Assignment: Environmental Protection Agency’s

Assignment: Environmental Protection Agency’s
Assignment: Environmental Protection Agency’s
Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s MyEnvironment site at , and enter your location into the location box. ____Queens NY
Choose one of the topic areas.
My Health
My Climate
My Air
My Water
Then, click on the boxes under the Map Contents menu to add data into the map on specific topics. Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be impacting the health of its citizens.
Identify something new you learned about your environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this statement, “I didn’t know _____.”
How could you, in the role of a community health nurse, address these concerns?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a federal agency that protects the environment.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was founded by President Richard Nixon’s executive order in December 1970.
It is a governmental agency whose aim is to preserve human and environmental health in the United States.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), based in Washington, D.C., is in charge of developing standards and policies that promote individual and environmental health.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a federal government agency in the United States with the purpose of protecting human and environmental health.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversees the production, processing, distribution, and use of chemicals and other pollutants.
Fines, sanctions, and other measures are used by the agency to enforce its conclusions.
It is in charge of energy efficiency, environmental stewardship, sustainable growth, air and water quality, and pollution prevention activities.
Wildlife, wetlands, food safety, and nuclear waste are some of the sectors that the EPA does not regulate.
The Environmental Protection Agency: An Overview (EPA)
Why was the Environmental Protection Agency established?
It was founded in response to growing public concern about the environment in the 1950s and 1960s.
Since its inception, the EPA has worked to safeguard and conserve the natural environment while also improving human health by studying the impacts of pollutants and imposing limits on their usage.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversees the production, processing, distribution, and use of chemicals and other pollutants.
The Environmental Protection Agency is also in responsible of setting safe tolerance levels for chemicals and other pollutants in food, animal feed, and water.
Fines, sanctions, and other measures are used by the EPA to enforce its conclusions.
President Obama’s rules on carbon emissions from power plants, autos, and other sources of climate change were drastically scaled back during the Trump administration.
The EPA’s size and influence have also shrunk, and criminal prosecutions for individuals who break regulations have dropped to a 30-year low.
The EPA administrator, a cabinet-level position appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, is in charge of the agency.
Michael Regan, the first African-American to hold the position, currently holds it.
He is anticipated to overturn several of the Trump administration’s regulatory rollbacks.
Programs of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in charge of a number of initiatives aimed at promoting energy efficiency, environmental stewardship, sustainable growth, air and water quality, and pollution prevention.
Among these programs are:
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice program—formerly Design for the Environment—allows people to choose the chemically safest items available without sacrificing function or quality.
Energy Star is a program that assists consumers in selecting energy-efficient equipment.
Smart Growth is a program that promotes long-term community development.
WaterSense is a program that promotes water conservation by using high-efficiency toilets, faucets, and irrigation equipment.
The NPDES, or National Pollutant Release Elimination System, is a federal program that controls the discharge of contaminants into U.S. waters.
With initiatives like Safer Choice and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, the EPA safeguards human health and the environment.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also undertakes programs to
Oil spills must be avoided, controlled, and responded to.
Control and predict pollution levels in the air
Encourage the development of more fuel-efficient automobiles.

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