Ashford University KIN 646 Explain Atherosclerosis Progression Exam Practice
Ashford University KIN 646 Explain Atherosclerosis Progression Exam Practice
Ashford University KIN 646 Explain Atherosclerosis Progression Exam Practice ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Ashford University KIN 646 Explain Atherosclerosis Progression Exam Practice I need help with editing and answering 5 essay questions I will attach my answers and the feedback of the professor, and I will attach the rest other articles that you can add and cite Please: Depth of Physiology holistically explains the underlying science of their physiological concept, including all details, steps, pathways and demonstrating their comprehension of physiology. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Thoroughness of Answers answers address and reflect on the concepts relevant to the topic. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Information Synthesis Student demonstrates capability of aggregating information from multiple scholarly sources and analyzing the information to arrive upon a well-formed conclusion. minimum 10 pages, APA format I will provide all the articles needed, and plus any helpful articles Native English speakers tutors only Please attachment_1 attachment_2 attachment_3 attachment_4 KIN646 Take Home Exam #2 Name: _________________________ Choose two from Questions 1-3, two from Questions 4-8, and Question 9. 20 points each, 5 questions total Explain the progression of atherosclerosis from the earliest onset to cardiovascular event (heart attack or stroke). Make sure to include the roles of the both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Explain in the detail the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. Make sure to discuss the liver, the skeletal muscle, and the pancreas in detail. Also discuss at least three other components from the ominous octet. Make sure to discuss the timeline of events: IE: onset of hyperglycemia vs. hyperinsulinemia. Briefly explain the different phases in the Wiggers Diagram and how the changes in pressure lead to opening and closing of the different valves in the heart. Next, explain the progression of heart failure including: causes, symptoms, results, compensatory actions the body takes. Choose three risk factors/factors (not including endothelial function) in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Explain, by citing research, how exercise affects each one, and most importantly how these effects would slow, stop, or prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. Discuss in detail how the vascular endothelium is involved in cardiovascular health. Then discuss research that shows exactly how (mechanistically) the health of endothelium is improved by exercise. Discuss the research around exercise and improvements in peripheral insulin sensitivity, including possible mechanisms. Make sure to explain how these changes translate to lower blood glucose levels. Discuss the research around exercise and improvements in liver and pancreatic health. Make sure to explain how these changes translate to lower blood glucose levels. Discuss the research around exercise and improvements in the function of the heart. Make sure to discuss detailed mechanisms and exactly how these changes lead to improvements in cardiac output. The FITT principle stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type of exercise. Different variations in the FITT principle have been used to improve disease. Discuss the research surrounding variations in exercise prescription for improving CVD or Type 2 Diabetes risk factors. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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