Human Factors and Cockpit Design | Instant Homework Help
You will research the topic of Cockpit Design in an effort to understand improving aviation safety. Consider accessing the NASA website in addition to scholarly journals to perform this task. Provide a summary of the cockpit improvements and future options. (in Summary) Describe the Six Elements of Human Performance. Explain the four categories that provide the framework for accident analysis of Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS). Explain the Accident/Incident Profile as it pertains to accident causation. What are the major problems that are being addressed? (in Problem) Tie in your knowledge of human limitations in relation to the man-machine system. What was/is the significance to the airline industry? To general aviation? (in Significance) Compare and contrast the Management of Human Error as a risk management philosophy versus an operational program. Based on a review of all major issues, choose two and expound on solutions provided and possible additions. (in Alternatives) Make your recommendation going forward based on lessons learned. Could something else be added? (in Recommendations) ——————— Write a 2-3 page case analysis and include; Properly cited sources using the APA current edition. A References page Appendices, as needed Resources from the major agencies to support your work.
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