Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison

Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison My course is Integrated Capstone – Master of Health Administration Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison with ACHE Core Competencies . Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison Read the Stefl article and then develop a two page paper that examines how the Stefl competency model relates to the ACHE core healthcare leadership five domain competencies studied in Module 1 . This comparison needs to include both the similarities and the differences between these two approaches. Please simple writing and no references. module_one___five_cases. Integrated Capstone Course Module 1: Scope of the Healthcare Administration Field Case 1: Communication and Relationship Management Memorial Hospital was moving rapidly to finalize its plans for new multiple-specialty outpatient center located 15 miles from the hospital campus. Strategically this was exactly what the health system needed to do. First, it would provide a presence in a community that traditionally was served by one of Memorial’s major competitors. And second, increased the ambulatory care services of the health system that lagged behind other health systems in this regard. The plan called for seven specializations to provide services to the patient and community population of this new area and to help channel patients that needed more intense treatment and care to the hospital itself. Six departments had agreed to this arrangement and were actively developing their budgets and management resources to cover this new location. But the Department of Psychiatry, although an initial service slated for the ambulatory facility, was now backing out of the agreement suggesting that they could not adequately resource the operation and felt it would significantly increase their overall patient volume. The CEO of the hospital understood that Psychiatry needed to be part of the service mix in order for this new facility to succeed. The market research conducted a year earlier to provide information on community needs, clearly suggested this service would be well received and perceived by people as a value addition to the other medical specialties being offered. With this sense of urgency in mind, the CEO arranged to meet with the Chair of Psychiatry and discuss the issue. The meeting took place within the next week and it was not a comfortable exchange according to the Chair. He felt pressured by the CEO to come on-board and develop the necessary budgetary and operational plans to be part of the new ambulatory center. From the perspective of the CEO, the meeting was equally non-productive. He reported that the Chair seemed to miss the critical points of why Psychiatry was needed as part of the service mix. Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison Two subsequent meetings took place by both individuals with significant ‘back and forth’ between the two men until an agreement was met. The Chair of Psychiatry agreed that his department would join the other services, but that it needed to be phased-in process. The CEO, although disappointed that Psychiatry would require six to eight months for full implementation into the facility, understood that this was the most reasonable approach he could expect. The final agreement allowed Memorial Hospital to eventually offer all six services to its targeted community. It did require modifying some public relations materials and gaining the support of the other five services that this special arrangement was necessary to achieve the ultimate complement of services. The Department of Psychiatry gained the time it felt it needed to align its resources to add this service to its roster. The result was that Psychiatry actually achieved its adjusted operational program for the new facility in four and a half months, a good two months ahead of its original target date to begin operations. It is difficult to know exactly why the CEO and the Chair of Psychiatry arrived at their agreement. Both individuals did not appear too pleased with their initial exchange. Each seemed to have his own agenda without much interest in understanding the expectations of needs of the other party. It took two more projected meetings for a final agreement to be outlined. It is not clear either, what if any, long term affect this had for either the hospital administration or the leadership of the Department of Psychiatry. The general opinion throughout the administration and medical officers of the health system was the CEO paid a heavy political price for getting Psychiatry on board. Integrated Capstone Course Module 1: Scope of the Healthcare Administration Field Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison Case 2: Professionalism The pressure was mounting with the nursing rank and file that nursing needed to become part of a bargaining unit. There were signs and indications in all three hospitals and one nursing facility that some level of organization was being attempted by the professional nursing association. Pamphlets supporting this association were seem in the cafeterias of these institutions. Directors of nursing units were reporting that some of their staff members were openly discussing the benefits of organizing in staff meetings and while performing their duties. All of this was causing stress for the nursing supervisors and leadership. They sensed a reduction in productivity and an increase in morale issues. After six months of this type of activity, the Vice President of Nursing decided to take action. She informed all of her directors and managers that no discussion of this matter would be tolerated during working hours. She also stressed that any literature being distributed to encourage membership in a bargaining unit would be grounds for disciplinary action. It was as if the battle lines were being drawn and the very culture of nursing was being threatened. The president of the health system decided that such a rigid position by Nursing administration as counter-productive and would cause more issues than solve any problems related to the issue of bargaining representation. In discussion with his Chief Human Resource Officer and the lead legal counsel for the system, he proceeded to develop an official response to the issue that would override what the VP of Nursing had done. His position was grounded in the federal law regarding the election of workers into bargaining units, and what the Labor Relations Board stated were the fair and legal practices all employers needed to follow. He also based his position on the advice of his HR officer who understood the mood and culture of the nursing staff and was aware of why a percentage of nurses would advocate for such representation. Within two weeks of the President’s policy being implemented, noticeable changes occurred. Nurses were free to discuss the merits and disadvantages of joining a bargaining unit as along as it was did not interfere or in any reduce the level of quality in patient care. All nursing units were to hold staff meetings that allowed members of the HR team to speak to them about bargaining representation and what it would mean in terms of working conditions, salary, and fringe benefits. Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison They were also encouraged to have a member of their staff who supported representation present that side of the question if that was deemed something the nurses on the unit wanted. The President made it clear that this level of exchange should be done to educate and inform, not to bully or coerce anyone into a position they felt was uncomfortable or not desirable. When questioned by the VP of Nursing about this position and policy, the President suggested that employees of the health system needed to be treated as adults with certain rights that were protected under the law, as well as being subject to ethical standards that support the overall vision of the organization. No vote to accept a bargaining unit ever materialized. Those individuals who were strong supporters of such representation became to realize that there was far too little backing to take a vote for representation. Within the next eight months there were little signs of any action being conducted for nursing to organize. Nursing managers and directors reported that morale had returned to normal levels, as well as productivity with no signs that any of what had happened in the past number of months negatively affected patient care. Integrated Capstone Course Module 1: Scope of the Healthcare Administration Field Case 3: Leadership Mrs. Smith knew before any of her staff at General Valley Ob/Gyn that the practice had been sold to the area’s leading health system. The physician-owners of the practice were sure to keep her informed almost from the very beginning of the negotiation for the purchase of the practice. It took three months for all of the elements of the sell to be finalized, but in the end the physicians would become employees of the health system along with Mrs. Smith and any of her staff she deemed appropriate to maintain their positions. She had been in her role as senior practice manger for 15 years and had witnessed this practice become one of the most productive Ob/Gyn businesses in the region with nine practicing physicians and close to 45,000 patients. The practice has relocated three times to accommodate the space needs for this ever increasing volume of business. The original owners, two physicians, had expanded their partnership to three more physicians during this 15 year period. It was no wonder that area health systems were interested pursuing the practice for ownership. Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison In the end one system offered the most comprehensive package and the most lucrative arrangement for the physician partners over any other offers. But the expectation was that the non-clinical staff under the supervision of Mrs. Smith would remain in place to assure continuity of patient service and satisfaction. Faced with this significant change from a small business that felt like a family operation to a corporate unit within a large health company regarded major leadership on the part of Mrs. Smith. She understood that several of her staff could easily respond to the news that the practice was purchased in a “knee-jerk” fashion and quit on the spot. Any form of walking out would be a serious challenge and certainly if it represented more than one individual in the office personnel. To manage this situation, Mrs. Smith decided to proactively orchestra a change process that would minimize any negative perceptions on the part of staff about this buy-out. She wanted to maintain the trust and loyalty the staff had with her and to orient the staff to the new reality of being employees of a corporate health care company rather than a small business. Her first task was to develop a clear vision of what this change would mean for people and to know how to answer key questions they would have almost from the moment of being informed of this change. Second, she needed to influence key members of her staff that this was a positive change and one they could embrace. Doing this for a few, well respected employees would allow them to influence the others and help get these folks on board. Finally, Mrs. Smith needed to have all staff members understand this new reality and be able to describe it in their own terms. It had to become personal in a positive way for every office member. Fortunately, Mrs. Smith understood such a process could not happen overnight. She would need to work on this this for a number of weeks if not months to create the buy-in for change that was required. She would also need to spend this much time to assure that people would truly embrace the change and feel that it was to their advantage to support it. On the day the health system and the physician owners signed the sales agreement, it was almost impossible to see any difference in how the staff was working or handling the patients. They knew that at that moment they were employees of the health system, but they also knew that they understood what that change would mean for them and what the benefits would be. It was a welcome change. Module 1: Scope of the Healthcare Administration Field Case 4: Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment A new administrator in a large suburban healthcare system was hired to work in the corporate offices as a patient service coordinator for the five hospitals, one rehabilitation hospital and one skilled nursing facility for the system. Her major role and responsibilities included the overall coordination of patient services for these facilities so that each organization was offering similar services and doing so with similar levels of quality and effectiveness. Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison The initial charge for this person was to inventory current patient service practices throughout the system and determine what was the existing baseline for such services that would provide a platform for future development and change. For the first two months on the job, the systems coordinator visited facilities, talked to key people in these organizations and tried to determine what precisely was being done for patient services and what the level of quality and effectiveness this work was. Things appeared to be going well for several weeks. The information seemed fairly straight forward despite the fact that it was obvious there were major differences in what each of these organizations was doing in the name of patient care coordination. By week 6, the systems coordinator was ready to visit the long term care nursing facility and the acute care rehabilitation hospital. The appropriate meetings with key folks in these organizations were scheduled and the site visits began. But it quickly became clear from her perspective that what these two organizations were offering as patient care coordination services were significantly different and not at all what she expected they should be in comparison with what was being done at the five acute care hospitals in the system. Her vice president of systems operations for the healthcare system expected her report on baseline services within four weeks and the fact that she was experiencing such discrepancies in these service agendas was disturbing. But her data collection through interviews, meetings, and related sources had been completed and there was no other options but to report on what she had found. Over the next two weeks she compiled her report on system-wide patient care service coordination. In brief, it suggested that all five acute care hospitals were relatively similar in their activities related to such services. There were noticeable differences in the overall quality of services among the five institutions and that range of performance was a concern but at least, all five places were on the same