Assignment: Etiology Of Pressure Injury

Assignment: Etiology Of Pressure Injury
Assignment: Etiology Of Pressure Injury
This assignment is designed to have you think like a nurse. This paper will enhance your knowledge and understanding of pressure ulcer prevention and what you as a nurse can do to help decrease the occurrence of pressure injury.
Format: This is an essay to be written in APA style based on course APA Minimum Expectations. Essays must be structurally intact with appropriate grammar, sentence and paragraph composition, spelling, punctuation, and logical, clear essay development (including introduction and conclusion). Paper length 2-3 pages (MAX… POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED IF OVER 3 PAGES), excluding cover and reference page. Must have a minimum of three references.
Content: Address the following topics listed:
1. Discuss the etiology of pressure injury. 2. Discuss risk factors (local and systemic) and who is most at risk. 3. Discuss the tool (Braden Scale) to predict pressure injury risk factors, nursing interventions and up-to-date guidelines.
When you are bedridden or otherwise unable to move, unconscious, or unable to feel pain, pressure injuries might occur.
Sores (ulcers) that occur on parts of the skin that are under pressure are known as pressure injuries.
Pressure can be caused by lying in bed, sitting in a wheelchair, or being in a cast for an extended period of time.
Bedsores, pressure sores, and decubitus ulcers are all terms for pressure injuries.
In frail, older persons, pressure injuries can be a major problem.
They could be linked to the level of care a person receives.
If you have to stay in bed or are unable to move and are not turned, positioned correctly, or given good diet and skin care, pressure injuries can occur.
If you have diabetes, circulatory difficulties, or poor nutrition, you’re more likely to sustain a pressure injury.
What are the causes of pressure sores?
When pressure shuts off the blood supply to the skin for an extended length of time, a pressure injury occurs.
Skin cells die due to a lack of blood supply to the skin.
This begins as a swollen, aching region.
It then changes color to purple.
The skin can burst open and the area can get infected if not addressed.
A deep pressure injury is possible.
It has the ability to penetrate muscle and bone.
When a pressure injury develops, it might take a long time to recover.
Pressure injuries can take days, months, or even years to recover, depending on the severity of the damage, your physical condition, nutritional state, and the existence of underlying conditions such as diabetes.
They may require surgery to aid in their recovery.
Pressure injuries are common on the following surfaces:
On the tailbone or hips, buttocks
The feet’s heels
Blades of the shoulder
the back of your head
Knees on the backs and sides, or ankles on the sides
Who is at risk of developing a pressure injury?
A pressure injury is more likely to occur if you are bedridden, asleep, unable to feel pain, or unable to move.
If you aren’t turned, positioned correctly, or given proper nutrition and skin care, your risk increases.
If you have diabetes or circulatory difficulties, are underweight or overweight, don’t have control of your bowels or bladder, or are malnourished, you’re at a higher risk.
How can you know if you’ve had a pressure injury?
Pressure injuries are classified into four phases, ranging from mild to severe.
These are the following:
Stage 1: The affected area appears red and is warm to the touch.
The region may have a blue or purple tinge if you have darker skin.
It may feel like it’s burning, hurting, or itching.
Stage 2: The affected area appears to be more damaged, with an open sore, scrape, or blister.
You’re in a lot of discomfort, and the skin around the wound can be discolored.
Stage 3: Because of damage beneath the skin’s surface, the area develops a crater-like look.
Stage 4: The area has been seriously harmed, and there is a huge wound.
Muscles, tendons, bones, and joints are all susceptible to injury.
At this point, infection is a major concern.
When there is full-thickness tissue loss and the base of the sore is covered by dead tissue (slough) or a scab (eschar) in the wound bed, a pressure injury is classified as unstageable.
Tissue that has died can be tan, grey, green, brown, or yellow in color.
Eschar might be tan, brown, or black in color.
Skin that is red or purple in hue and may or may not be injured is a sign of deep tissue pressure injury.
If the wound is open, the surface is black or seems to be a blood blister.

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