Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data

Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data Due: Friday, May 1, 2020, 4:00 PM To complete this assignment, you will need the following files: a) OSHPD Data File b) OSHPD Documentation c) CA County Codes All the necessary files can be found on Blackboard in the SPSS Assignment folder on the “Assignments” tab. You will be working independently for this assignment. Copy results from your SPSS output file into a Word document. (Add your answers and output to this document.) All answers should be in complete sentences; it is NOT sufficient to paste the results into Word without specifically answering the question unless otherwise noted. Statistical tests must include complete interpretations along with the SPSS output. You must include the log that describes the recoding of all variables needing to be recoded and all information on the work you have completed to answer the questions. Your SPSS data file (.sav) should match your answers. (In other words, I should be able to run the analyses from your SPSS file and get the same results you report.) You are required to type the values into the variable view of the SPSS file for all variables that you use, including those you recode; your interpretations must use the category names and not simply the codes used in SPSS. (For counties, you only need to type in county names for the values you will use.) Name the file as follows: MyLastName _Assign3.docx, where you replace MyLastName with your name. Upload this Word document (please type your name at the top of the Word document) and your SPSS data file (.sav file) with your last name as part of the file name to Blackboard in the SPSS Assignment folder under the “Assignments” tab. Read the directions for each question carefully. Using the “disp” variable, answer the following questions: What percent of all patients was discharged to another department within the hospital? What percent of all patients was discharged to another hospital? HINT: You will need to recode the “disp” variable. What percent of patients had a payer category of traditional coverage? (Recode “pay_type” to make the value “0” missing.) Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data Recode the variable “charges” so that charges of “0” and “1” are made system missing; all other charges should remain the same. Name this variable “NewChg.” Run frequencies on both the original and new charges variables. Paste the “Statistics” table (do NOT paste the frequency tables) showing the number of valid and missing cases for the old and new variables into your homework. (No sentence required.) Is there a difference in charges (use the “NewChg” variable) between Orange, San Bernadino, and San Diego Counties? Using the new variable for length of stay (NewLOS), is there a difference in total length of stay between patients in Los Angeles and Orange Counties? (Before running this analysis, recode the variable “los” so that length of stay [los] of “0” equals 1; name this variable “NewLOS.” All other “los” should remain the same.) Using all cases, is there a relationship between age (in years), charges, and length of stay? Use the variables age_years, NewLOS, and NewChg. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data

Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data Due: Friday, May 1, 2020, 4:00 PM To complete this assignment, you will need the following files: a) OSHPD Data File b) OSHPD Documentation c) CA County Codes All the necessary files can be found on Blackboard in the SPSS Assignment folder on the “Assignments” tab. You will be working independently for this assignment. Copy results from your SPSS output file into a Word document. (Add your answers and output to this document.) All answers should be in complete sentences; it is NOT sufficient to paste the results into Word without specifically answering the question unless otherwise noted. Statistical tests must include complete interpretations along with the SPSS output. You must include the log that describes the recoding of all variables needing to be recoded and all information on the work you have completed to answer the questions. Your SPSS data file (.sav) should match your answers. (In other words, I should be able to run the analyses from your SPSS file and get the same results you report.) You are required to type the values into the variable view of the SPSS file for all variables that you use, including those you recode; your interpretations must use the category names and not simply the codes used in SPSS. (For counties, you only need to type in county names for the values you will use.) Name the file as follows: MyLastName _Assign3.docx, where you replace MyLastName with your name. Upload this Word document (please type your name at the top of the Word document) and your SPSS data file (.sav file) with your last name as part of the file name to Blackboard in the SPSS Assignment folder under the “Assignments” tab. Read the directions for each question carefully. Using the “disp” variable, answer the following questions: What percent of all patients was discharged to another department within the hospital? What percent of all patients was discharged to another hospital? HINT: You will need to recode the “disp” variable. What percent of patients had a payer category of traditional coverage? (Recode “pay_type” to make the value “0” missing.) Assignment 3 – Using SPSS to Analyze Health Data Recode the variable “charges” so that charges of “0” and “1” are made system missing; all other charges should remain the same. Name this variable “NewChg.” Run frequencies on both the original and new charges variables. Paste the “Statistics” table (do NOT paste the frequency tables) showing the number of valid and missing cases for the old and new variables into your homework. (No sentence required.) Is there a difference in charges (use the “NewChg” variable) between Orange, San Bernadino, and San Diego Counties? Using the new variable for length of stay (NewLOS), is there a difference in total length of stay between patients in Los Angeles and Orange Counties? (Before running this analysis, recode the variable “los” so that length of stay [los] of “0” equals 1; name this variable “NewLOS.” All other “los” should remain the same.) Using all cases, is there a relationship between age (in years), charges, and length of stay? Use the variables age_years, NewLOS, and NewChg. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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