical of nurses also practise as clinical ethicists and have post-graduate values and processes for these extraordinary times. Reflection on qualifications in ethics. Hence, a fruitful discussion could be had with the legacy of Florence Nightingale regarding the future directions of students regarding Nightingale’s ‘disregard of contagion’. How might the field is fourfold: contemporary nurses respond to this? First, a renewed focus on solidarity and social justice—learning Many of the ethical issues arising during this pandemic, as de- from, collaborating with, and supporting each other in our global tailed above, will not be new to experienced nurses. For example, community—is critical for an ethical pandemic response. Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay The re- issues relating to the fair allocation of scarce resources are common cent seminal State of the World’s Nursing Report (WHO, 2020), a in most health systems. Nurses are also no strangers to challenges collaboration among the WHO, Nursing Now and the ICN, urged and opportunities of respecting the wishes and dignity of care-re- ‘a decade of action that begins with investing in nursing educa- cipients, of the delivery of compassionate care, including at the end tion, jobs and leadership’. Specific ethical guidance from centres of of life, and of working to minimise harm. What will be new to most ethics excellence around the world is also invaluable in supporting nurses are the risks and constraints of a highly infectious and le- nurses in doing the right thing in challenging times. There is work thal virus. This virus jeopardises the lives of patients and care-givers to be done to develop accessible normative accounts of solidarity alike, makes all humans potential vectors and victims and seems to and social justice which should form a central component of the have a disproportionately negative impact on Black, Asian and mi- curriculum for nurses and other professional. It needs to be borne nority ethnic communities. Many nurses and care-givers are from in mind that the majority of care-givers do not benefit from pro- these communities, and many have died from COVID-19 infection. fessional privileges and their contribution needs to be valued and Regarding the role of space in nursing in Nightingale’s time and their interests safeguarded. now it seems likely that, whereas reflective practice and moral Second, it is suggested that we have less preoccupation with spaces were not considered priorities in the 19th century, this does moral distress and more focus on moral resilience. In recent de- not mean that Nightingale and her peers were unreflective or lacking cades, there has been abundant attention to the moral distress in the enactment of ethical values. and stress of nurses and this has continued during the pandemic. So, can we learn from Florence Nightingale? And where might this take us in terms of new directions for care ethics? Focusing on the moral and emotional frailty of nurses rather than on their resilience and coping is unlikely to support public trust, respect | GALLAGHER 3 of 3 from other professions or inspiration for future recruits. A balance is REFERENCES to be struck here, with more focus on coping and creative responses Brown, B. (2020). Are clinicians without PPE morally obligated to care for COVID-19 patients? Bill of Health Blog. Retrieved from https://blog. petri?eflom.law.harva?rd.edu/2020/04/15/ppe-mask-short?age-coron?aviru?s-covid?19/ Gallagher, A. (2020). Slow ethics and the art of care. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Hamilton, L. M., & North, W. (2015). Florence Nightingale: A life inspired. Boston, MA: Wyatt North Publishing L.L.C. International Council of Nurses [ICN] (2020). More than 600 nurses die from COVID-19 worldwide. Retrieved from https://www.icn.ch/news/ more-600-nurse?s-die-covid?-19-world?wide Oliver, D. (2020). Views and reviews: Let’s not forget care homes when covid-19 is over. British Medical Journal, 369, m1629. Osborne, S. D. (1855). Scutari and its hospitals. Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay Milton Keynes, UK: Lightning Source UK Ltd. Royal College of Nursing (2020). Guidance for members: Refusal to treat due to lack of adequate PPE during the pandemic. Retrieved from https://www.rcn.org.uk/get-help/rcn-advic?e/refus?al-to-treat Vincent, G. (2020). Why are a disproportionate number of Filipino healthcare workers dying of coronavirus? ITV News, 24th April, 2020. Retrieved from https://www.itv.com/news/2020-04-24/why-are-a-dispr?oport?ionat?e-numbe?r-of-filip?ino-healt?h care?-worke?r s-dying?-of-coron?aviru?s/ Vincent, J.-L., & Creteur, J. (2020). Ethical aspects of the COVID-19 crisis: How to deal with an overwhelming shortage of acute beds. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care, 9(3), 248–252. https://doi. org/10.1177/20488?72620?922788 World Health Organisation [WHO]. (2020). The state of the world’s nursing report. