Global Warming
Global Warming and climate Change Global climate has long been a topic of debate. New reports are coming out that suggest human activities are NOT causing global warming. The publication “Scientific American” in June 2003 reports: “Greenhouse skeptics, pro-industry groups and political conservatives have seized on the results, proclaiming that the science of climate change is inconclusive and that agreements such as the Kyoto protocol, which set limits on the output of industrial heat-trapping gases, are unnecessary. But mainstream climatologist, as represented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), are perturbed that the report has received so much attention; they say the study’s conclusions are scientifically dubious and colored by politics.” What is your viewpoint on humans impacting global warming? Do you think human activities are part of the cause, or is this more of a media hype? Take some time and review scientific and political reports and your textbook. Then use the information you come across to back up your view point in a two-page essay. Be sure to include the significance of this issue to Environmental Science and the concepts you learned this semester. Your report should be Times New Roman, 12 font, 1’ margins (top, bottom/left, right), cover page, and include a reference list of your source(s). Upload to the “Assignments” section below by the due date.
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