Script Coverage
Read a screenplay of your choice from a script in the link below. Write a script coverage report on that screenplay, including one to two pages of synopsis and one page of comments. Consider the following when evaluating the screenplay: Quality of Writing: Is it well written and structured? Premise: What is it about? Is the story fresh and new? Appeal: Who will want to see it? What are the key demographics? Conflict: What’s the heros central conflict? When is it introduced? Characters: Does the main character have an arc? Are the roles well defined? Dialogue: Does it evoke emotion? Does each character speak in a unique voice? You can find scripts here. If the script you choose doesn’t offer you enough to write about, select a different one. Also, choose a script of at least five pages in length: (Links to an external site.) Follow the format used in the Sample Script Coverage on the files section,. Also, only include header elements that you have information to complete. Your coverage should mimic the format of the script coverage document in the Files section The purpose coverage is to offer an at-a-glance idea of what a script is about and if it is any good. You DO NOT have to add any of the header elements that you don’t not have. That will make sense once you look at the document. In the end, you are free to do the chart as you see in the sample…or you can simply end with your note on whether to recommend, consider or pass on a. script.
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