N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers

N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Module One: Introduction to the Course & Implementing Clinical Reasoning in Practice Discussion 1 Post to the discussion board a planned approach to communicating with someone who speaks another language. What type of questions will you need to ask ? N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers. Was there any communication issues discussed this week in Shadow Health? How does communication impact the concept of clinical reasoning in nursing? Please discuss the issues completely, citing your sources so that your classmates can reference the information. Include one insight gained this week from your readings or interaction in Shadow Health. Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Assignment 1 Assignment Instructions: Write a three-page paper on the use of clinical reasoning in developing and applying advanced health history and physical assessment skills at the graduate level. Consider contemporary nursing literature on the development of clinical reasoning and decision-making. How does the use of the nursing process enhance critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment in professional nursing practice at the graduate level. Please use the submission parameters and rubric below to guide you when completing this assignment. Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ n522pe-20a-advan…ssignment-papers / ? Submission Parameters: For this written assignment, please use the following guidelines and criteria. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the paper is approximately 3 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s). I. Introduction (including purpose statement) II. Clinical Reasoning Describe how clinical reasoning is used in developing and applying advanced health history and physical assessment skills at the graduate level. III. Nursing Process Describe how the use of the nursing process enhance critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment in professional nursing practice at the graduate level. IV. Clinical Example Discuss an example demonstrating the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical reasoning. Discuss how nursing care is provided when each of these concepts are evidenced in nursing care of the patient. V. Conclusion VI. References (consider contemporary nursing research studies or reliable electronic sources) In regards to APA format, please use the following as a guide: Include a cover page and running head (this is not part of the 3 pages limit) Include transitions in your paper (i.e. headings or subheadings) Use in-text references throughout the paper Use double space, 12 point Times New Roman font Apply appropriate spelling, grammar, and organization Include a reference list (this is not part of the 3 pages limit) N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP) Assignment 1 Rubric Competency 30 27 25 0 Points Define, compare and contrast clinical reasoning and decision-making. How is this related to critical thinking and clinical judgment in graduate level nursing practice? Defines, compares, and contrasts clinical reasoning and decision-making with cited references in addition to course readings for Week 1. Answers posed questions. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Defines, compares, and contrasts clinical reasoning and decision-making with cited references from course readings for Week 1. Answers posed questions. Describes clinical reasoning and decision-making. Briefly answers how is this related to critical thinking and clinical judgment in graduate level nursing practice? Does not define, compare and contrast clinical reasoning and decision-making. Does not answer how is this related to critical thinking and clinical judgment in graduate level nursing practice? /30 30 27 25 0 Consider contemporary literature and apply the concept of clinical reasoning to advanced physical assessment in nursing. Considers contemporary literature and applies the concept of clinical reasoning to advanced physical assessment in nursing. Considers textbook literature and references within text book without further consideration of external literature support. Considers and applies concept of clinical reasoning to advanced physical assessment in nursing without reference to expert opinion or research literature. Does not consider and apply concept of clinical reasoning to advanced physical assessment in nursing. /30 30 27 25 0 Provides one clinical example demonstrating the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical reasoning. How is nursing care provided or modified when each of these concepts are evidenced in nursing care of the well-adult, family, and one special population? Provides one clinical example demonstrating the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical reasoning. Discusses how nursing care was provided or modified when each of these concepts were evidenced in nursing care of the well-adult, family, and one special population. Provides one clinical example demonstrating the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical reasoning. Discusses how nursing care was provided or modified when each of these concepts were evidenced in nursing care of the well-adult, family, or one special population. Demonstrates the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, or clinical reasoning. Discusses how nursing care was provided or modified when these concepts were evidenced in nursing care of the well-adult, family, or one special population. Does not demonstrate the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, or clinical reasoning. Does not discuss how nursing care was provided or modified when these concepts were evidenced in nursing care of the well-adult, family, or one special population. /30 10 9 8 0 APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with no errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with less than two types of errors. