Assignment: Strategies & Tactics
Assignment: Strategies & Tactics
Assignment: Strategies & Tactics
Assignment: Strategies & Tactics
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Health Promotion Strategies and Tactics Paper (Signature Assignment):
Students will identify and describe appropriate strategies and tactics to influence behavioral, environmental, and public policy change to address the health needs of a specific target audience in a 5-7 page paper. For example, a tactic used to influence behavior would be an educational intervention to increase condom use within a target audience. A tactic or method to influence environmental change would be to develop an easily accessible system of walking trails within a community in order to improve physical activity levels and combat obesity. A policy to improve injury rates would be primary seatbelt laws. An additional tactic to influence policy would be legislative advocacy focusing on securing funding for cancer research. The examples above address different target audiences (CLO 2, 5, 7; PLO 2, 6).
The signature assignment paper is 100 points,
Word Document (77.1 KB)
· Word Document (79.5 KB)
· Review this document to help generate direction and ideas for the paper
· Review this paper to see what direction should not be taken for the paper
· Word Document (33.8 KB)
o Please note, this is not a perfect paper. There may be some APA errors. The rubric used for this paper is slightly differs from the rubric for this course. Review the current rubric prior to writing the paper.
A brief introduction to understanding health promotion
Health promotion is a fertile ground for new ideas, methods, and research.
Do you want a bite-sized serving to get a better understanding of it?
What is the Ottawa Health Promotion Charter?
The Ottawa Charter is a concise statement of action for health promotion that is extensively used in the field.
The Ottawa Charter was born out of the first International Conference on Health Promotion, which took place in November 1986 in Ottawa, Canada.
The goal of the conference was to take steps toward achieving Health for All by the year 2000 and beyond.
The Charter established a robust framework for health promotion and provided health promoters a name.
Is health promotion effective?
Health promotion is effective, as evidenced by research and case studies from throughout the world.
Health promotion techniques can help people establish and improve their habits, as well as affect the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence their health.
What are the winning strategies?
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotions five strategies are critical for success:
construct sound public policies
build a welcoming environment
bolster community participation
Reorient health care through developing personal skills.
What is the VicHealth strategy?
International health promotion frameworks, particularly those led by the World Health Organization and codified in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986), the Jakarta Declaration (WHO 1997), and the Rio Declaration (WHO 1997), inform VicHealths approach (WHO 2012).
Our strategy is based on the understanding that health is influenced by a plethora of complicated and interconnected elements.
These are some of them:
individual ideas and behaviors
family, community, and workplace cultures, practices, and policies
culture, legislation, the media, and economics are all examples of broader socioeconomic issues.
New breakthroughs in the field of health promotion
The previous several years have been crucial for health promotion, with both state and federal governments focusing on the preventative agenda.
This occurs in response to significant changes in the environment that have resulted in a rise in chronic disease.
These include both demographic changes (population increase and aging) and lifestyle changes.
The rise in chronic disease is having, and will continue to have, an influence on our health-care system, and all levels of government consider prevention as critical.
The most important policies in the field of health promotion all acknowledge that:
Other government policies have an impact on health, such as planning, transportation, and environmental sustainability. If change is to be successful, collaborations will be required at all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, the health sector, business, and the community itself.
Important events and consequences include:
Government in Victorian times
The 10-year mental health plan for Victoria (December 2015)
This strategy lays out a long-term strategy for enhancing mental health and well-being.
It will serve as a roadmap for investment, with the goal of improving mental health outcomes for Victorians.
2015-2019 Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (September 2015)
The Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2015-2019 outlines the governments primary targets for improving the health and wellbeing of all Victorians, particularly the most disadvantaged, during the next four years.
Framework for Victorian Health and Wellbeing Outcomes 2012-2022 (August 2014)
The framework established by the Victorian State Government aims to provide a clear, unified agenda for the future of the whole Victorian health system.
It encompasses all aspects of health care, including primary, secondary, and tertiary care, as well as health promotion.
Three supporting plans are built on top of the framework:
Plan for Rural and Regional Health in the Metropolitan Area
Plan for Health Capital and Resources
Victorian Government Strategic Directions for Aboriginal Health 2012-2022, Koolin Balit (July 2013)
The Victorian Governments plan to address Aboriginal health in the future is outlined in this framework.
Victorian Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (Victorian Public Accounts and Estimates Committee) (June 2009)
The Victorian Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) responded to the Victorian Auditor Generals 2007 examination of health promotion programs in Victoria in June 2009.
Health promotion funding, capacity-building, data, research, performance indicators, assessment, and social marketing are among the areas where PAEC sees room for improvement.
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