Assignment: Spanking

Assignment: Spanking
Assignment: Spanking
Spanking has had a controversial history as an element of effective child-rearing. Some Scandinavian cultures have found the practice so abhorrent that it has been outlawed as a form of parental discipline. On the other hand, some private schools and many parents believe it is an effective, socially acceptable, parental choice practice for shaping a child’s behavior.
What are the merits of spanking and the potential consequences it holds for a developing child’s future behavior? Given what we know about modeling and social learning, is spanking simply another source of information about aggressive behavior? Given what we know about the effectiveness of punishment versus reinforcement, how does spanking change behavior in the long term and short term?
Should this simply be a parental decision, or should there be legislation governing this activity? In particular, does spanking lead children to become more violent?
You MUST use research to support your opinion and provide the source!!
· 11:05JEFFREY MISHLOVE I know in your book, “Love and Will”, you refer to the,uh, great poem by T.S. Elliot, “The Wasteland”. And, the way so many people that when it wasw first written at the early part of this century, seemed to relate to it, not understanding its prophetic nature. It, it seemed to characterize the, the emptiness of modern society.
· 11:25DR. ROLLO MAY Yes. There’s a king in the wasteland, remember, was impotent. And the wheat and the grass did not grow. It therefore was a wasteland. And he goes on in marvelous detail. When just about that time, in the 1920’s, in the jazz age, there was written another book that is prophetic, and that is “The Great Gatsby”. The movie was terrible. Forget the movie, and take, take the book.
· 11:55JEFFREY MISHLOVE F. Scott Fitzgerald.
· DR. ROLLO MAY F. Scott Fitzgerald. It’s a small book. It’s a marvelous picture of how our age has disintegrated. He ultimately dies, and dies a completely lonely man. Uh, there is nobody at the funeral, and it’s a tragedy.Uh, but Fitzgerald saw that this was happening, not in the jazz age. Then everybody was earning lots of money, and, uh, trying new styles, just like nowadays. Uh, and, uh, but he knew what was going to happen, and therefore “The Great Gatsby”. Now, we are now in the age when those things, “Wasteland” and “The Great Gatsby” are coming to fruition. And that’s why I, uh, believe that if our world survives, I believe it will, a nuclear threat. If it survives, that we will move into a new age when the emphasis will not be on making piles and piles of money and being scared to death the stock market is gonna drop tomorrow. But, rather the emphasis will be on, on, uh, truth and joy, on understanding, uh, and these, uh, beauty, these things that to my mind, make life really worth living.

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