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with five or fewer types of errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with more than five types of errors. /10 Module Two: HEENT and Skin Assessment Discussion 2 – N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers This week you have studied advanced physical assessment of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, head, neck and skin (HEENT). Describe the classification of rashes. What additional resources for HEENT advanced health assessment skills have you found beneficial in developing your knowledge and psychomotor skills this week? Post a concept to the discussion board that you have had difficulty with and note where you are with resolution of your difficulties. Please describe the issue completely, citing your sources so that your classmates can reference the information and provide additional “clinical pearls”. In other words, please include primary sources and/or reliable electronic sources to support your arguments. Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria. Module Three: Cardiovascular, Peripheral Vascular System & Respiratory Assessment Discussion 3 This week you have studied cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, and respiratory advanced physical assessment. What additional resources for these advanced health assessment skills have you found beneficial in developing your knowledge and psychomotor skills this week? Post a concept to the discussion board that you have had difficulty with and note where you are with resolution of these difficulties. Please describe the issue completely, citing your sources so that your classmates can reference the information and provide additional “clinical pearls”. In other words, please include primary sources and/or reliable electronic sources to support your arguments. Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Sample Solution Approach An additional resource that I found helpful with this weeks Shadow Health experiences, in addition to our textbooks, was the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI). The algorithm for the diagnosis and management of asthma, assisted my clinical reasoning when performing an exam on Tina. This algorithm helped guide me to ask the appropriate questions when trying to find what lead on Tina’s symptoms, if there was a strong family history, the response to her current inhaler, and next steps that an advanced practice nurse would consider, like changing to a new inhaler. I would recommend to see Tina in clinic for a follow up within one month to see how her new inhaler is working and to make sure she is compliant with it, as we know she has not been the most compliant with her diabetes medications. One area of difficultly that I had this week was matching heart sounds to the physiologic features of the heart. The pattern of auscultation of heart sounds can either start from the apex to the base or vice versa. According to Bickley et. al. (2017) either is appropriate as long as you are stopping at all 6 listening spots, using the sternum as my landmark to guide me. If you are assessing a patient for the first time, or a change in their cardiac status, like Tina, it is important to have the patient lay on their left side to assess for mitral stenosis as this can bring the left ventricle closer to the chest wall for providers to hear better. I feel that with more practice hands on I will be able to thoroughly understand/communicate the 6 auscultation spots and explain what I am hearing systole vs. diastole, S1-S4, and/or murmurs. Bickley, L. S. (2017). Bate’s guide to physical examination and history taking (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Dains, J., Baumann, L., & Scheibel, P. (2016). Advanced health assessment & clinical diagnosis in primary care (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Li, J. T., Pearlman, D. S., Nicklas, R. A., & Lowenthal, M. (1998, November). Algorithm for the diagnosis and management of asthma: A practice parameter update. Retrieved from https://www.aaaai.org/Aaaai/media/MediaLibrary/PDF%20Documents/Practice%20and%20Parameters/diagnosis-and-management_1.pdf 382 words Permalink In reply to Alissa Heeman Re: Discussion 3 by Dona – Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 6:43 AM Well done. Describe the cause of JVD and what to look for on exam. 14 words Permalink Show parent In reply to Alissa Heeman Re: Discussion 3 by Ihuoma – Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 9:28 AM Allssa, I am with you on this too, after talking to Ms. Jones on shadow health clinic, I admired her, at least she knows what her triggers are. My father died of a massive heart attack, but his biggest huddle was Asthma. Am not sure if he had any knowledge of his triggers, but he sure knows what calms his attack down, not inhaler, not medication of any sort, but raw palm oil. Yes, it works like magic for him. He gets his attacks one or two times a year, and after all those years, I was able to pick on the signs and symptoms and the wheezing sounds that sound like a whistle and it stocked to my brain even before I went to nursing school here in America. So, whenever I hear those whistly sound coming from any of my patient room or another patient, right there, I know there is trouble trying to erupt. And I will quickly apply my critical thinking and decision making. With other sounds, am getting better, using my clinical reasoning in differentiating the sounds and looking out for other signs and symptom such as shortness of breath, tightness on the chest area, difficulty sloping, coughing and more wheezing with exhaling. Reference Mayo Clinic, (2020). Asthma. