Metaphysics Journal
Turnitin® This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions Metaphysics Journal Respond to the following prompt as thoroughly as possible. Please remember to use the Toolkit whenever possible in your responses, as I’m grading you for the depth of thinking and reasoning you show in your responses. Make a list of the 5 – 10 things that are most real to you and explain why those things are more real to you than other things. R? A? I? C? As a point of comparison, list at least a few things that are less real (or not at all real) to you and explain your reasoning for why you believe these things are less real than the other things you listed above. Would most other people agree with your assessments of what is real and what isn’t? To what extent does outside agreement matter? Explain. (I suspect your response to this will vary, depending on which things in your list you’re talking about, so be specific.)
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