Assignment: Help administrators

Assignment: Help administrators
Assignment: Help administrators
Explain how systems theory can help administrators understand the relationships between human services organizations and their environments. Provide specific examples of ways administrators might apply systems theory to their work. Finally, explain how leadership and management roles within human services organizations contribute to their overall functioning.
Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
•Chapter 1, “Where Your Agency Came From and Where It’s Going” (pp. 2–31)
•Prequel to Chapter 2, “Meet the Staff Members” (pp. 35–37)
•Chapter 2, “Concepts, Theories, and Classifications” (pp. 38–65)
•Chapter 7, “Organizational Culture” (pp. 210–240)
•Chapter 8, “Leadership, Management, and Governance” (pp. 243–280)
Mulroy, E. A. (2004). Theoretical perspectives on the social environment to guide management and community perspectives: An organization-in-environment approach. Administration in Social Work, 28(1), 77–96.
View the following video: “Man without a Memory- Clive Wearing.”
Address in a 200-word paper,
The Brain and Memory: Influence of Learning and Emotion
How would you define the relationship between learning something and remembering it?
Personal Discussion
To prepare for this journal, watch Social Thinking (2017). Reflect on this topic. Specifically, consider concepts other than those covered in discussions and/or assignments. Explain how a particular theoretical perspective applies to your own experience, personal or professional. Describe the social situation in the context of social psychological theory and research, and appraise the factors that impact your behavior as well as the role your own actions play in producing and perpetuating the situation. Your journal should be approximately one single-spaced page and include at least one reference to a required course reading.

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