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases- Condition/asthma/symptoms-causes/syc-20369653 N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers 224 words Permalink Show parent In reply to Alissa Heeman Re: Discussion 3 by Merima – Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 6:01 PM Hi Alissa, Great discussion points. I too found AAAAI website very helpful. Since I have been diagnosed with allergy induced asthma many years ago, I keep searching for more information to try to manage both my allergies and prevent asthma exacerbations. From personal experience, patient experience, and all the research I have done it is very obvious that asthma management and attacks are not ‘one size fits all’ approach. I have had 2 attacks in the last 20 years, completely unknown triggers, where some patients have obvious triggers like our patient Tina with allergies to cats, and attacks could be frequent. I also found that educating patients, especially young adults, need to be with very unique approach. American Lung Association has very good educational materials that are easily understood by all. They go into details, but in very simple terms, about importance of keeping track of your exacerbations and logging your spirometry values at home to anticipate exacerbation. I, as a patient, found it extremely informative and used it for patient education when I was a bedside nurse. American Lung Association. (2020). Managing Asthma. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/asthma/living-with-asthma/managing-asthma 193 words N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Assignment 2 Assignment Instructions: For this 4-5 page assignment, you will conduct a focused health history and physical assessment based upon your Practice Experience work in Shadow Health. Particularly, you will complete a focused assessment on Danny, a child who is complaining of a cough. Please submit your summary documentation in MS Word. Use the submission parameters and rubric below to guide you in completion of this written assignment. Submission Parameters: For this written assignment, please use the following guidelines and criteria. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the paper is approximately 4-5 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s). Introduction (including purpose statement) Focus of the assessment Describe the focus of this particular assessment on the patient complaining of a cough Subjective Component Describe the ROS, PMH, and other relevant data in this section. Objective Component Describe the physical examination findings including techniques of examination Documented evidence to support clinical reasoning Describe the list of differential diagnoses Plan of care Describe the plan of care individualized to findings, life-span stage of development with culturally specific considerations for each focused area of assessment. Conclusion References (use primary and/or reliable electronic sources) In regards to APA format, please use the following as a guide: Include a cover page and running head (this is not part of the 4-5 pages limit) Include transitions in your paper (i.e. headings or subheadings) Use in-text references throughout the paper Use double space, 12 point Times New Roman font Apply appropriate spelling, grammar, and organization Include a reference list (this is not part of the 4-5 pages limit) Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP) Competency 20 18 16 0 Points Earned Focus of the Assessment is identified with Special Considerations including Documented Focused Health History Documentation clearly shows student has completed a focused assessment with identified special considerations including a well-documented focused health history. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Documentation supports the student has completed the focused assessment with minimal identification of special concerns. The focused health history is documented. Documentation supports the student has completed the focused assessment without identification of special concerns. The focused health history is documented and lacks depth and specificity of weekly topic. Documentation supports the student attempted to complete the focused assessment without identification of special concerns. The focused health history is briefly documented and lacks depth and specificity of weekly topic. /20 20 18 16 0 Documented Physical Examination Findings including Techniques of Examination Documentation clearly shows student has completed the physical examination and accurately describes the techniques of examination for the week. Documentation supports the student has completed the physical examination and describes the techniques of examination for the week. Documentation supports student completed some of the physical examination for the focused assessment of the week. Documentation is accurate but lacks depth. No evidence that the student is applying read concepts of advanced focused physical assessment. Documentation lacks depth and may lack coherence for understandability of tasks completed in this week. /20 20 18 16 0 Documented Evidence to Support Clinical Reasoning with External Course Resources Discourse clearly shows the student has studied the topic and has given thought to the focused assessed topic and documentation for the week. Discourse supports the student has studied the topic and has given thought to the focused assessment topic and documentation for the week. Discourse supports student studied some of the topic for the focused assessment topic this week. Discourse is accurate but lacks depth. No evidence that that student has read or studied the topic. Discourse lacks depth. May be presented in a rambling manner. Content is inaccurate &/or is unclear. /20 20 18 16 0 Individualized Plan of Care Based Upon Clinical Findings Accurately presents an individualized plan of care based upon clinical findings. Presents an individualized plan of care based upon clinical findings. Some minor omissions are noted. Presents a plan of care that is not individualized based upon the clinical findings. A plan of care is not presented or the plan of care presented lacks demonstration of competency or is irrelevant to the clinical findings. /20 5 4 3 0 Developmentally and Culturally Specific Accurately documents a developmentally and culturally specific assessment and plan of care for the selected patient. Documents a developmentally and culturally specific assessment and plan of care. