Adolescents Learning Disabilities Discussion Response Paper

Adolescents Learning Disabilities Discussion Response Paper ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Adolescents Learning Disabilities Discussion Response Paper no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the reference below. Adolescents Learning Disabilities Discussion Response Paper Ask at least one question in response to an original peer post that you would like the author to explore further. Design – This research article used a phenomenological approach as the researchers were interested in the perspective of adolescents with learning disabilities. The researchers wanted to identify how the adolescents felt about their experiences from their own frame of reference (Rosetti & Henderson, 2013). The authors have experience in research from the participants’ perspectives. Purpose Research from the adolescents’ point of view is critical because they are often unhappy with their experience in the school setting, and often feel that their peers cannot relate to them or understand their experiences and challenges. The authors state that this research is important “…from a social justice standpoint” (Rosetti & Henderson, 2013, p. 5). By speaking directly with the students, it is the goal of researchers to get an in-depth view of about everyday life of adolescents with learning disabilities. Focus The focus of the research was to gather information from the viewpoint of the adolescents who live in a unique culture separate from their peers without learning disabilities. Phenomenological studies typically have are designed to look at typical life experiences and perceptions of the participants. Method of Data Collection Potential recruits were told of about the study through an announcement through the Parent Education Network in the San Francisco Bay Area. The recruitment of participants was done through convenience sampling of identified potential recruits. After identifying adolescents, five were randomly selected for the research project. In-depth oral individual interviews were done for each of the research participants. All interviews were recorded for later transcription by a service. Method of Data Analysis The transcripts from the interviews were analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). IPA is useful for enabling researchers to better understand the emotional experiences of the participants. For this research study, three raters were used to code the transcript data. The use of multiple raters is designed to “…reduce individual research bias and increase the overall validity of the results…” (Rosetti & Henderson, 2013, p. 7). The reason for IPA use is to identify emergent themes from the experiences of the adolescents with learning disabilities, which for this study were 1) social support; 2) school experience; 3) understanding of LD/ADHD; and 4) self-advocacy (Rosetti & Henderson, 2013). Adolescents Learning Disabilities Discussion Response Paper References Ebrahimpour, F., Esmaeili, M., & Varaei, S. (2018). Photovoice: Method of data collection in qualitative research. Nursing Practice Today , 5 (1), 216–218. Retrieved from…. Rosetti, C. W. & Henderson, S. J. (2013). Lived Experiences of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities. The Qualitative Report , 18(24), 1-17. Retrieved from attachment_1 Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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