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/publi?c atio?ns/i/item/ nursi?ng-repor ?t-2020 to challenges and on stories of nurses overcoming the odds to provide the best possible care to patients and families. Third, we need to continue to increase the visibility of creative compassionate care and prioritisation of non-abandonment. At a time of significant global suffering, nurses and other care-givers play a critical role in aiding recovery and, where this is not possible, in being with people who are dying. Care-givers’ role in comforting families as conduits of love cannot be overstated: sharing final messages between patients and families and making conversations possible using technology when families are physically separated. The care ethics principle of non-abandonment is to be remembered here, applying to responses to care-recipients and families and also to the provision of resources so that care is safe and ethical for all. And, finally, we need to learn and avoid post-pandemic forgetfulness. International organisations, governments and care organisations need to show—over the long term—that they are not forgetful. The six elements of slow ethics—stories, solidarity, sustainability, space, scholarship and sensitivity—are elements that connect past and present and remind us of the fundamentals of care. These elements of nursing care are brought to the fore during this pandemic and enriched by reflecting on the contribution and legacy of Florence Nightingale. Politicians and the public need to demonstrate that they are genuine in their praise and honour promises to support, reward and respect nurses and other care-givers. The future of this most critical work, that operationalises humanitarianism, depends on it. Nightingale: A Slow Ethics Approach to Nursing during the Pandemic. Nurs Inq. 2020;27:e12369. https://doi.org/10.1111/ nin.12369 ORCID Ann Gallagher How to cite this article: Gallagher A. Learning from Florence https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2264-024X Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Legacy for Health Care Joe Tye, MHA, MBA Florence Nightingale is appropriately remembered as the person who, more than any other, establish nursing as a respected profession. Less well remembered are her roles as architect of the modern hospital, public health pioneer, and advocate for the health care of soldiers and veterans. Florence Nightingale Contributions Essay As we celebrate the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, we should also remember how Florence’s legacy touches almost every other aspect of the modern health care system. T hink of the rock stars who are so famous they only need one name to be instantly recognized: Elvis, Cher, Bono, Madonna. In the world of health care, there is only one such rock star: Florence. Although she certainly would have chafed at being called a rock star, Florence’s legacy was earned by her enormous contributions to the profession of nursing, the design and organization of hospitals, her pioneering work for public health and epidemiology, and her commitment to the care of soldiers, veterans, and their families. KEY POINTS Although Florence Nightingale is remembered as “the lady with the lamp“ who ?rst established nursing as a true profession and de?ned what it means to be a nurse, her legacy extends more broadly into almost every other dimension of today’s health care system. Florence’s management of the Scutari Barrack Hospital during the Crimean War established a structure that can be recognized in the organization chart of every contemporary hospital, and her work on hospital design in?uenced hospital architecture for nearly a century following initial publication of her book Notes on Hospitals. Florence largely disappeared from public view upon her return from Turkey, but over the subsequent 5 decades, her work profoundly in?uenced nursing education, public health policy, and health care for soldiers and veterans. 220 June 2020 Florence is rightly remembered as the person who, more than any other, established nursing as a true profession and defined what it means to be a nurse. During her 2 years of service during the Crimean War, she established standards of practice and expectations of professionalism that dramatically enhanced the status of nursing. As Barbara Dossey wrote in Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer, “The standards of care and personal and ethical qualities routinely demanded of today’s nurses were virtually unknown in the 19th century. Nightingale had to create, not only a structure, but also a culture to support that structure. It was her mission to establish the concept of women nurses in the military—women with excellent clinical skills as well as high moral character and a selfless desire to serve others.”1 Florence’s book Notes on Nursing was one of the most influential books in the history of health care, having inspired generations of women (and more recently men) to become nurses.2 She was the guiding light for the first professional school of nursing, which to this day bears her name. Around the world, newly graduated nurses still commit to their profession, and to the people they will serve, by taking the Nightingale Pledge. And the World Health Organization has declared 2020 to be the International Year of the Nurse in honor of Florence’s 200th birthday.3 CREATING THE MODERN HOSPITAL But through her work to manage the Scutari Barrack Hospital during the Crimean War, and to reform the entire British health care system over the succeeding 5 decades, Florence did more than lay a foundation for the nursing profession, as remarkable an accomplishment as that was. She, more than any other person, oversaw the transformation of the “hospital” from a haphazardly managed building that originally had been designed for some other purpose (an army www.nurseleader.com barracks building in the case of the Scutari Barrack Hospital) into a facility specifically designed with the care of patients in mind. Her fingerprints are all over some of the most fundamental elements of today’s health care system—things that we take for granted but that were revolutionary during her time. She was in a very real sen … Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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