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Presents a developmentally and culturally specific assessment or plan of care and one or both are not based upon the selected patient. A developmentally and culturally specific assessment and plan of care are not presented or based upon the selected patient’s findings. /5 5 4 3 0 Demonstration of Compliance with Ethical and Legal Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is explicitly stated in the documentation of the focused physical assessment. Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is stated in the documentation. Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is briefly implied in the documentation of the focused physical assessment or inaccuracies are evidenced in the written assessment. Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is not included in the documentation of the focused physical assessment. /5 10 9 8 0 Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation APA Format APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with no errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with less than two types of errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with five or fewer types of errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with more than five types of errors. /10 COMMENTS: TOTAL: /100 Module Four: Gastrointestinal, Breast and Axilla Assessment Discussion 4 – N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers As you know, abdominal pain can be a challenging patient complaint because it is frequently benign, but can also herald serious acute pathology. The history and physical examination are critical to narrowing the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain and guiding the evaluation. Acute abdominal pain frequently requires urgent investigation and management. Some patients may require the assessment of their airway, breathing, and circulation, followed by appropriate resuscitation. Many patients will require analgesics, which can be administered judiciously without compromising the physical assessment of peritoneal signs. That said, what are the common differential diagnoses of abdominal pain in emergency situations? Also, does your healthcare institution have a specific policy, algorithm and/or protocol on how to assess, manage, and treat abdominal pain? Please share an example of the protocol for abdominal pain from practice or the literature. Module Five: Neurological & Musculoskeletal Assessment Discussion 5 This week you have studied neurological and musculoskeletal advanced physical assessment. While a diverse set of advanced physical assessment skills where do you place your greatest level of confidence and what areas need more development. What methods do you use to remember assessment of cranial nerves, mental status, or other important clinical assessments of persons with neurological or musculoskeletal problems? Of these areas of advanced physical assessment what psychomotor skill is most challenging for you to accomplish? Why? Post a concept to the discussion board that you have had difficulty with and note where you are with resolution of these difficulties. Please describe the clinical issue completely, citing your sources so that your classmates can reference the information and provide additional “clinical pearls”. In other words, please include primary sources and/or reliable electronic sources to support your arguments. Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Assignment 3 Assignment Instructions: For this 4-5 page assignment, you will conduct a focused health history and physical assessment based upon your Practice Experience work in Shadow Health. Particularly, you will complete a focused assessment on Brian, an adult who is complaining of chest pain. Please submit your summary documentation in MS Word. Use the submission parameters and rubric below to guide you in completion of this written assignment. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Submission Parameters: For this written assignment, please use the following guidelines and criteria. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the paper is approximately 4-5 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s). Introduction (including purpose statement) Focus of the assessment Describe the focus of this particular assessment on the patient complaining of chest pain Subjective Component Describe the ROS, PMH, and other relevant data in this section. Objective Component Describe the physical examination findings including techniques of examination Documented evidence to support clinical reasoning Describe the list of differential diagnoses Plan of care Describe the plan of care individualized to findings, life-span stage of development with culturally specific considerations for each focused area of assessment. Conclusion References (use primary and/or reliable electronic sources) In regards to APA format, please use the following as a guide: Include a cover page and running head (this is not part of the 4-5 pages limit) Include transitions in your paper (i.e. headings or subheadings) Use in-text references throughout the paper Use double space, 12 point Times New Roman font Apply appropriate spelling, grammar, and organization Include a reference list (this is not part of the 4-5 pages limit) Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP) Competency 20 18 16 0 Points Earned Focus of the Assessment is identified with Special Considerations including Documented Focused Health History Documentation clearly shows student has completed a focused assessment with identified special considerations including a well-documented focused health history. