Assignment: Explain concepts of change theory

Assignment: Explain concepts of change theory ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Explain concepts of change theory Create 1–2 page outlines of your response plan for three intervention scenarios. Nurse leaders need to quickly identify a strategy for evaluating a nursing leadership problem and the dynamics related to the problem, in order to orchestrate intervention efforts and put together a plan of action that leads to stakeholder cooperation. Assignment: Explain concepts of change theory Competency 1: Integrate key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts into collaborative practice situations.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Explain concepts of change theory and how it can be used as a tool to manage situations. Describe an effective leadership style to address a problem. Competency 2: Explain the accountability of the nurse leader for decisions that affect health care delivery and patient outcomes. Describe how outcomes or success of the style selected for each situation could be measured. Competency 4: Apply professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct in professional practice. Explain how professional and legal standards guide the effective nurse leader when making decisions. Competency 5: Communicate in manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional. Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Correctly format citations and references using current APA style. Reference Kelly, P., & Tazbir, J. (2014). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. Nurses may employ multiple leadership styles. When thinking about an appropriate leadership style, take into consideration the personal style, the situation being addressed, the environment in which the situation is taking place, and the other people who may be involved. Anticipating potential situations you are likely to encounter in your professional life, as well as devising an effective strategy in advance to handle them, can reduce stress and promote confidence on the job. Questions to consider To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. What strategies could you use for handling conflict with staff, patients, or patients’ family members? What factors should you consider when determining an intervention? What factors should you consider when selecting a leadership style in response to a problem or situation? Directions: Choose three scenarios and develop a Response Plan, in the form of an outline. Scenario One: Inpatient nephrology unit You are the new nurse manager for a busy nephrology medical/surgical unit in a large university medical center. The renal physicians have complained that daily weights and intake/output records are not being completed. This lack of documentation affects the patient’s plan of care and is resulting in an increased length of stay for the unit. The night-shift nurses think the day-shift nurses need to do the daily weights since they have more staffing. The day-shift nurses think the night-shift needs to do the weights since breakfast arrives during report most days. No one is consistently recording the intake/output records. How will you handle this problem? National Kidney Foundation: Clinical Practice Guidelines . Scenario Two: Outpatient chest pain/stroke unit You have just been promoted to the nurse manager position in a 12-bed chest pain/stroke outpatient center. The hospital is at 18 months of the 36-month Joint Commission accreditation cycle, so you are expecting a survey sometime within the next 18 months. You are reviewing the Joint Commission Core Measures for Outpatient Departments . You discover an issue with the administration of aspirin on arrival for the chest pain/acute MI patients not being documented 50 percent of the time. Also, the time to CT scan for ruling out acute ischemic stroke patient is 75 minutes, which is 30 minutes above benchmark time of 45 minutes. Who needs to be involved in examining these processes in order to improve compliance prior to the survey? Would you develop one team to work on both issues or two teams so that each works on one issue? Why? Scenario Three: School nurse You are the only school nurse in a high school (grades 10, 11, and 12). The school is located in a small rural conservative town. There has been a 15 percent increase in students contracting sexually transmitted diseases and three girls in the junior class are pregnant. The community insists that the area schools only teach abstinence to the students. The school board does not want to anger the parents. While you respect the culture of the town, you realize this is a huge community health problem. Where do you start to address this issue? CDC: Adolescent and School Health; Sexual Risk Behaviors . Scenario Four: Inpatient psych unit You are the nurse manager of an inpatient psychiatric unit and are preparing a report for a Joint Commission survey. An epidemic of bath salts abuse has struck the community. Following initial treatment in the intensive care unit, violent psychiatric patients are being admitted to the unit. You reviewed the Joint Commission guidelines and discovered deficiencies in several categories of the patient discharge records and your seclusion hours are increasing. Hospital Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services (HBIPS) . Who will you involve in the interdisciplinary team to work on the discharge issues? How will you work on decreasing seclusion hours in these patients? Scenario Five: Pediatric vaccinations. You are the nurse manager in a large pediatric practice. It is late summer and parents are bringing their children in to get their “blue cards” filled out for school. Several parents have been asking for medical exemptions because the local news has been reporting on a rash of adverse reactions to vaccinations, even linking an incident relating a child’s recent diagnosis of autism to an MMR vaccine. How will you proceed in obtaining the best evidence to help work with the parents? CDC: MMR ACIP Vaccine Recommendations (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) . PREPARATION Use the Capella library and the Internet to research change theory, leadership, and communication strategies. Use the Suggested Resources to research leadership and communication concepts and change theory. The challenge in this assessment is to create a response plan for several intervention scenarios. There are three deliverables required for this assessment. Rationale for this assessment: Nurse leaders solve problems or resolve conflict on a daily basis. Understanding how change theory can be applied to a situation and examining various types of interventions in advance can relieve pressure on the nurse leader and improve the workplace environment and outcomes. Rehearsing potential interventions provides a mental toolkit on which to rely during stressful times. Your management training workshop continues: The second day of HR’s Nursing Leadership Workshop is designed to help you identify and practice effective responses and interventions to common problems and situations. Participants are presented with three scenarios and must create a response plan for each scenario, in the form of a 1–2 page outline. Deliverables: Submit three Response Plans to complete this assessment. Choose 3 of the 5 Intervention Scenarios linked in the Required Resources for this assessment. For each scenario you choose , develop a separate Response Plan in the form of a 1–2 page outline. Label each outline using the example below: Example: Response Plan for School Nurse. INSTRUCTIONS Analyze each Intervention Scenario and describe the leadership, communication, and management strategies you believe would be most effective for each situation. Use the following subheadings to organize your Response Plan outline for each situation. Change Theory: Explain concepts of change theory and how it can be used as a tool to manage situations. Identify elements of change theory that fit best with the scenario. How can you use change theory to deal with conflict? Strategies and Rationale: Describe an effective leadership style you would employ to address a problem. Explain the rationale for choosing a leadership strategy to solve a problem. Identify interventions to address the problem. Expected Outcome: Describe how outcomes or success of the style selected for each situation could be measured. Describe how you could determine improved outcomes or measure success of the leadership style selected for each situation. What might go wrong and how would you deal with that? Professional Standards: Explain how professional and legal standards guide the effective nurse leader when making decisions. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Length: Each outline should be 1–2 pages double-spaced. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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