Administrating Palliative Medication Questions
Administrating Palliative Medication Questions
Administrating Palliative Medication Questions Administrating Palliative Medication Questions PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FOR MY TOPIC INFO AND PREVIOUS ASSIGMENTS Administrating Palliative Medication The topic I decided to investigate on is the administration of palliative medication. Palliative medication refers to the process of supporting patients who are going through very serious illnesses and their chances of survival are minimal Directions: 1. If you have a tool you want to use to ask your participants, tell me about that tool/instrument/questionnaire/survey here. 2. If you do not have a tool/instrument/questionnaire/survey, then you must create questions/statements for your study to ask your participants. So here, I am expecting a set of 5-10 questions/statements that you plan to ask your study participants in this response! Administrating Palliative Medication Questions 3. Finally, Consider how you will establish validity and reliability if the tool is self designed. Hint: It is best for you to select a tool that already has validity and reliability already established In essence, your discussion post should include the following: 1. Measurement tool 2. Description of the tool 3. Established reliability and validity 4. Include scoring information. 5. Demographic tool. Remember to use nursing evidence-based practice references as you collect information on your topic. Administrating Palliative Medication Questions nursing_research_5210__week_3.docx nurs_5210_nursing_research_framework.docx nurs_5210_nursing_research_framework.docx nurs_research_5120_fall_2019_lit_review.doc ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS Running head: ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 1 Administrating Palliative Medication Maro Jenkins Nursing Research 5210 September 6, 2019 ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 2 Administrating Palliative Medication The topic I decided to investigate on is the administration of palliative medication. Palliative medication refers to the process of supporting patients who are going through very serious illnesses and their chances of survival are minimal. This form of medication helps in relieve suffering among patients themselves, therefore improving their quality of life. Proper care is what all patients require, and it really helps in giving them hope of getting cured even through their condition are worse (Fonte et al 2015). Palliate medication can be administer to any age and any stage of illness. The illness can be curable, chronic or terminal. The aim of the essay is basically to discuss some of the factors which contribute to the success of a palliative care administration towards terminally ill patients. It is evident that this medication ends up being successful in some cases. This means that patients and even family members end up being comfortable with their patient. Some of the questions which are expected in the research include the kind of attitude the nurses need to have in ensuring that the whole process is done well. Definitely the personalities of the healthcare providers highly determine the outcomes of the patients. Another question is about the kind of environment necessary for improved outcomes. In relation to environment some of the factors will be included, like the company of people around the patient, the external environmental conditions among other things. Questions on the advantages of positive outcomes in palliative care will also be answered. This topic is very important to using and nursing care, since it helps them understand things which need to be considered in making the palliative medication a success. The aim of every healthcare provider is always to ensure that their patients are in better condition despite the illness they may be suffering from (Healy & Reymond 2015). Through this topic, they will also ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 3 be in a position to understand some of the things to avoid in providing palliative medication. They also get to understand the value of life. This is normally seen through the response of the friends and families. In most cases, they tend to appreciate and also feel happy whenever they realize that the condition of their patient is fairing on well. The nursing agendas represented in this topic include the general definition of the topic, which is administration of palliative medication. It is always important for the health provides to have a better understanding of the issue before working with it. Another item is on the factors which enhance the success of this medication (Healy & Reymond 2015). This will highlight practices which should be encouraged and those to be avoided through the whole process. The importance of this topic will also be discussed, so that the healthcare providers can understand why their role is important. ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 4 References Fonte, C., Fatigoni, S., & Roila, F. (2015). A review of olanzapine as an antiemetic in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and in palliative care patients. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 95(2), 214-221. Healy, S., & Reymond, L. (2015). Delivering quality care for palliative care patients. Scientia. Running head: ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 1 Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework consistent with this topic is a Systems Approach. This conceptual framework covers the System Structure for the administration palliative medication, its care process, as well as the patient outcomes. NURS5210 Grantham University Administrating Palliative Medication Questions The conceptual framework forms the basis of quality research on the quality of healthcare. Kerzner (2017) argued that this framework serves as a benchmark in evaluation of the stakeholder partnerships in administration palliative medication. As such, system structure in Palliative Medication perspective is the availability of the needed medical resources, organizational frameworks, and all the three types of environments (social, physical and financial) present. The care Process are the activities that constitute the health care, traditionally