Advance Pharmcology Discussion

Advance Pharmcology Discussion Advance Pharmcology Discussion I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support. Please respond. Adrienna Rivers Week 1 Discussion COLLAPSE Week 1 Discussion This case involves a 23-year-old African American female with a history of sickle cell disease, asthma, and anemia. The patient came in with complaints of pain in back and legs, unrelieved with home prescribed Norco 10/325 mg three times daily. The patient’s labs reflected that the patient was in leukocytosis and mild dehydration. The patient reports a lack of appetite since the pain began 3-4 days ago. Pharmacokinetics determine how the body reacts to the medication, pharmacodynamics explores the effects medication has on the body (Rosenthal, & Burchum, 2021). When creating a plan of care for this patient I would consider the state their body was currently in (dehydration) and decreased nutritional status can affect any medication that I may prescribe. In patients suffering from dehydration or a nutritional decline, it can cause drug metabolism to alter (Rosenthal, & Burchum, 2021). A necessity to prescribing medication is understanding disease processes and which medications will best treat most of the symptoms presented. NURS 6521 UMES Week 1 Advance Pharmcology Discussion One of my first orders would be to replace the fluids they have lost. Dehydration and a lack of oxygen can cause an increase of the sickling of cells which can cause a sickle crisis to become more severe (McCance, & Huether, 2019). While the patient is being hydrated I would provide pain relief since the by mouth prescriptions home meds failed I would provide the patient with some IV medication to obtain pain control if they were in a true crisis and after pain control was achieved attempt to wean them off to by mouth pain medications that are effective. Patients that suffer from sickle cell disease have a continuous complication with pain control due to drug adherence and many other factors but it has been found that when in severe crisis opioids are a good first line of defense for pain control (Chu et. al, 2020). In my experience, I have found that sickle cell patients often get accustomed to remarkably high dosages of pain medicines quickly especially if they have very frequent sickle cell crises. Hopefully, these combined measures will relieve the patient’s pain and allow the patient’s labs to stabilize, and the patient’s dietary intake will also have to be measured before discharge. Care is completed when the patient affirms that adequate proficiency of care has been provided (Fowler, M. D. M., & American Nurses Association, 2015). I have found that it is extremely important to discuss the treatment plan and expectations with patients so that they have an understanding of the healthcare goals you are attempting to achieve. When it comes to prescribing medication I plan to provide adequate education to my patents to ensure that they know how, when, and why taking the medication as prescribed is important. Advance Pharmcology Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS References Chu, R., Claus, L., Orhurhu, M. S., Orhurhu, V, Roberts, J., Salisu, B., & Urits, I. (2020). Neuropathic Pain and Sickle Cell Disease: a Review of Pharmacologic Management. Current Pain and Headache Reports , 24 (9), 1-14. Fowler, M. D. M., & American Nurses Association. (2015). Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements: Development, Interpretation, and Application: Vol. Second edition. American Nurses Association. McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier. Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants (2nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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Advance Pharmcology Discussion

Advance Pharmcology Discussion Advance Pharmcology Discussion I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support. Please respond. Adrienna Rivers Week 1 Discussion COLLAPSE Week 1 Discussion This case involves a 23-year-old African American female with a history of sickle cell disease, asthma, and anemia. The patient came in with complaints of pain in back and legs, unrelieved with home prescribed Norco 10/325 mg three times daily. The patient’s labs reflected that the patient was in leukocytosis and mild dehydration. The patient reports a lack of appetite since the pain began 3-4 days ago. Pharmacokinetics determine how the body reacts to the medication, pharmacodynamics explores the effects medication has on the body (Rosenthal, & Burchum, 2021). When creating a plan of care for this patient I would consider the state their body was currently in (dehydration) and decreased nutritional status can affect any medication that I may prescribe. In patients suffering from dehydration or a nutritional decline, it can cause drug metabolism to alter (Rosenthal, & Burchum, 2021). A necessity to prescribing medication is understanding disease processes and which medications will best treat most of the symptoms presented. NURS 6521 UMES Week 1 Advance Pharmcology Discussion One of my first orders would be to replace the fluids they have lost. Dehydration and a lack of oxygen can cause an increase of the sickling of cells which can cause a sickle crisis to become more severe (McCance, & Huether, 2019). While the patient is being hydrated I would provide pain relief since the by mouth prescriptions home meds failed I would provide the patient with some IV medication to obtain pain control if they were in a true crisis and after pain control was achieved attempt to wean them off to by mouth pain medications that are effective. Patients that suffer from sickle cell disease have a continuous complication with pain control due to drug adherence and many other factors but it has been found that when in severe crisis opioids are a good first line of defense for pain control (Chu et. al, 2020). In my experience, I have found that sickle cell patients often get accustomed to remarkably high dosages of pain medicines quickly especially if they have very frequent sickle cell crises. Hopefully, these combined measures will relieve the patient’s pain and allow the patient’s labs to stabilize, and the patient’s dietary intake will also have to be measured before discharge. Care is completed when the patient affirms that adequate proficiency of care has been provided (Fowler, M. D. M., & American Nurses Association, 2015). I have found that it is extremely important to discuss the treatment plan and expectations with patients so that they have an understanding of the healthcare goals you are attempting to achieve. When it comes to prescribing medication I plan to provide adequate education to my patents to ensure that they know how, when, and why taking the medication as prescribed is important. Advance Pharmcology Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS References Chu, R., Claus, L., Orhurhu, M. S., Orhurhu, V, Roberts, J., Salisu, B., & Urits, I. (2020). Neuropathic Pain and Sickle Cell Disease: a Review of Pharmacologic Management. Current Pain and Headache Reports , 24 (9), 1-14. Fowler, M. D. M., & American Nurses Association. (2015). Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements: Development, Interpretation, and Application: Vol. Second edition. American Nurses Association. McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier. Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants (2nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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