Assignment: Self-Assessment AACN Essentials
Assignment: Self-Assessment AACN Essentials
Assignment: Self-Assessment AACN Essentials
Assignment: Self-Assessment AACN Essentials
Assignment: Self-Assessment AACN Essentials
Week 1 discussion AACN Essentials Self-Assessment Results Download and open the AACN Essentials Self-Assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Complete the self-assessment of your current comfort levels and total your score. If you are willing, please share your total score with your classmates in your discussion post. Identify areas where your knowledge could use improvement. Keep in mind that all professional nurses are knowledge workers. What questions do you have as they relate to nursing informatics and the AACN essentials
Understanding your competencies related to information systems in healthcare provides you with valuable information as you begin this course. Throughout the course you will discover how course content will be related to The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008).
You must complete this self-assessment, which is based on the Essentials, prior to posting to the Week 1 Threaded Discussion. Place a check mark or X in the column that best describes your current level of competency or understanding of the Essentials statement. There are no incorrect answers. After you have completed the assessment, total the number of points you earned. Record this number in a location where you will be able to retrieve it at the end of the course, when it will serve as the basis for future threaded discussions.Locate the AACN Essentials Self-Assessment in Doc Sharing (Week 1). Complete the self-assessment of your current comfort levels and total your score. If you are willing, please share your total score with your classmates in your discussion post. Identify areas where your knowledge could use improvement. Keep in mind that all professional nurses are knowledge workers. What questions do you have as they relate to nursing informatics and the AACN essentials?I completed the AACN Essentials Self-Assessment and game myself a current score of 34. One of my lower scoring areas was the use of technologies to assist in communications. I find that my struggle is with the technology that is newer. I work in an operating room which itself has been updated however we are yet to have electronic charting. It is a struggle for me to find the information that I need because the rest of the hospital has adapted a program called Sorian. It allows for one place for all the patient information. I previously worked at a hospital that used the program EPIC which we did use in the operating rooms. I was able to locate and view the entire patient chart. Here we have to try to locate everything in different places. Sometimes it is so frustrating that we end up just calling the floor and talking to the patients nurse. We have talked to the hospital about this and they tell us that they havent found the right program to help us chart that will work with the billing department. Until this occurs, we still paper chart, which I know is way out of date. According to Thede, Electronic charting can help fill thegap and provide non-stop care between different providers for one patient [The08]. I think that electronic charting is a great step forward. Now it is easier than ever to have a continuity of care and create a greater collaboration between medical professionals. One of the assessment questions that was a high score for me was the question of upholding ethical standards with security and confidentiality. I feel that this was a higher score because I take our patient information and privacy rules extremely serious. We have a nurse that works with us that has had her identity hacked from a hospital stay that she had. We have security shred bins everywhere and a secure fax that is only accessed by employees in the office of the operating room. I feel that our security can getbetter when we rid our OR of paper charts and convert to the hospital wide electronic system. As I learned in our reading though, it is hard to measure the strength of security with the recent breaches, especially with the federal government healthcare breach this past year [Heb13]. I unfortunately was an employee at a VA hospital at the time and also received notice that my information was breeched. Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals.Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.Thede, L. (2008, August 18). Informatics: The Electronic Health Record: Will Nursing Be on Board When the Ship Leaves?
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