Do single mothers of autistic children afraid to seek treatment for their mental health because of the community stigma. Complete below 1- Stated hyphothesis: state the hypotheses and/or research questionsthat will be pursued in the dissertation.Provide justification for each.Typically,justification for each hypothesis or research question can take anywhere between one to three paragraphs. This section provides a bridge between the literature review and the Method section 2–MethodDesign Statement: In a short paragraph, describe the design of the study, including dependent and independent variables, if applicable. If multiple frameworks/designs (e.g., different qualitative approaches) for your study exist, provide a rationale foryour choice.Participants:Describe the sample, including approximate sample size and significant characteristics.Discuss sample size considerations appropriate for your design. For example, if you are conducting a study that useshierarchical linear regression, include a power analysis (e.g., what is the estimated effect in the population and how many participants do you need to identify this effect?). If, on the other hand, you are conducting a qualitative study, discuss whether there are sample size considerations for your particular methodology (e.g.,saturation in grounded theory) and epistemology (e.g., post-positivism, constructivism, etc.). Your research advisor can help you navigate these distinctions.Measures:For quantitative studies, describe the conceptual and operational measures used in the study and your rationale for each instrument, including a discussion of advantages and disadvantages. Reliability and validity should be discussed, as well as the appropriateness and acceptability of all measures. Refer to relevant studies in the literature. If the proposal includes the development of a new measure or new items to tap various constructs, procedures for that development should be described in detail. Please note that for every measure, you will be expected to conduct analysis of internal consistency/reliability. For qualitative studies, at a minimum, describe the data which will serve as the basis for analyses (e.g., participant interviews, journal entries, etc.). Depending on your particular methodology and epistemology, you may also need to discussissues of trustworthiness and credibility of the data.All measures/interview protocols should be attached in Appendices to the proposal.Besure to seek permission to use measures that are not in the public domain, as the NMSU IRB will require that you provide proof that you are allowed to use the measures in your study.Procedures: Describe how the study will be done, namely, the exact sequence of events. Enough detail should be provided so that another investigator could replicate the studyand, perhaps more importantly, so that your dissertation committee can evaluate the feasibility of the dissertation. Describe method for selecting sample, any criteria for participation, the method of selection (randomization, volunteer, etc.), and if appropriate, minimum acceptable response rate. Include a discussion of how you will recruit participants and other important procedures (e.g.,how you will conduct treatments, how you will do manipulation checks, etc.). Data Analysis: The hypotheses and/or research questions should be copied from prior sections and the specificanalysis for each should be detailed. Indicate the methods to be utilized and show howthe proposed analysis is consistent with the objectives, hypotheses, type of data, design, sampling, etc.Note: The Data Analysis section later becomes its own chapter (Results)
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