conducted all the stakeholders. Patient outcome is the observable change in the patients wellbeing after receiving the services or undergoing the cares processes (Kerzner, 2017). The threes aspects of the conceptual framework typically defines the requirements for a sound administration palliative medication framework. In the administration of palliative medication, this conceptual framework defines both the perception of service provider towards the entire healthcare process or the patient outcomes (Leveson, 2015). Furthermore, Leveson (2015) indicated that his framework defines service element that matters in integral functioning of the entire administration palliative medication framework. These elements include the collaboration in the healthcare, the readiness of affected community, as well as patient or client-based care. As such, this conceptual framework advocates for Inter-professional and multi-professional collaboration in which different medical professionals collaborate in delivering a comprehensive care (Leveson, 2015). Therefore, this approach apply extensively to palliative care that need various professionals and skills or knowledge in handling the wide range of clients needs. ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 2 References Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons. Leveson, N. (2015). A systems approach to risk management through leading safety indicators. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 136, 17-34. Running head: ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 1 Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework consistent with this topic is a Systems Approach. This conceptual framework covers the System Structure for the administration palliative medication, its care process, as well as the patient outcomes. The conceptual framework forms the basis of quality research on the quality of healthcare. Kerzner (2017) argued that this framework serves as a benchmark in evaluation of the stakeholder partnerships in administration palliative medication. As such, system structure in Palliative Medication perspective is the availability of the needed medical resources, organizational frameworks, and all the three types of environments (social, physical and financial) present. The care Process are the activities that constitute the health care, traditionally conducted all the stakeholders. Patient outcome is the observable change in the patients wellbeing after receiving the services or undergoing the cares processes (Kerzner, 2017). The threes aspects of the conceptual framework typically defines the requirements for a sound administration palliative medication framework. In the administration of palliative medication, this conceptual framework defines both the perception of service provider towards the entire healthcare process or the patient outcomes (Leveson, 2015). Furthermore, Leveson (2015) indicated that his framework defines service element that matters in integral functioning of the entire administration palliative medication framework. NURS5210 Grantham University Administrating Palliative Medication Questions These elements include the collaboration in the healthcare, the readiness of affected community, as well as patient or client-based care. As such, this conceptual framework advocates for Inter-professional and multi-professional collaboration in which different medical professionals collaborate in delivering a comprehensive care (Leveson, 2015). Therefore, this approach apply extensively to palliative care that need various professionals and skills or knowledge in handling the wide range of clients needs. ADMINISTRATING PALLIATIVE MEDICATION 2 References Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons. Leveson, N. (2015). A systems approach to risk management through leading safety indicators. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 136, 17-34. LITERATURE REVIEW TABLE NAME: ___Maro Jenkins_______________________ DATE __09/04/2019________ COURSE: NURS: 5120 ADVANCED RESEARCH TOPIC OF INTEREST FOR RESEARCH___Attitudes of Nurse toward administering Palliative medication_______________ Authors Avati, A., Jung, K. Harman, S. Downing , N., Ng, A., & Shah, N. (2018) Title/Journal/ Year Volume/ Issue and pages Purpose of Type of Study Study BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2018, 18(Suppl 4):122, pp. 5564 Applicatio n of deep learning in improving the quality of palliative care. Krishnan, Palliative Care A., Program Sample Framework Design Statistical Test Results of study All-cause mortality prediction model. Training a Deep Neural Network model on the EHR data of patients from previous years using machine learning and (EHR) data of patients, to predict mortality of patients within the next 3-12 month period. Using personal details of patients to predict the mortality of that patient within 12 months from a given date. Daily evaluation of the EHR data reveals that the model notifies the palliative care team of the patients with positive prediction. The necessary medical approaches can be administered confidently. Data from the 13-bed in Examining the Qual/Quan Describe the Qualitative 2 million adult and pediatric patients cared for at the Stanford Hospital or the Lucile Packard Childrens from 19902014. Quantitativ Palliative e care patients -Random probability score. The study alongside other researchers prove Rajagopa l, M.R., Karim, S., Sullivan, R., Booth, C. (2018) Development in a Low- to Middle-Income Country: Delivery of Care by a Nongovernmen tal Organization in India. Journal of Global Oncology, 4, pp.1-8. delivery of palliative care services delivery by the Trivandru m Institute of Palliative Sciences (TIPS) in Trivandru m, India Nuraini, T., Andrijon o, A., Irawaty, D., Umar, J., Gayatri, D. (2018) SpiritualityFocused Palliative Care to Improve Indonesian Breast Cancer Patient Comfort. Indian Journal To develop a path model of the relationshi p between the variables from TIPS Quantitativ Breast cancer e patients from 3 referral hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia n= 308 Kolcabas Comfort theory patient service with other outpatient and home visited patients is used in this study. Data was analyzed using Excel on the daily visits of patients through case log sheets completed by nurses. The