page. But her interpretation of what was happening in the skilled nursing facilities and in the acute care rehabilitation facility was far different. For both of these organizations, she reported missing services or services that hardly reflected what was so obvious with the acute care hospitals. By the time the report was completed and ready for submission to the vice president, the systems coordinator was sure that the situation she was reporting represented job security for several years into the future. She submitted the report and was told that the VP would set up a meeting to discuss it in the next several days. On Thursday after submitting the report, she and the vice president met. What she anticipated would be a positive reaction from the VP and an indication that she was doing a good job as a new member of the administrative team turned out to be an embracing response suggesting that she had seriously misinterpreted the information collected from the nursing and rehabilitation facilities. The VP asked how she could have so badly gaged this material and misjudged what was happening in terms of patient care services. The meeting was a major blow to her and she was asked to revisit the patient care services for these two facilities and resubmit her report in three weeks. Despite feelings of complete failure, she quickly started reassessing what she had learned from the nursing facility and from the rehab hospital. It’s hard to know exactly why she began to understand her errors in judgment, but she came to realize that the fundamental issue was in how she misunderstood the mission, role, and work of these two organizations. She had applied the same criteria for patient care coordination services to these two places that she had done for the five acute care hospitals. It was true there was some overlap, but in many ways the work of the skilled nursing facility and that of the rehabilitation hospital were quite different from that of the acute care hospitals. The patient and family member expectations were different. How patient care coordination of services was assessed was also much different, and how those performing this work assigned their measures of quality was significantly different. Overall, she had severely misunderstood what it meant to offer patient care coordination across a healthcare system with the diversity of organizations it represented. Her revised report was submitted by the three week deadline and she had a follow-up meeting with the VP. But this error in judgment so early on in her career with this healthcare system proved to be a difficult issue to overcome. Within two years, she decided to seek employment with another healthcare company since her chances for upward advancement with the current health system appeared to be slim. Assignment: Stefl Competency Model Comparison Integrated Capstone Course Module 1: Scope of the Healthcare Administration Field Case 5: Business Skills and Knowledge The director of food and nutrition services for a rural hospital had been in the position for five years and had repeatedly received strong and highly favorable performance reviews. She knew that the senior administration were pleased with her work and that her overall reputation throughout the hospital was quite positive. She was frequently asked to be on major committees and at times to serve on project management teams. From all accounts, she was in a ‘good place’ and there was no signs this would not change going forward. In January her boss announced that she was resigning her position to relocate with her husband to Utah and seek a health administration position with one of the healthcare systems in and around Salt Lake City. The news was not particularly disturbing to the director of food and nutrition. She felt she had a fine relationship with this vice president but she also believed she was well positioned to work for any new appointment to that VP slot. By April, the new vice president was on board and quickly announced that his immediate concern was to develop a new budgetary approach for the six departments that reported to him to strengthen their collective bottom line and to create a more rigorous budgetary process going forward. At the core of this new approach would be zero-based budget process to begin with the new budgetary cycle for the next fiscal year period. Preliminary budget submissions for each of the six departments would be due by May 1 with the expectation that finalized versions of the budget would be on his desk by June 1 ready to be folded into the entire hospital budget for Board approval in June 15 th of that year. It quickly become apparent to the director of food and nutrition that she knew little about zero-based budgeting. She had heard of the term, but never in the five years of her work with the hospital had she ever been asked to do anything like this in terms of budget preparation and submission. Most of her previous experience with her department’s budget would be relatively useless given what the new VP was expecting. It was a major dilemma. Should she try and work her way through the process and hope that she could master enough of the essentials that she could pull it off? Or should she seek professional assistance and get the knowledge and skills needed to produce a zero-based budget that was accurate and would be successful for her department? If she went for the first strategy, she might avoid any embarrassment with the new VP although that was, by no means, a sure thing. If she opted for the second approach, she would acknowledge this blind spot in her financial management competencies but she would produce a quality budget document and know that her department would not suffer. In the end she did a little of both. She sought some measure of assistance from another department head who she believed understood the zero-based budget process, but avoided going to anyone in the finance department or her new boss for help. With determination and a desire to work through the issue, she produced a zero-based budget ready for submission by May 1. It contained the right language for such a budget and its computations for the individual line items were accurate. On the surface it would pass for a legitimate zero-based budget. The crisis was met and passed. By mid August of that new fiscal year, she realized that although she had effectively satisfied her new boss and avoided any potential embarrassment, she would be paying the price of her lack of knowledge and skill around zero based budgeting. The resources her department was so use to having began to drop. More financial reports were now being requested from Finance on a monthly basis to justify spending requests and revenue projections. By October, she realized the cost of trying to fool her fool and perhaps, herself. The department would not be able to operate for the remaining seven months of the fiscal year without major adjustments and allowances that were not planned at the beginning of the fiscal year. That March when the annual performance reviews were being done, the director of food and nutrition services received the lowest performance rating of any of the six departments reporting to her VP. Her development plan for the next year had one critical goal to achieve – to gain command of the new budgetary process and demonstrate that her department would not suffer from this process in the future. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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