Irresponsible Dog Breeding
Write a 1,250-1,500 word research paper on an issue or problem about which people might disagree. You must work with a topic approved by me. You must take a position on your topic and you must support that position with authoritative sources. You need a minimum of three sources. You should include 3-7 paraphrases and/or summaries and 3-7 direct quotes from those sources. Do not include more than one long quote (4 or more lines). Introduction Paragraph • Start with a “hook” to draw your readers in. Use some method (a story, statistics, background information, etc.) to show why this topic is important or interesting. • Put your thesis as the last line of the introduction. The thesis will state your position on the issue. Body (this should consist of several paragraphs) • Each body paragraph topic sentence should present a different reason or example to support the assertion made in your thesis. • Supporting details should be specific and sufficient to support your claim. • Details should be in a logical order and not wander from your central point. • At some point, introduce an opposing argument and refute it. Concluding Paragraph • End with something to remind your readers of the importance of the issue and perhaps urge them to take action.
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