Advanced Pathophysiology Adenocarcinoma of The Colon Case Study
Advanced Pathophysiology Adenocarcinoma of The Colon Case Study
Advanced Pathophysiology Adenocarcinoma of The Colon Case Study ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Advanced Pathophysiology Adenocarcinoma of The Colon Case Study There are two files attached, one is the case study that will be used to complete the care plan and concept map. The case study should be through understood for thorough execution. Diagnosis should be properly written (Problem ___ related to ___ as evidence by ___). Planning should be properly written with a time frame. Intervention should be properly written with the adequate rationales including the reference. Evaluation should be realistic, met, partially met or unmet, with explanation (f goals are unmet or are only partially met, you should continue the intervention). WU NURS 6501 Week 2 Advanced Pathophysiology Adenocarcinoma of The Colon Case Study I need a tutor with deep nursing background and understanding to pick this up. Please do not bid if you have a peripheral understanding of writing a careplan. This is 50% of my grade and need to be done well. attachment_1 attachment_2 BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF NURSING NURS 411 Concept Mapping/Care Plan The Concept Mapping assignment is worth 100 points and 10% of your NURS 411 grade. Submit this grading tool with your Concept Map. Criteria Possible Grade Comments Points Admissions Assessment a. Included primary and secondary medical diagnoses 10 points _____ b. Included definitions for primary and secondary Medical diagnoses c. Included nursing assessment data: physiological, spiritual psychological, developmental, and socio-cultural. Pathophysiology, Lab & Diagnostic 10 points _____ a. Discussed the pathophysiology r/t medical diagnosis b. Identified significant lab and diagnostic data and their interpretation as it relates to the client Nursing Diagnosis 20 points _____ Identified at least 3 problems based on assessment data Prioritized Nursing diagnoses based on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, and ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) All three parts of the nursing diagnoses are appropriate Planning 20 points _____ a. Goals are appropriate (2) b. Outcomes are measurable (6)) c. Outcomes are specific and relate to the nursing diagnoses Nursing Interventions 20 points _____ a. Therapeutic interventions reflect: (5) 1. cultural congruence 2. therapeutic communication 3. ethical consideration 4. legal standards 5. caring and concern b. Nursing interventions are stated as dependent, independent, or collaborative c. Rationales are listed for nursing interventions. (text & journal articles) Evaluation 20 points _____ a. Describes clients response to nursing interventions b. States the extent to which each outcome has been obtained c. Determines the extent to which overall goals have been met d. Reflects current data collected by the student. Concept Map Physiologic If more space is required, please use this box; instead of the box on page one. General: Neurologic Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Musculoskeletal Primary diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis Pathophysiology Pathophysiology Prescribed medications at home: Generic & trade name & classification of medication Dose/route Frequency Purpose Medications ordered this hospitalization: Generic & trade name & classification of medication Dose/route Frequency Reason administered to this client Effects of medication on this client Diagnostic studies: Test & definition Initial admission test results & date performed Significance of results to clients condition Most recent test results (if test repeated) & date performed Significance of repeated test results to clients condition Based on your assessment data and the chart above, identify as many problems (listed as problems not medical nor nursing diagnosis) as possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Based on the problems you have listed, identify the top three problems, and prioritize them. Using the problem with the highest priority, identify an appropriate nursing diagnosis based on NANDA and develop a careplan for your client. Concept Map Tool for Care Planning Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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