Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College NURS 2209 Pediatric Nursing Case Studies
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College NURS 2209 Pediatric Nursing Case Studies
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College NURS 2209 Pediatric Nursing Case Studies ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College NURS 2209 Pediatric Nursing Case Studies Complete each case study (there are 2) by reading the profile & answering the questions. The answers to the questions must remain in numbered format and be 3 pages double spaced. attachment_1 attachment_2 NUR 2209 Case Study 2 Please submit your answers to the drop box by 9/28/2020. You must submit three pages double spaced to receive credit for clinical time. This will count for three clinical hours for you. Client Profile: Isabel is a 21 ?2-year-old toddler who lives with her parents and 13-monthold sister in a rural community. Her father is a migrant worker and her mother stays at home with the children. Both parents are smokers. Both Isabel and her sister experienced recurrent episodes of otitis media during infancy although Isabels infections have become less frequent. Isabels speech is delayed; however, her mother believes that this is due to her lack of interactions with other children her age. Their culture and financial situation does not encourage daycare settings for children if the mother can stay at home with them. Most of Isabels speech is not understandable although she babbles constantly. Both children have received their scheduled immunizations at the local pediatric clinic. Isabel is brought to the clinic by her parents when she places a small toy in her ear that her parents are unable to remove. Case Study: During the admission history, Isabels mother tells the nurse that she has had behavior problems with Isabel since she was 11 months old although she stated she had not mentioned this to the staff at the clinic because she was embarrassed. On further questioning, Isabels mother explains that Isabel never listens to me and doesnt even look at me when I talk to her. She further states that Isabel doesnt talk so they can understand her even though they have friends whose children not only talk all the time, but she can understand what they are saying. Isabels problems are probably my fault because I didnt raise her right. Now Im afraid she is retarded and I dont know how to help her. Isabel sits in her mothers lap babbling during the interview and does not make eye contact with her parents or the nurse during their conversation or when addressed. She appears disinterested in her surroundings. Discuss the significance of Isabels clinical manifestations. Discuss the relationship between Isabels history of otitis media and her present condition. What is the incidence of hearing impairment in children? Discuss the types of hearing impairment. Discuss Isabels mothers comment that Isabel has always been a behavior problem and Isabels problems are probably my fault because I didnt raise her right. Now Im afraid she is retarded and I dont know how to help her. What other assessment data would be helpful for the nurse to have to prepare Isabels care plan? What are the priorities of care for Isabel? Discuss the effects of hearing impairment on Isabels growth and development. Discuss the standards of medical-surgical care for Isabels hearing impairment. Discuss your feelings about parents behavior that places their children at risk. How could the nurse approach Isabels parents about their cigarette smoking and how it compromises their children? Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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