Self Acceptance vs. Social Acceptance
Reference either Peola and Sarah Jane in the two versions of Imitation of Life, Chiron/Little/Black in Moonlight, Nina in The Black Swan–or even Charlie Kane, in Citizen Kane. US culture has a number of beliefs about what our identities are or should be. Have you heard these sayings? -“Be True to Yourself”, “You Are What You Do”, “I Am What I Am”, “Be Your Best Self”, “Stay True to Your Roots”, “Fake It Till You Make It”, “Be All That You Can Be” What should we do when our culture seems not to leave space for us, as is the case when a movie character struggles to find their place in the world? Choose one or two of the sayings (truisms) above, or a related one that you have heard/know. Apply it to the situation of one of the characters above and test how it would work. What would be the consequences for the character of adopting such a belief to guide them? What would be the consequences for the society or culture they are part of? Discuss ethical dilemmas and practice.
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