patient population is restricted to the years 2014-2016 due to availability. challenges of poor access to effective palliative care patients. The cross sectional study applied the structural equation model to combine with Kolcabas theory in Pearsons Correlation coefficient Mean and proportion the need for expansion in palliative care services within the government sector. Development of health systems that improve access to palliative care has a better chance of improving palliative care. Significant positive relationship between spirituality on emotional well-being. Additionally, the study proves that palliative care improves comfort among breast cancer patients by reducing anxiety and Bilal, M. (2018) Katumbo , A., Mwinkeu K., Michel, K., Tshamba, H., of Palliative Care. 24, (2), pp. 196-201 of nursing care. developing a model that was used to estimate the relationship between the variables under investigation. The Knowledge of Palliative Care and the Attitude Toward It Among the Nurses at Sabia General Hospital 2018. Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences, 13(4), pp.301309 Assessing Quantitativ 53 nurses the e working the knowledge region of of study. Palliative Care and nurses attitude toward it in Sabia General Hospitals. -NURS5210 Grantham University Administrating Palliative Medication Questions The Nurses Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Palliative Care in Lubumbashi Hospitals. American Assess the Quantitativ 112 nurses nurses e working in knowledge the sampled and hospitals attitudes towards palliative care depression. The study is based on a crosssectional descriptive survey using selfadministered questionnaires . Assessment of nurses knowledge of and attitude toward palliative care. A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on the sample of nurses working in Knowledge of palliative care among nurses. The study proves a significant relationship between knowledge and demographic data. For instance, the patients were not equipped with knowledge of palliative care while 50% showed fair attitude. -Mean, pvalue and standard deviation -Frequency and percentages. Despite the poor knowledge about palliative care, the nurses had a favorable attitude towards the patients. Ntambue, A., Ilunga, J., Luboya, N., & Kaj, F. (2017). International among Journal of nurses Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. 18(2), pp. pp. 114-119 hospitals in Lubumbashi from February March 2017. Data collection undertaken through selfadministered French questionnaires . Patel, B., Gorawara -Bhat, R., Levine, S., & Shega, J. (2012). Nurses Attitudes and Experiences Surrounding Palliative Sedation: Components for Developing Policy for Nursing Professionals. Journal of palliative medicine. 15, pp. 432-437 To elicit Qualitative Four focus the groups perspectiv conducted es of with nurses nurses and who are their likely to have concepts been exposed on to palliative knowledge care in a skills academic essential medical in center. administer ing palliative sedation. Tsutsumi , K., Sekido, K., & Characteristics of Nursing Care for Terminally Ill Clarify the Qualitative 16 nurses at 5 Principles of characteris hospice/pallia palliative care tics of tive care nursing facilities Grounded Principle Theories The response Ratio/ from the focus proportions. groups was audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. The grounded theory was used for analysis purpose. Nurses were able to identify the knowledge, skills, and guidelines to be important in implementing palliative sedation The researchers conducted semi- Spiritual pain care was included in communication and care could not be extracted Testing the suitable and appropriate traits of Tanioka, T. (2014) Patients in Hospice/Palliat ive Care Unit. Health. 06, pp. 2121-2128 care for patients with terminal illness in palliative care units. structured interviews on the care, communicatio n, spiritual pain care, and prediction. nurses for palliative patients. alone. -Computed averages. Principles of palliative care were essential in the study. Lentsoan e, P., Meyer, J., Schellack , N., Cameron, D. (2014) Challenges in the provision of palliative care at resourcelimited South African hospice settings. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Supplement 1(2), pp. 420432. Investigate Quantitativ 12 palliative the e care workers, provision 50 patients of and 41 family palliative careers. care and pain manageme nt from the perspectiv es and experience of patients, families, and palliative healthcare providers. The family cares were investigated on the pain experienced and quality of care received while the caregivers were issued with structured interviews. Spearmans correlation and p-value. Access to appropriate analgesics, inadequate training of health professionals are key challenges to effective provision of palliative care. Bookbind er, M & McHugh M. E. (2010) Symptom Management in Palliative Care and End of Life Care. Nursing Clinics of North America. 45(3). PP. 271327. To identify ways of managing symptoms in palliative care as well as end of life care Qualitative Selection of 5 research symptoms Applying a holistic framework to assess symptom in the context of the individuals life, illness, experience as well as its meaning. Symptom cluster research was applied in this study Proportion and mean. Pain, fatigue and cognitive dysfunction are the major symptoms for patients with cancer hence, nurses are able to manage them and provide care for the patients Zhao, X, Cui , M, Geng & Yang, Y. (2019) A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of palliative care for pain among Chinese adults with cancer. BMC Palliative Care. 18(69) To identify the control measures of pain on cancer patients in China. Systematic review The modified Jadad scale was adopted in this study to assess randomization , withdrawals as well as adverse effects. application of subgroup analysis to test the heterogeneit y within groups palliative care focuses mainly on symptom control as well as providing psychosocial support 1370 patients Purchase answer to see full attachment Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypools honor code & terms of service . Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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