Psychological Process Recording
Psychological Process Recording Psychological Process Recording For this assignment, please use the attached file to assist yourself. Conduct 3 different process recordings, (similar to, but not identical to the attached example: each should be conducted with different dialog) with an imaginary patient. (use initials.. for example M.J) Each process recording should be 10-15 pages. Use 6 different communication techniques for the dialog of each of the process recordings (ex: ). The six different communication techniques are 1. Introduction, 2. Silence 3. Exploring 4. Open-ended question 5. Reflection 6. Communication. Psychological Process Recording process_recording_1__1_.docx ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS Running Head: Process Recording 1 Process Recording Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Nursing Care- NURS 386-001 April 10th 2018 Student: Liaison: Clients first Name: A.N Date: April 21st, 2018 Agency: Spring Groove Hospital Center Running Head: Process Recording 2 Purpose of Interview: To establish a positive rapport with client upon introduction Content Nurse Client Hi, my name is I am a student nurse from Bowie State University. Was wandering if you might be willing to speak with me. Sure Nurse I will like to know what brought you to this place. Client I joined wrong group of friends in my neighborhood that introduced me to drugs at a young age. How old exactly where you when you began doing drugs? Nurse Client( Still maintaining eye contact) 12 years old. I had started with marijuana, and later to ecstasy at the age of 15.I got so addicted that my mind was messed up and then I saw myself here. I Skill Used Your gut Reaction Introduction: An Client was introduction refers relaxed to a beginning, act of introducing something. Your Analysis The approach was therapeutic because it was initiating a conversation He was open to conversation I became reassured Clients response was encouraging. Broad Opening : This technique allows patient to set the tone of the conversation He felt free I used a broad opening so that he could feel in charge and set the tone I like the fact that he began from the on the onset It worked more than I anticipated. Clarification : An act of making a statement more clear Did not want to form opinions or guess when it all began. Clarification- to know exactly how young he started I felt it was parental neglect. He was not proud of his action Client could think back memory functioning. Running Head: Process Recording Nurse Client Nurse Client Nurse Client Nurse have been in and out of here. Listening I have been granted conditional release twice but somehow I still went back to drugs and they sent me back. Where your parents aware of what was going on with you when all this started? I Was leaving with my mother, who did not know by the time she found out it was too late. Then what effort did she make to help you? My mom tried, cried, and prayed because she is a good Christian How about school, did you go to school? 3 Active listening: An act of full concentration on what is being said I wandered how his parents let this happen Clarification- the action of making a statement or situation less confusing and more comprehensible. Being inquisitive Client had a about his supposedly good upbringing. upbringing but just could not put it together. Broad Opening: It allows the patient to set the direction of the conversation Probing: This is an act of getting him talk more Most times children from abusive home tend to wander off in life, could this be the reason? Seems client does not want apportion any blame on his parents Client maintained straight face no hideous expression May be I should not have not have asked this question hoping it will not block our conversation. Psychological Process Recording He tried to defend his mother, I still feel that she did not play her part Making enquiry of his as He did not express sad countenance maybe the question was not bad at all. Clients voice getting weaker, showing regret. Seems client has some form of education speaks Running Head: Process Recording 4 about his opinion and feelings Client ( looking down) Nurse Client Nurse I did but stopped after high school. Although I took my GED and passed very well but mind was messed up with ecstasy. How do you Reflecting This feel about it? is the act of thinking deeply or carefully about something I feel horrible. I have made terrible choices in the past that I wish I never did. By now I am supposed to have finished school and probably working somewhere. Lets take a Focusing- This is look at what a central point of you said earlier, attention Client What exactly? Nurse When you said Restating- saying in and out of something in a here do you new way. mean conditional release? Yes, but I have not been able to Client academic background I could feel his disappointment for making wrong choices and articulates. well Regrets is inevitable I asked him that question to know how he feels about everything. I sincerely felt empathic thinking of all the wasted years. Just to know if he has a sense of remorse at all. Curious to know what his experience at the supervisory home was like. Thinking he might not want to continue as his voice breaking down. Give the client the reassurance that I was paying attention Analyzing clients strength and weaknesses. Guess this is how he sees it, Showing anger in his voice now Holding unto this feeling would help him to pull through and turn over a new leaf, for a fresh start. Assessing patients cognitive ability. Running Head: Process Recording Nurse Client Nurse Client Nurse Client 5 meet the requirement. Because the system is designed for you to fail Can you tell me Exploring more about inquire into or that? discuss in detail The time I was out, government was giving me money every month but the supervisor takes most of it and give me just $60. Hmm I understand I make a lot of money selling drugs. Thats why am always tempted to fall back. So you were not only taking it but also selling drugs? That was the only way I could pay bills and support my girlfriend through school Accepting believe or come to recognize an opinion as valid or correct. he feels deceived. My heart skipped a beat, that statement is too deep. Just thinking now how I will be able to tackle this point so that I dont end up giving him wrong impression. The client seems to be giving up hope with this statement. The client feels he is been cheated as long as that continues he might not be able. I am a bit Client appealing confused it is to the nurses what it is conscience however I did not want to show the confusion on my face. Still maintaining eye contact I dont think he seems very willing to give up drugs at this point. What should I do to make him more willing? He has a rational for his action Justifying his actions Running Head: Process Recording Nurse Client Nurse Client Nurse Client 6 Do you think Restating that was the only way you could have survived? Now you are here are those needs been met for your girlfriend? No, she is taking care of herself. Psychological Process Recording She warned me to stop doing drugs though. Going back to Suggesting the conditional tentative. release requirements. What if it set up to test your patience, or ability to survive in the society? Maybe. I have not thought of it that way. What would you do if you walk through the door next time you are granted conditional release I have leant from my mistakes. I want to live a normal life, go back to school have my own Encouraging formulation of a plan of action Giving him options other than what he thinks and believe. Evaluation of purpose. Client might not have thought in this direction Seems very proud he can take care of someone. Societal pressure seems part of his problem I feel the system is set up for basis of training and correction and not to punish, that why I made the suggestion. Not so sure thats the case though. Purpose here is to help him set a goal Memory is very much in tact can recall stuff easily Feel it would be better if it comes from him Shows clients willingness and eagerness for a change. Was amazed by his response. Believe he is getting it together Running Head: Process Recording Nurse Client Nurse family not getting younger That is the best decision but you have to start practicing that from here keeping away from trouble to facilitate your release. I hope to succeed this time 7 At this point I feel the client is willing and ready to do all it takes to lead a better life. Client presents positive mental assessment, shows he is maintaining his drug regimen Positive mindset with positive behavior yields positive result Thank you very much for your time hope to see you when next I come around. During my therapeutic nurse-patient interaction, I realized that I need more patience than I think and still need to listen more. I learned that speaking therapeutically is much harder than just talking with patients. Contrary to what I thought, A.N was very co-operative which made me more comfortable talking. Talking to A.N has helped me demonstrate what I learned about therapeutic communication and nurse-patient relationship, because it is a base for providing behavioral change in mental health patients. To sum it all, I have learnt that my response as a nurse goes a long way to produce a therapeutic outcome thereby achieving optimal health. Purchase answer to see full attachment Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypools honor code & terms of service . Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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