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Documentation supports the student has completed the focused assessment with minimal identification of special concerns. The focused health history is documented. Documentation supports the student has completed the focused assessment without identification of special concerns. The focused health history is documented and lacks depth and specificity of weekly topic. Documentation supports the student attempted to complete the focused assessment without identification of special concerns. The focused health history is briefly documented and lacks depth and specificity of weekly topic. /20 20 18 16 0 Documented Physical Examination Findings including Techniques of Examination Documentation clearly shows student has completed the physical examination and accurately describes the techniques of examination for the week. Documentation supports the student has completed the physical examination and describes the techniques of examination for the week. Documentation supports student completed some of the physical examination for the focused assessment of the week. Documentation is accurate but lacks depth. No evidence that the student is applying read concepts of advanced focused physical assessment. Documentation lacks depth and may lack coherence for understandability of tasks completed in this week. /20 20 18 16 0 Documented Evidence to Support Clinical Reasoning with External Course Resources Discourse clearly shows the student has studied the topic and has given thought to the focused assessed topic and documentation for the week. Discourse supports the student has studied the topic and has given thought to the focused assessment topic and documentation for the week. Discourse supports student studied some of the topic for the focused assessment topic this week. Discourse is accurate but lacks depth. No evidence that that student has read or studied the topic. Discourse lacks depth. May be presented in a rambling manner. Content is inaccurate &/or is unclear. /20 20 18 16 0 Individualized Plan of Care Based Upon Clinical Findings Accurately presents an individualized plan of care based upon clinical findings. Presents an individualized plan of care based upon clinical findings. Some minor omissions are noted. Presents a plan of care that is not individualized based upon the clinical findings. A plan of care is not presented or the plan of care presented lacks demonstration of competency or is irrelevant to the clinical findings. /20 5 4 3 0 Developmentally and Culturally Specific Accurately documents a developmentally and culturally specific assessment and plan of care for the selected patient. Documents a developmentally and culturally specific assessment and plan of care. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Presents a developmentally and culturally specific assessment or plan of care and one or both are not based upon the selected patient. A developmentally and culturally specific assessment and plan of care are not presented or based upon the selected patient’s findings. /5 5 4 3 0 Demonstration of Compliance with Ethical and Legal Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is explicitly stated in the documentation of the focused physical assessment. Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is stated in the documentation. Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is briefly implied in the documentation of the focused physical assessment or inaccuracies are evidenced in the written assessment. Compliance with the ethical and legal standards of professional nursing practice is not included in the documentation of the focused physical assessment. /5 10 9 8 0 Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation APA Format APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with no errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with less than two types of errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with five or fewer types of errors. APA Format, grammar, punctuation and spelling is accurate with more than five types of errors. /10 COMMENTS: TOTAL: /100 Module Six: Mental Health Assessment & Male and Female Urinary and Reproductive Systems. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Discussion 6 This week you have studied mental health (psychological); urinary and reproductive systems of the male and female in advanced physical assessment. While this is a diverse set of advanced physical assessment skills where do you place your greatest level of confidence and what areas need more development. Of these areas of advanced physical assessment where to you struggle in your nursing practice most when providing patient-centered education? Please cite sources for additional knowledge, skill development, or professional development related to reproductive health and provide additional “clinical pearls” learned this week. In other words, please include primary sources and/or reliable electronic sources to support your arguments. Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Assignment 4 Assignment 4 Assignment Instructions: For this 4-5 pages assignment, you will conduct a focused health history and physical assessment based upon your Practice Experience work in Shadow Health. Particularly, you will complete a focused assessment on Esther, an elderly patient who is complaining of abdominal discomfort. Please submit your summary documentation in MS Word. Use the submission parameters and rubric below to guide you in completion of this written assignment. N522PE-20A Advanced Physical Assessment Assignment Papers Submission Parameters: For this written assignment, please use the following guidelines and criteria. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the paper is approximately 4-5 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s). Introduction (including purpose statement) Focus of the assessment Describe the focus of this particular assessment on the patient complaining of abdominal discomfort. Subjective Component Describe the ROS, PMH, and other relevant data in this section. Objective Component Describe the physical examination findings including techniques of examination Documented evidence to support clini

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