Assignment: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Assignment: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences This project will demonstrate your ability to apply statistical techniques to real-world problems. To demonstrate your mastery of statistics you will compute, interpret, and apply data information to investigate statistical data as it pertains to the effects of social media. The local high school has a “no social media” rule for students during the school day. Students have gathered signatures asking for the rule to be changed. You have been asked to present information at the staff meeting to help school administrators and teachers make an informed decision. You have gathered information and are now ready to analyze and interpret the data for your presentation. The data you have collected includes demographic information and information about behavior. To obtain the necessary information, you will create two hypotheses, ask a probability question, utilize the data, and perform a statistical analysis to evaluate and predict social media behavior and characteristics. You will share your data and analysis in a research report for the school staff. final_project_data_set__1_.xlsx statistics_for_the_behavio Yes No Teacher Survey (43 staff members 40 surveys returned) Yes No 406 58 Do you regularly use media during breaks at school? 7 33 108 356 Do you regularly use social media during class? 0 40 Would you use social media during breaks if allowed? 12 28 Would you use social media for teaching purposes during class if allowed? 9 31 Would you use social media for personal reasons during class if allowed? 8 32 Gender Free or reduced lunch? College plans? Parents have 4 or more years of college? Cumulative GPA Use during breaks Use during class Number of school activities (clubs/sports) Close friends at school* Average hours spend on social media per week F N Y Y 3.2 Y N 5 3 24 F N N Y 2.2 Y N 8 5 12 F Y Y N 4 Y Y 6 8 34 F N Y N 3.6 N N 4 15 26 F N Y Y 2.3 Y Y 4 6 47 F Y Y Y 3.1 N N 7 22 55 F N Y N 2.9 Y Y 5 14 24 F N Y N 2.4 Y N 7 6 16 F Y N N 2.9 N N 2 9 5 F N N N 3.8 Y N 1 12 9 F Y Y Y 3.7 Y Y 5 4 4 F N N Y 3.2 Y N 4 15 68 F N Y Y 3.3 N N 2 3 78 M Y N N 2.1 Y N 3 4 55 M N N N 2.8 Y Y 4 6 31 M N Y N 2.7 Y Y 5 7 47 M Y N N 2.6 Y Y 7 3 64 M N Y N 1.7 N N 3 2 88 M Y Y Y 3.8 Y N 1 1 84 M N N Y 3.1 Y Y 5 2 16 M N Y Y 2.9 Y N 6 6 22 M N Y Y 3.4 Y N 4 7 19 M Y Y Y 3.5 N N 8 10 8 M N Y N 2.7 Y Y 2 12 47 M N Y N 2.8 Y Y 1 2 88 7.36 38.84 Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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Assignment: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Assignment: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences This project will demonstrate your ability to apply statistical techniques to real-world problems. To demonstrate your mastery of statistics you will compute, interpret, and apply data information to investigate statistical data as it pertains to the effects of social media. The local high school has a “no social media” rule for students during the school day. Students have gathered signatures asking for the rule to be changed. You have been asked to present information at the staff meeting to help school administrators and teachers make an informed decision. You have gathered information and are now ready to analyze and interpret the data for your presentation. The data you have collected includes demographic information and information about behavior. To obtain the necessary information, you will create two hypotheses, ask a probability question, utilize the data, and perform a statistical analysis to evaluate and predict social media behavior and characteristics. You will share your data and analysis in a research report for the school staff. final_project_data_set__1_.xlsx statistics_for_the_behavio Yes No Teacher Survey (43 staff members 40 surveys returned) Yes No 406 58 Do you regularly use media during breaks at school? 7 33 108 356 Do you regularly use social media during class? 0 40 Would you use social media during breaks if allowed? 12 28 Would you use social media for teaching purposes during class if allowed? 9 31 Would you use social media for personal reasons during class if allowed? 8 32 Gender Free or reduced lunch? College plans? Parents have 4 or more years of college? Cumulative GPA Use during breaks Use during class Number of school activities (clubs/sports) Close friends at school* Average hours spend on social media per week F N Y Y 3.2 Y N 5 3 24 F N N Y 2.2 Y N 8 5 12 F Y Y N 4 Y Y 6 8 34 F N Y N 3.6 N N 4 15 26 F N Y Y 2.3 Y Y 4 6 47 F Y Y Y 3.1 N N 7 22 55 F N Y N 2.9 Y Y 5 14 24 F N Y N 2.4 Y N 7 6 16 F Y N N 2.9 N N 2 9 5 F N N N 3.8 Y N 1 12 9 F Y Y Y 3.7 Y Y 5 4 4 F N N Y 3.2 Y N 4 15 68 F N Y Y 3.3 N N 2 3 78 M Y N N 2.1 Y N 3 4 55 M N N N 2.8 Y Y 4 6 31 M N Y N 2.7 Y Y 5 7 47 M Y N N 2.6 Y Y 7 3 64 M N Y N 1.7 N N 3 2 88 M Y Y Y 3.8 Y N 1 1 84 M N N Y 3.1 Y Y 5 2 16 M N Y Y 2.9 Y N 6 6 22 M N Y Y 3.4 Y N 4 7 19 M Y Y Y 3.5 N N 8 10 8 M N Y N 2.7 Y Y 2 12 47 M N Y N 2.8 Y Y 1 2 88 7.36 38.84 Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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