Personal & Interpersonal Dimension of Leadership
1. Parts of assignment and written report- Total of 5 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font, APA 7 formatted, Cover page with your name, date, course name-EDU6536 Part I, MC, and Fall 2020. A reference page is required as well. Include any references at the end with interview of mentor, APA reference used, peer-reviewed and other scholarly articles to support research-based strategies, etc (Use Mississippi College library, not just Google to obtain articles). School Strategic Goals for Improvement · Provide an action plan of improvement for each of the two areas of weakness. Be sure to include goals to address areas of need, strategies or actions, timeline of implementation, persons accountable, and resources to be used. I have included a template if you want to use it or you can create your own. · Be sure the strategies are specific enough to ensure positive and meaningful results to support all stakeholders and ensure student success. Reflection · Reflect on your findings and your plan of action for improvement. o Would these strategies be accepted by stakeholders? o Can the leadership team and stakeholders actually carry out your plan? o Is your action plan conducive to the overall effectiveness of the school? · Relate this to your own experiences. · Include justification of your strategies with a Christian worldview perspective using scripture to support why you think this plan will work. · Additional thoughts: · o Use the PSELs to guide your discussion and identify areas for improvements that you could research and implement plans for in the future. For example, how do you see the mission, vision, and goals being implemented in decisions about the resources and practices of the school (PSEL 1)? How is the school striving to provide equitable educational opportunities for the school community? How is the school using culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being? (PSEL 2) What are the professional strengths of the faculty? What needs are there for faculty growth? (PSEL 6) Where can there be improvements that will promote student’s academic success and well-being? (PSEL 10). Make statements that include connections to specific PSELs from your viewpoint. Close with statements that explain your commitment to be involved with improving student learning as a school leader (teacher or administrator). o Please have your mentor to sign your final report to verify the information is correct. The mentor’s signature will be the artifact. Action Planning: · Identify Two Areas of Weakness: Base this on your findings. · Improvement Goals: You must identify one Improvement Goal for each of the two identified areas of weakness or concern based on your findings, provide a rationale and any supporting data to justify your reason for selecting this improvement goal. · Improvement Strategies/Interventions: You will develop at least 3 Improvement Strategies/Interventions to be used to implement or steps to follow to meet the Improvement Goal from above. · Research Support Strategies/Interventions: For each of your Improvement Strategies, you will need to provide an explanation from supported research to support each of the 3 identified strategies/interventions that you are planning to use. Be sure to cite any references in APA format. · Implementation of Steps, Assessments & Timeline: For each of your Improvement Strategies, you will need to determine activities for how they are going to be implemented and assessed throughout the year and in the subsequent year along with dedicated faculty and staff to be accountable. Once you have listed and described each of the chosen assessment measures, be sure to include a timeline for the assessment to take place. Template Personal/Interpersonal Leadership Improvement Goal(s): Rationale and Supporting Data: Improvement Strategies/ Interventions 1) 2) 3) Research Supporting Strategies/ Interventions 1) 2) 3)
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