Perception and Motor Development in Infants and Toddlers
Your paper must include 8 different or more in-text citations. All citations must be peer-reviewed journal articles with a doi number. Please follow the outline below, filling out all areas in paragraph format. Use the bolded sections in your paper as headings. If asked to create a table, the student must create their own table. Photos or those copy and pasted will not be accepted. Use APA format throughout the assignments. Do not use “I” statements for this research paper. Check that your paper has a professional tone throughout. Edit all grammar or spelling errors. For this assignment, an infant is (4 to 12 months) and a toddler is (14 to 30 months) Introduction Limit to 7- 10 sentences long Have a hook sentence in the first two sentences List the topics of each body paragraph in the last sentence of the intro Define the senses Define fine and gross motor skills Define perception and motor development Importance of understanding physical development in infant and toddler Overview of Perception and Motor Development in Infants Typical motor development is seen in infants (4 to 12 m) Include changes that occur in perception skills Perception ex. changes in vision Motor development Ex lifting the head and reflexes Create a table of months in which milestones are met Encouraging Healthy Motor Development in Infants How can one encourage healthy motor development in infants- note the different needs of an infant vs a toddler in this section Adult interactions Classroom Environment Toys/equipment Overview of Perception and Motor Development in Toddlers Typical motor development that is seen in toddlers (14 to 30 m) Create a table of months in which milestones are met Include changes that occur in perception skills Perception ex. changes in vision Motor development ex climbing Encouraging Healthy Motor Development in Toddlers How can one encourage healthy motor development in toddlers/note the different needs of a toddler vs an infant in this section Adult interactions Classroom environment Toys/equipment An object that Enhances Motor Development in Infants and Toddlers One paragraph hypothetical Defend your item and explain its benefits. Explain how each age will most likely use the item You have been given permission to purchase one item for your infant /toddler program to enhance gross motor development. Select the best item/toy / furniture that will best enhance gross motor development. Conclusion Rephrase your intro State the importance of knowing milestones in infant and toddler’s perception and motor development References In alphabetical order with doi number Use APA format
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