Graff’s Template of Templates
Graff’s Template of Templates (on page 11 and page 751-752 of our anthology) gives you a good model of the way you might analyze the sources you have found for Essay 2 and of the way you can assert your own view of your topic. It also requires that you find key points in your sources to respond to. Assignment: Use the Template of Templates to analyze and respond to your sources. You may add commentary to your use of the templates; in fact, this would give you a good start on the essay. Pick a topic in the food conversation, one that you researched for your sources last week. Then use the templates to see how authors can disagree about the topic, and then make your own view more precise. Here’s an example: In discussion of food, a controversial issue has been whether processed food should be part of a healthy diet. On the one hand, Michael Pollan argues that we should avoid all processed food. From this perspective, we can eat all the “natural” dairy fat we want, but we should never have a Frito. Pollan quotes Gyorgy Scrinis’ words, on of this view’s main proponents, “the most important fact about any food is not its nutrient content but its degree of processing” (627).According to this view, all processed foods contribute to disease. In sum, the, the issue is whether we should eat “natural” foods or those that are processed to any degree. The next section is similar, but pertains to your own view.
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